Angel War Soul

Chapter 188 Do you have money to buy

"Your name is Ling Lan!" Kurba's face changed, and his surprise turned into a slight anger. He straightened his chest and faced Ling Lan with a lookdown.

His change made Ling Lan understand a little that he naturally would not like Ling Lan when he was with Celine.

"Yes, don't you want to buy good things? I have some here. Do you want to pick one? After saying that, Ling Lan took out a few things and put them on the crystal table in front of him.

Many guests were scared out of the disturbance in Kurba just now, leaving only a few people with real wealth left scattered here.

As soon as Ling Lan's things were taken out, the people in the store gathered around. They all wanted to see what the so-called good things were.

"Oh, good weapon, this whip, so long and light, is indeed a top-quality thing."

"This is a king-level sacred weapon, a charming whip." Ling Lan said to Kurba with a long pink whip, and then he pointed to another red gauze, "This is a red shadow flying rainbow yarn, which is also a king-level sacred weapon. How about it? Do you want to buy it?" Ling Lan looked at the surprised expression on Kurba's face and couldn't help laughing.

"King-level sacred artifact! It's still two pieces, which looks like a set!"

The rich merchants and nobles next to them all sighed and came over vigorously to see clearly.

In this store, except for Ling Lan, everyone else was surprised to be attracted by the two shining sacred artifacts.

One of the worst sacred artifacts can be sold at a sky-high price in the auction house, not to mention the royal-level artifact-level sacred artifacts, which are treasures that only rich people or millennial families can have.

Ling Lan took out two pieces at once, which naturally shocked everyone and couldn't speak.

"These...these two are really treasures, er...hehe..." Kurba laughed twice and did not dare to look directly into Ling Lan's eyes. He turned his head to Celine next to him, as if to say something.

"Do you buy it? Mr. Kurba." Ling Lan took a step closer and asked softly. He smiled and waited for the other party's answer without bowing.

The people next to him were shocked by the treasure. They all showed envy and greed, but no one had the ability to buy it on the spot.

Moreover, Ling Lan showed it to Kurba. Those who couldn't buy it encouraged Kurba.

"This gentleman was so chic when he threw money just now, and now he also throws out a little to send others."

"That's right, if you can't afford it, go out. What did you pretend to be an old man just now? I despise you!"

"Get out!" Where Kurba had been so humiliated, he burst into a thunderous anger and roared at those who gloated.

Several people recognized his identity and whispered to the people next to him. Hearing this, more than half of them left in panic.

Ling Lan didn't expect this Kurba to have a great time, so she quickly asked again.

"Hmm! I have a lot of money! But these two things are demonic, can I have them? Look, my girlfriend is so pure and kind, how can she do such a thing! You are humiliating my taste!" Kurba pointed to the two sacred weapons with disgust and scolded at Ling Lan's nose.

When everyone saw him like this, they showed a contemptuous expression.

Ling Lan didn't say anything. She put away the thing that used to be the fox Kashana and took out an amazing thing from the ring.

"Well, I still have it here. Take a look."

"Wow! What a big animal egg! Look at the exquisite and expressive tiger pattern, the powerful light of the beast spirit! It's not ordinary at first glance!"

"Tut! The boss brother in this Qizhen Pavilion is also a big man. No wonder, no wonder!"

"What kind of egg is this?" Kurba no longer knew what kind of expression to show. He still had some unnecessary words about the two sacred artifacts just now, but now he really fell in love with this animal egg.

"The egg of the white tiger holy beast, the born king, has a grade of more than nine, which is regarded as the legendary holy egg, how about it? Do you like it?"

"White Tiger Holy Beast! No way! It's too exaggerated! Since I can see the eggs of the holy beast in my life, it's worth it even if I die!"

The man next to him, who had been sighing in shock, said with his eyes shining.

Kurba and Celine's eyes flashed with longing eyes. She turned her eyes to Kurba, who clenched her fists and did not speak for a long time on their faces.

"Brother Ling Lan, I heard that the last snow lion holy beast egg was sold at a sky-high price of 1 billion in the auction house, and your white tiger holy beast egg can be sold for at least 800 million!" Dina's expression was both happy and eager to look at the glittering animal egg. Looking at the embarrassed expressions of Kurba and Celine, she felt much more comfortable.

"No, let's go." Celine whispered in his ear that the angle of her standing was just blocked by Kurba, and no one could see her whole face.

Kurba's heart is struggling violently. He hesitates to buy it. The sky-high price of one billion yuan can also be won for him. However, it is the annual income of all his family's industries. Although it is not much, he does not have so much courage to make the decision. More importantly, he doesn't even have 10 million in his ring now.

"That..." Kurba hesitated, staring at the egg of the holy beast that emitted the light of **.

"Master Ling Lan, the store will be closed for a rest in a while." The waitress standing far away came over and said to Ling Lan. She is in a better mood now. Not long ago, she was afraid of Kurba, but now she is not worried at all.

The waitress's words were more like a sharp knife inserted into Kourba's heart. He stared at her angrily and said fiercely, "Keep it first. I'll come to get it. Ling Lan, right? We are all church people, and we will meet often in the future!"

After Kurtba finished speaking, Selene, who pulled the expressionless face, left quickly. A little sweat has oozed from his forehead. If he stays for a while, I'm afraid he will run out excitedly with sweat.

"Hahaha... Look how beautiful their expressions are!" Dina clapped her hands happily, and suddenly, the guests and waiters in the store also showed a happy smile.

"Dina, I gave you this white tiger egg." Ling Lan picked up the egg and gave it to Dina. When everyone saw him like this, they looked at Dina with shock and envy.

Dina didn't expect Ling Lan to be like this. This animal egg is worth more than 800 million yuan. If she sells it, it will be a huge fortune.

"Didn't he just say he wanted to buy it?" Dina remembered what Kurba said before she left and said worriedly.

"Ha ha, I said that someone bought it in advance at a sky-high price, how about it?" Ling Lan smiled happily. Naturally, good things should be given to his relatives around him. Now he has no concept and need for money.

Seeing that he said so, Dina happily took the white tiger beast egg, as if she were holding her own child, and was reluctant to let go.