Angel War Soul

Chapter 212 The icing on the cake

"Whungible or not will determine your future fate." Ling Lan looked at Celine coldly, and his body slowly faded, and finally integrated into the transparent air.

The Dom army collided fiercely at the door of the church. Those tired and small number of believers were not their opponents, and finally had no choice but to retreat into the church.

The tough foreigners who broke through the gate rushed in, like a flood that broke the dike, and the momentum flowed into the church.

The whole city of Sga began to panic. From the sky, the red army and the black army were distributed in every corner, and there were soldiers fighting on both sides. Most of the Dom troops are concentrated on the way to the church, and some temporary resistance troops spontaneously organized by the people sneaked on Dom fighters from behind.

"This street is full of Kurban's shops. They are all snatched and smashed, and there is no one left!"

"Brothers, those are all golden money! Go and grab it!"

Three teams of Dom came to a spacious street, and the doors of the store on both sides were still open. Some goods outside the store were overturned and destroyed by the rushed Dom soldiers, and a naked robbery officially began here.

"Is, if we don't come here to rob if we don't go to church, will we be scolded?"

"Dant! If you are afraid, go back! Kurba has killed us twice, and today I will destroy his property!"

On another street, a group of powerful ordinary people were rushing to the church. Suddenly, a man came out of the intersection and knelt in front of the leader in white in panic.

"Lord Kurba, the group of bastards of the Dom are robbing our store. Please send people back and give them some color!"

"What are you talking about? They are still interested in it! Damn it! The three of you go back to support, and the rest will go with me to save Celine!"

Yes! My lord!" The three people he pointed to said in unison. They saluted respectfully, and their figures flashed and disappeared strangely. Their speed is several times faster than the flying eagle.

On this day, Suga City, Dom City and Anqi City were all under a comprehensive attack by the Dom people in the mountains. At present, the battle situation in Anqi City is the most tragic. Those troops who rushed down from the mountain are fearless and have been trying to capture the gate of Anqi City. However, 400,000 of them have died, and no soldier has set foot on the tower of Anqi City.

Compared with before, the defense strength of Anqi City has increased many times. Nowadays, those crazy and barbaric Doms can't shake it at all.

"Magic flame cannon ready! Let it go!"

Under the order of Carit, a red light bomb as dazzling as a small sun rose to the sky and flew to the opposite mountain. The dazzling light bomb illuminated the whole town, and the strong high temperature caused subtle changes in the space. Those soldiers responsible for manipulating the magic flame cannon are all eighth-order war emperors. They all wear special high-temperature-resistant armor to resist the scorching temperature when the magic flame cannons are fired.

The mountain opposite Anqi City has been blown up with three huge holes. This shell bombarded the right side of the three turrets again, leaving a fourth 100-meter-deep terrorist crater.

I saw countless black troops like ants rolling down the mountain. As soon as they saw the destructive red shell, they were all scared into incontinence, and their blurred brains were temporarily blank.

The whole mountain at an altitude was shaken and shaken. Countless plants and animals in the mountains were destroyed in an instant, leaving only thick smoke to go straight to the sky. Thick smoke enveloped a large mountain forest, and everything there will never be presented to people again.

"What's going on! What's going on! What's going on outside!"

In the tribes far away in the hinterland of the mountains, some strong wooden houses still can't resist the vibration of the mountains, and they are all scattered. Those who were practicing martial arts, hunter, iron striker, and those who were moving in the house were all scared by the shocking earthquake.

"Haha...happy! It's good! It's so fucking happy!"

Carit, who had a burnt beard, looked up and laughed. He watched the Dom army finally retreat in fear and stood on the tower with extremely excited laughter.

"The enemy has retreated. Send someone to support Dom City quickly!"

"Lord York, can't you take a break?" A dusty fat man protested bitterly, staring straight at the middle-aged man beside him with his resentful eyes.

"Robert! Get out of here!"

More than 1,000 mercenaries in York also participated in the moat just now. As soon as the Dom withdrew, he personally took the team to Dom City next to it. There, the war was also coming to an end. The number of red and black armies decreased sharply, the surrounding houses were dilapidated, and the bodies in the streets and alleys were piled up into mountains. Scarlet blood gathered into a pool of blood, and the collision of powerless weapons still continued in every corner.

Three hours later, after killing many people in Dom City, Ling Lan suddenly felt tired and joined York and others. He was too tired today. In the three cities, he ran back and forth more than a dozen times. Other people kill people at first sight, but he needs to chase the enemy and run all over the street.

In the woods outside Dom City, countless black bloody teams of less than 100 people gathered there awkwardly. They entered the tunnel when they arrived and hurriedly fled for their lives. When they first came out, they all wanted to destroy everything they saw, but after a day of hard work, they knew how stupid their ideas were. They knew they were wrong, and it was a big mistake. The horror of the army in red and the tenacity of the white believers have been deeply imprinted in their hearts. They had no strength to fight anymore, so they had to shrink back into the dark tunnel like frightened birds and beasts.

In this belated war, people still won, but their losses were also heavy, driving the savage and crazy Dom people back from their homes again with a degree of 4 to 10 sacrifice.

Among them, the church in the city of Izga suffered the worst damage, followed by the gate connecting Dom City and the city of Sga, where the original gate has been destroyed. Finally, Anqi City, guarded by magic flame cannons, destroyed a large army of 100,000 people with a loss of 10,000 people, of which 60,000 to 70,000 were directly killed by four magic flame shells.

The sun is like blood, and even the moon can't help coming out to see the tragedy of the world on a dark night. Fortunately, almost all the dead were official armies, and those ordinary gates were well protected before the war began.

A week later, the three cities gradually recovered, and many people have taken to the streets again, living an ordinary life as usual. The destroyed houses were almost repaired, and the bodies of the relatives were also buried in the only Sri Deep Mountain in the three cities.

The biggest change after the war is that some of the indigenous people of Sga City have flowed to Dom City and Anqi City and no longer choose to continue to live there. Even some devout believers and believers retreated from the church and ran to the Church of Anqi City, which is separated by a city.

This is something Celine doesn't want to see, but that's true. Since she injured her arm, she has been very unstable. There is a reason for the loss of her men.

In Dom City, Zman's Red Resistance Alliance officially upgraded from underground to the ground. Like York, he chose to make his organization appear in the form of a mercenary regiment. In the war against the Dom, the credit of his resistance was undoubtedly the most commendable.

In the evening, Zman rarely returned to his residence early. As soon as he entered the room, he found a shining and impressive box on the table under the magic lamp.

"Diamond box!"

Zman threw down his undress, took a step, and eagerly picked up the diamond box. He went to the wardrobe next to him and took out another one. When the two were compared, they were exactly the same.

"Is there any news again?" Zman used all his strength to break the diamond box, which still contained a thin piece of paper made of gold.

"See you at Anqi City Church at noon tomorrow, Ling Lan." Zman read the engraved handwriting in his heart, and at this moment, a series of pictures suddenly appeared in his mind.

He can know the time and place of the Dom's attack, and he has been prepared for a long time. Except for Ling Lan, he rarely thinks of others.

"It's really him, hum! I have so many men who have died, it's time to ask him for some benefits!"

Some people are happy, some people are sad, and the church in Ska City is no longer glorious. But the churches in Anqi City are different. An endless stream of believers from the other two cities have tried their best to squeeze into the door of the church.

Lia is happy all day long, like eating honey, and her heart is very sweet. She didn't expect that after the war, people would want to join the church, and their loyalty was very strong.

In the church's council chamber, Ling Lan had a half-day meeting with Lia and several dignitaries. At noon, the discussion was completed and the meeting was concluded.

"Lia, it won't be long before Dom City will build a new church, and you will probably be the bishop there at that time." The crowd dispersed, leaving Ling Lan and Leah sitting together.

"Lord Ling Lan, you're kidding. Leah's status has risen proudly since she met you. Now I'm very satisfied with everything. You don't have to joke, my lord. Leah has a confident and seductive temperament. Although she is not a beautiful woman who attracts attention at first sight, her whole body is capable and intelligent. In addition, her charming and durable appearance is more dazzling than those beautiful women who only have a face.

"Ha ha, I'm telling the truth, but I also hope you can continue to help me. Well, I still have something to do. See you later."