Angel War Soul

Chapter 207 Golden Armor Leader

"Do you think we are blind? We won't recognize you, and we won't forget you!" Is roared and stared at Ling Lan with blood red eyes.

"Yes! You are Kurba. We were seriously injured that day. I didn't expect to meet you again!" Dante roared in a complicated mood. Together with Iss, he attacked Anqi City with the army. According to the information they found, Kurba was in the city of Sga and was very close to the bishop Celine there.

As for Ling Lan, they thought it would be easier to deal with than Kurba. In addition, they are facing their tribes. As long as they rush down the mountain, it is where Anqi City is located.

But what they didn't expect was that they would kill this army in red no less than theirs halfway, and there was Ling Lan!

"He's not Kurba. You have recognized the wrong person, but it doesn't matter. Anyway, you are dead today." The Jinjia people next to him had a good attitude and waited for them to finish speaking.

They are fighting fiercely while they are chatting. This kind of thing seems very funny.

What's the name of Dante and Isling Lan? As long as they kill him, everything will be solved. However, it was because of Ling Lan's horror that they hesitated and did not take action in horror.

What should we do next? Look at the three of them. Let me look at you. No one took action first. They couldn't help but squeeze together and turned around and fled to the mountain.

"I want to go! It's not that easy!" The leader of Jinjia wanted to chase him with a cold face and was suddenly stopped by Ling Lan. "Poor Komo chased. They are scared away and dare not come back next time. If you kill them, more people will come."

Jinjia man stared at Ling Lan in surprise and raised the corners of his mouth disdainfully, "So what? I've been waiting for so many years to come back to kill them all, huh! How many of my compatriots did they kill and robbed us of our food? Today, I came back to avenge!"

The golden armor man's words shocked Ling Lan. He was touched by the other party's eyes and understood the resentment in his heart for a long time.

While they were talking, Is and Dante had already run far away, and even the Dom soldiers below retreated to the mountain.

"Ah! I'm going to kill all of you bitches!" The golden armor people stared at dozens of retreating Dom people. The golden light flashed and dived in front of them in an instant. The broad black and silver swords were cut off repeatedly, and the dozens of people were cut off by lazy waists without leaving a whole body.

Ling Lan originally wanted to ask him what his origin was, but the other party was blind and did not give him a chance at all.

"Bishop Ling Lan!"

Underneath, Kalit and Luzka looked at the sky and shouted to Ling Lan. They shot hundreds of raptors out of the city, and the war ended with the defeat of the Dom people.

"Two adults, take everyone back." Ling Lan fell to the ground and said to them.

"Bishop Ling Lan, if we had come out earlier, those Dom savages would not have died faster!" Calit's voice was so loud that he roared and spoke like thunder, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"Cadman Carit, if these people in red hadn't come out, would you have dared to run out of the city gate with the People's Congress?"

Ling Lan's question made Calit suddenly silent, as if he had been stuffed with two eggs and couldn't speak. The rest of the soldiers saw it, some were laughing, some were thinking, and they looked at Ling Lan leaving alone with different looks.

Soon, the news of the victory of the war spread to every corner of Anqi City. After hearing the exciting news of trust, the frightened people ran out of their homes, ran to the streets to tell each other and cheer. Especially when they heard that no one died and let the Dom retreat, they were so excited that they could only laugh all the time.

"Lord Ling Lan, what just happened outside the city has spread all over. The red army is really powerful and beat the tough Dom soldiers to pieces and be embarrassed."

"Lia, your message is so fast, it's true." As soon as Ling Lan came back and sat down in the chair, she saw Leah enter the door, holding a thick pile of documents in her hand as usual.

"According to the news from Lincheng, the leader of the army in red was originally the indigenous people of Suga City. When he returned from his education six months ago, he immediately organized a coalition to assassinate the Dom people. The detailed information is on the document. Please have a look."

Ling Lan was thinking about this when he heard Leah's dictation. He smiled and took the document happily.

"Thank you, Leah. With you, I find that I, the bishop, am very relaxed."

"Lord Ling Lan, I have never thought of being able to do things under such a young bishop as you. Since you are so polite, it's better to give some advice on my cultivation so that I can keep up with the pace of adults." Lia smiled and showed the fox's tail. She made a request when Ling Lan was happy and was not afraid that he would refuse.

"Of course this is good. I'll help you when I'm done. By the way, I have something for you as a reward for these days." Ling Lan conmade a pile of diamond mines in his hand, which was given to him by York. There was also so much ore in a small room in his ring, which was only a very small part.

"What is this?" Leah looked at the shining mine with black stones and asked puzzledly.

"Diamond mine, these ores can extract real diamonds worth 5 million gold coins. You can make them as you like, and then sell the rest. These are all shiny gold coins. How about it? It will take a while."

"Really? Diamonds! Great, hehe, Lord Ling Lan is really rich. I will come to get married often in the future! Then I'll step back first, hehe."

Lia's laughter still echoed after she left, and Ling Lan also smiled happily, and then opened the document in her hand.

The information of the Jinjia man is all on it. His name is Zman, 40 years old, and he is an indigenous man in the city of Sga. Twenty years ago, all his relatives died directly and indirectly under the Dom clan, so he decided to leave Suga City to visit famous teachers elsewhere and learn profound skills.

In the end, with tenacious perseverance, he knelt under the mountain of a genius god of war for ten nights, walked three days and nights with an iron ball tied to his feet, and then felt the other party.

He became the Emperor of War within 15 years with a tenacious belief and returned to the city of Suga two years ago. Before Celine came, he was working in the dark to prevent the alliance against the Dom. When Celine came, his organization grew exponentially, and there was something earth-shaking today.