Angel War Soul

Chapter 193 Three Bishops

The flame emitted by Celine's starlight array was scattered and destroyed by the fire of Linglan's sword, but Celine was not hurt at all. Her body emitted a white jade-like streamer, full of sacred breath all the time.

"Can't I hurt you?" Ling Lan frowned slightly. He sensed the abnormality of the light and couldn't help saying.

"Hmm!" Celine snorted coldly and didn't say a word. Ling Lan was the biggest enemy in her eyes. No matter what, she would definitely use the strongest strength to deal with him.

"Red Starlight!" Celine drew a round red pattern to cover her body, and the thick fire burst out, and a humanoid fire with long wings flew out of it.

Then, she stepped back a few steps and her figure flashed quickly. On the ground of the ring, a five-star star pattern appeared again.

"Sword of Heaven!" Ling Lan can't give her any more chance. The longer she lasts, the more powerful the formation will be. The sword of heaven is so fast that it can fly out a few times in the blink of an eye, forming a net and rushing to Celine, who is drawing a pattern.

Ling Lan condensed three pairs of wings on his back with the wings of heaven. He pestered Celine and didn't let her separate herself to arrange a powerful formation.

"Heaven magic! This boy can still do this high-level magic! Who taught him?"

"It's me, hehe." When Migaya saw someone putting on a strange and questioning look, he couldn't help saying.

Some people curiously turned their eyes to the more mysterious Migaya and speculated in their hearts.

Ling Lan has an artifact in his hand and can do heaven magic. Coupled with his own advantages, it is difficult for Celine to hurt him at all. Fortunately, she is now intact and has not been hurt at all.

"It's time to end!" Ling Lan was furious. Half an hour passed, and he did not hurt Celine at all. Even if he had a steady upper hand, his purpose was to defeat the other party, not to just pester it here.

Four black holes with horrible devouring power hung around Celine, and a huge ten-meter-long sword of heaven grew bigger and bigger, hitting Celine, who was protected by divine light.

Not only that, Ling Lan also integrated with the divine sword and hit Celine from the side at a very fast speed.

The three strongest forces hit her at the same time. Her heart beat faster, her blood surged, and her forehead sweated hard to cope with.

For a moment, the Tianyu staff in her hand hung above her head, forming a solid boundary to protect her.

However, the sword of heaven with a single super destructive power broke the protection of the boundary in less than three seconds.

"The body of the Holy Spirit! Drink!"

A dazzling light burst out of Celine's body. At the moment when the sword of heaven was about to pierce her chest, a body composed of holy light wrapped her body and fiercely resisted the tip of the sword of heaven.

Celine held the sky feather wand high, and layers of red flame curtains pressed against her whole body, beating violently, as if burning her body.

"Even if I die, I will die with you!" Celine's beautiful face became very ferocious and horrible. She looked up to the sky hysterically and roared. The firelight was dazzling and became more and more prosperous, as if it was about to melt the space beside her.

Ling Lan felt the hot fire irritated his eyes, and the unbearable heat was testing the strength of his heart and body.

The audience in the stands all showed shocked expressions and looked forward to and couldn't bear to look at Celine, who was swallowed up by the flames.

"Stop it!"

A holy light came out and hit the fire on the stage fiercely. Kellins flew to the ring angrily, preventing Celine's further action.

The light just collided with the crazy Celine, and even the earth trembled slightly. It was Kellins' personal artifact, a purple flowing scepter. The light of this artifact became weak, and it was obviously damaged.

"Do you want to die? Dare to burn with your soul! You are fighting, not killing demons!" Kelings had never been so angry. She couldn't wait to slap Celine, but because of her identity and everyone's attention, she still put up with it.

"Kellys is so impulsive! No wonder you can teach such a disciple!"

"Your Excellency, how will this test be judged?" The referee went to the Pope's side with difficulty and asked him for instructions.

"Kelins forcibly interfered. Celine is her person. Of course, young man Ling Lan won." The Pope said softly, which was extremely different from Kellins' excitement.

"In this game, Kelings took the lead in the violation! Therefore, I declare that Ling Lansheng!"

No one expected the result to be like this, but Celine's desperate trick is also very shocking. Soul burning is the way to die together. Only when the church faces the demon clan will use this burning life trick when it can't be beaten!

The audience was shocked to be unable to speak, but gently applauded the winning Ling Lan.

Ling Lan on the stage also walked down a little disappointedly. This game was completely different from what he imagined.

Two days later, the results of the competition were announced for the first time in front of the entrance of the martial arts arena. The last battle will be the competition between Melland and Ling Lan. Celine ranked third, and the remaining seven will no longer have any qualification for the resurrection match.

After Celine's incident, Kellins only became angry for a moment and calmed down. She spent a lot of effort to train Celine and Hailin for the bishop's campaign, and now she has been rewarded. Because the meeting of that day caused an uproar between bishops other than the Pope and the Archbishop.

The Pope decided to elect three bishops, which is naturally the top three in the test.

That's the idea that Kellins angrily and desperately stopped Celine. Although Celine lost, she would immediately be a bishop from her.

Except for eleven, other people don't know this news at all. Even Migaya doesn't know it.

Five days later, Melante and Ling Lan stood on the final ring. It was the third time for them to stand face to face like this. The first time, Ling Lan lost and realized a new realm. The second time ended without finishing, and I don't know what the third time will be.

Merant did not use the broken moon and star sword. His sword skills are no longer a secret. His spirit of God is at the same level as Ling Lan's flaming sword. Only in this way can they fight painfully and decide the final victory or defeat.

"These two are disciples of Bishop Phil, alas! Why don't you give me one of these geniuses?" Jimmy said enviously to Bishop Phil next to him, and at the same time, other bishops also cast jealous and envious eyes on her.

"Ha ha, this is all the credit of Lord Magaya. If you want to envy it, ask the Lord for advice." Elliefair is one of the two women of the seven archbishops, and she is a rare beautiful woman like Kellins. If it hadn't been for the rules of the church, the remaining five bishops would have attacked her and Kellins one after another.

"Bishop Phil is really modest, alas!"

The silent Kellins turned his head and looked at Phil, who was smiling happily, and showed a responsible look. If she hadn't driven Ling Lan away, the light from Phil would have come to her now. It's a pity...

When the battle between Ling Lan and Melante was coming to an end, the ground on the ring was smashed into dozens of striking cracks. Both of them were suspended, and there was not even a flat footing on the ground.

"Ling Lan, the second move is to destroy the world!" Melant's first move with the Spirit of God was taken over by Ling Lan. Ling Lan has also seen these two moves. When Melant fought against Hailin, he used all his sword skills, and he defeated Hailin, who was actually very strong, with the third style.

Ling Lan blocked Melant's earth-shaking style with the ninth-order space magic time-time transformation. Finally, he used all his magic and strength to narrowly defeat Melant, who was first-class swordsmanship.

"Is it over?"

The audience on the court muttered with shocking faces that the strength of Ling Lan and Melant has completely reached the level of bishops, and even the two of them have made five bishops other than Phil and Kellins feel threatened. All five of them have a question whether they will be easily defeated by them if they stand on the stage.

"Hahaha... It's over! The future stars of our religion are very strong..."

"Congratulations to the Pope! Congratulations to the Pope! Ling Lan and Melant are definitely the pillars of the future of our church! Ha ha..."

The bishops gathered around the Pope and congratulated them. Their faces smiled very brightly, but they didn't know what they were thinking.

Ling Lan and Melante, who were seriously injured, were carried down to receive the most perfect medical treatment, and the Pope then took the bishops to hold a new meeting.

To become a bishop requires not only strong personal strength, but also great efforts and contributions to the people and the religion. If you only rely on the position of bishop to provide for your own selfishness, then this kind of person is unstable, and he will never be able to turn over.

In the strict and solemn conference hall, in the center of the round conference table, there is a magical huge crystal ball. From the ball, you can see a large number of believers kneeling to the ground, praying devoutly for their cause, destiny and health.

"Everyone understands the content of the last meeting. Ling Lan, Melante and Celine are the new bishops. Let's take a look at the beliefs of the three of them.

The Pope stood up, stretched out his hands, and the power of light rushed to the crystal ball. Under the cover of a white fog, the picture inside the ball changed.

When the fog dissipated, people saw a large number of believers surrounding the streets and shouting Ling Lan's name. Ling Lan was surrounded by people and was very embarrassed and at a loss.

"Oh, why is Ling Lan so charming that people can worship him so much!"