Angel War Soul

Chapter 200 Diamond Blade

Far away from the church in Wangcheng, a petite and exquisite woman dressed in holy white and walked forward slowly.

In the hall, the majestic Bishop Kellins looked at her and stood silently without expression.

"Lord Kellins!"

The woman who spoke was charming, but there was a faint indifference on her face. She was not like this before, and her lovely smile has been gone for a long time.

"Haileen, Celine is only one year older than you and can be a mountain bishop. You are not inferior to her, but you are eliminated so quickly. You disappoint me very much."

"Your Excellency, Hailin knows that she is not as good as Sister Celine. I must redouble my efforts to catch up with Sister Celine."

"As long as you know, from tomorrow, you will go to Suga City to assist Celine and study hard from him. Even if you can't be a bishop, you have to work towards the goal of the deputy bishop. Do you understand?" Kellins said earnestly that she only had two disciples, Celine and Hailin. As their elders, she naturally hoped that they would all have the best future.

"Thank you, Lord Kellins, Hailin will definitely live up to your expectations!"

"Okay, go and get ready."

In Anqi City, Ling Lan and York set out quietly with six people. As a bishop, Ling Lan's strength has surpassed the realm of the ninth-level Dharma God and is hovering on the edge of the mysterious divine realm and may break through at any time. The ninth level is just a turning point in human history. The real god is a human being who lives in another world and is separated from the Tianchuang continent.

The divine realm is divided into three levels, heaven, earth and mystery.

To reach the mysterious realm, it requires not only talent and diligence, but also the ability to understand. Some people can instantly feel the power of heaven and earth, transcend the secular world, step into the mysterious realm, and have a lifespan of at least 600 years. Some people have exhausted 300 years of life and can't feel it. They live and die in anxiety.

This visit to the territory of the Dom is also the first time that Ling Lan has gone out to practice since he became a bishop.

Ling Lan's strength is naturally not to be underestimated. York, as a leader of the mercenary regiment with more than 50,000 people, has long reached the realm of the wind god. The remaining six people are all masters of ninth-level strength. This time, when they went on an adventure, their companions were also elite.

On the vast road outside Anqi City, a few dark shadows flashed by. The whole world is full of yellow sand, and those shadows are like ghosts, which are difficult to notice.

"Ling Lan, listening to you say that, the Dom people should be very fragile, not even an eighth-order strongman. If so, even if they had millions of people, they would have been destroyed by the Hill Empire." York's voice came from a whirlwind and said to Ling Lan.

"I also think they will never be as simple as they seem on the surface. Anyway, they are also a big race. How can they not have powerful roles? They just haven't appeared yet. We can't take it lightly."

"It's almost on the mountain. Slow down, everyone." York's body appeared from the wind, and his speed was undoubtedly the fastest among the eight people.

As soon as they stopped, they could see the high forts thousands of meters away. Five or six forts were hidden next to the trees, and the sentries on them were observing the situation around them.

Ling Lan can see each other, but the other party can never see them. They quietly moved forward and entered the sight of the Dom.

The sinister environment slowed their pace a lot. There were thorns in front of them, poisonous snakes, spiders and beasts hidden in the dark corner, ready to rush out and attack them all the time.

Eight people gathered together, which seemed a little crowded. Ling Lan and York walked first, and the rest of them scattered around to avoid unnecessary trouble and difficulty in getting out of time.


"What's the sound?" Ling Lan turned his head and looked. He heard a strange sound, but he didn't know what it was.

At this moment, a rattan hidden on the ground moved like a snake and suddenly rose up and rushed to one of them.


A cold light flashed, and the rattan was splashed out yellow-green juice by all two sections.

"It's so close that this plant is so aggressive that it almost touched it."

"Be careful of poison and go quickly." York turned around and said to them.

At this time, on the forts looking at the distance, several sentries were shouting nervously, pointing to Ling Lan and shouting loudly.

They were found just when they were attacked by strange plants. Although the movement was very small, they still did not escape the observation of the Dom sentry.

"We were found, go to the left!" Ling Lan said to everyone and left here first.

The fishy smell of plant juice drifted with the wind, and soon some strange beasts came to taste. The complex terrain limited everyone's movement. There were beasts in the mountains behind them, and more than 100 Dom soldiers were armored outside the forest in front of them.

"Who has eclipse, let's stun them first!"

"Ling Lan, don't worry, we have everything, and there are many of them." York said with a smile, not nervous about the current situation at all.

The more than 100 Dom fighters are like a group of children in their eyes, and they don't have to worry at all.

Four ninth-level strong men took out the elixir stored in the space ring and rushed into the enemies outside, and the other two were responsible for killing the beasts behind them.


"Wo! Wheops! ..."

Hundreds of crossbows quickly shuttled around each tree, forming a net of arrows and rushing towards the four people rushing.

At this time, the hot flame, the jet of water, and the strong wind appeared at the same time, tearing up the unbearable arrow with incredible great power.

This terrible scene made the soldiers of the Dom clan stunned and forgot to continue to attack. At the moment when they were stunned, four different magic gods threw out ecliptic bottles and sprinkled them on them.

A gust of wind roared by and blew the ecstasy to their bodies in an instant, so that none of them could escape from here.

In less than three minutes, the battle was over.

The Dom warriors who sucked the eclipse held on, but fell unconsciously after a few seconds.

Ling Lan skimmed through their distributed forts and searched for the location of their base camp.

Just two kilometers away from the fort, dense stone houses are close together and built in a huge open space. There are so many stone houses that they can't be seen at all. The surrounding trees surround the stone houses, making the buildings here look a little hidden.

No other Doms have come here for the time being, but they have been extremely alert. At the end of Ling Lan's sight, dozens of Dom people were neatly arranged in several teams under the order of the leader.

"They are coming again."

What are you afraid of? You have seen their strength just now. There is no opponent worth taking action at all. York said next to Ling Lan.

"Well, I'm afraid that they will be alert in the future, so that they can't appear here often."

When the two of them were talking, an eight-foot-long giant came over with a shining transparent blade and more Dom soldiers.

More than 100 people just now did not move. Naturally, they were more worried and sent more powerful characters to investigate.

"The knife in that guy's hand is not made of diamonds, is it?" York moved his eyes to the giant's hand in surprise, narrowed his eyes and looked carefully.

"It's a diamond, my God! If such a big diamond knife is sold, it will cost at least 20 million gold coins!" Robert, a fat wind god behind him, showed excited eyes and stared straight at the glittering diamond knife.

"So, the legend of treasures in this mountain is true." Ling Lan also browsed the Qizhen Pavilion of Elishiu. The largest diamond he has seen in it is also a delicate diamond shield the size of only four palms, and the diamond knife in the hands of the giant in the distance is more than two meters long and more than a foot wide. This rare diamond is indeed extraordinary.

"It's not for nothing this time, haha..." Robert laughed happily, as if the knife was already in his hand, very excited.

"Come here." Ling Lan opened his eyes and waited for more than 300 Dom soldiers to rush into the dense forest, blocked by trees, and they had to divide into several strands and gather together.

As soon as the eight ninth-order powerful people hidden on the treetops took action, they were surprised and regretted coming here with fear.

Only the two-meter-high giant holding a diamond knife was still entangled with a fire magic god. His knife skills were fierce and powerful. More than a dozen trees surrounded by two people were cut off by their lazy waists and fell to the side.

The Dom warriors who were in the fog still couldn't resist, and their bodies softened and fell in front of the giant one by one.

Although he also smelled the abnormal smell, he was still standing intact, but his brain was a little dizzy.

"You despicable bastards! Get out of here!" The naked giant looked around angrily and roared loudly.

He saw the fire god just now, and no one else saw it. What's more exaggerated is that all the people around him fell down. This is the first time he has encountered such a horrible and strange situation. How can he not make him feel frightened and angry?

"Don't shout. No one will come to save you. Surrender obediently." York emerged from the forest and stood disdainfully opposite him and said.

"When did you humans become so powerful? Ah..."

"Haha, because you are a frog at the bottom of the well, you can only sit in the well and watch the sky. If you answer a few questions, I'll let you go, or..." York raised the corners of his mouth coldly, wiped his neck, and threatened him.

"I'm dead, and I won't let you bastards catch it!" The giant roared, waved the shining diamond knife in his hand and cut it at York, but he couldn't succeed at all. York's body was a gust of wind and disappeared in the blink of an eye.