Angel War Soul

Chapter 214 Family and Friends Gather

"say! What's your relationship with Celine?

"Bang! Bang! Pa!"

A dazzling and ferocious whip marks appeared on **'s body, and a man in red was beating the prisoner in front of him vigorously and roared angrily.

In the dark basement, a strong-looking hairy man was lying in a pool of blood, and only the thin prisoner was still holding on.

"Ke me to death...haha..."

"Let you not say it! Don't let you say it! Damn it! I will kill you! Dare to collude with foreigners!"

The thin prisoner was beaten and bruised all over, and his flesh and blood could not be seen clearly. At that time, he still insisted on not telling the news that the other party wanted to know.

At this time, a man hurriedly ran in from outside the door. He grabbed the man in red and said very nervously, "Lord Zman, if you continue to fight, he will die, so that our hard work will be in vain! My lord!"

"Do you have any other way?" The man in red decisively dropped the long blood-red whip and turned around and asked his subordinates.

"My subordinates bring a person to adults, and she may be able to help adults solve this problem."

"Who is it? Bring it in quickly!" Zman roared at him angrily and sat down boldly in the chair next to him.

The man brought in a graceful woman in red from outside. Before she arrived, he smelled a strong fragrance of some kind of impulse. Zman looked at the door curiously and saw the woman who came in naturally twisting her soft waist, giving people the feeling that there was no pretentiousness. Her movements are so natural, as if she were a natural dancer, specializing in the world to tease men's primitive desires.

"What can she do?" Zman almost lost his mind, stared at her unplealy, and then turned his head. He thought to himself, does this enchanting woman have to use beauty tricks against the half-dead Segs?

"Your Excellency, you don't know that this woman is proficient in a charm. As long as men stare at her eyes, they will lose their minds. At that time, what she asks, the controlled person will say."

"Is it so amazing?"

"Your Excellency, if you don't believe it, let the little girl try it. What's the matter?" The woman opened her mouth first. Her voice was charming, which made people feel very comfortable unconsciously.

Zman himself tried his best, and there was no problem for the woman to try it.

When the woman saw Zman agree, she slowly stepped forward and held the dying Segs' chin with her white and smooth little hand. A pair of charming and smart eyes flashed and stared straight at Segus' eyes.

Originally, Segus, who was distracted and had blurred eyes, suddenly reacted. He was tortured by Zman for more than a week, and no matter how strong his body was, he was not even as good as an ordinary person. Moreover, when Ling Lan handed him over to Zman, he fed him dozens of poisons that made him semi-disable.

He moved, first his legs shook unconsciously, and then his whole body began to tremble slightly. His eyes gradually became refreshed, staring at the enchanting woman in red.

"Brother, what's your name?" The woman's voice echoed like a enchanted spell in Segus' ears, constantly hitting the defense that was about to collapse in his heart.

In just a few seconds, Segs suddenly lost, his spirit was distracted, and his brain entered a state without self-control.


"Do you know Celine?"

"I know."

"Why are you with the Dom people?"

"Lord Celine's instructions..."

Saggs shook more and more information. Zman heard it, and his mood fluctuated very strongly. What he hated most in his life was the Dom people, but Celine, who ostensibly saved the city people, colluded with foreigners behind his back, which in turn instigated foreigners to dig tunnels and attack the three cities.

This extremely shocking news was unacceptable to Zman. At this time, he couldn't wait to kill the church in Suga City and pull out Celine out and destroy it fiercely.

Zman's men stopped him in time and asked him not to be impulsive,

"You haven't asked him why he colluded with foreigners?" Zman's men said to the woman in red with a clear mind.

After asking so many questions, Segus didn't say anything. The woman in red glanced at him and said delicately, "He doesn't know. You didn't hear it just now. As long as you find the messenger behind the scenes, don't you understand?"

"Oh, you leave with me first."

"Saline...Saline! I will definitely kill you! Humph!"

After the two left, Zman also walked out of the cell angrily. He had to go back to think about how to deal with this thing that shocked him. The seemingly ordinary foreign attack, I didn't expect that there was such an amazing inside story hidden!

According to more than half a month after the last war, the Dom people were silent again in the mountains without any movement. Facing the mountains of Anqi City, four eye-catching turrets were still present there, symbolizing the humiliation of the defeat of the Dom people.

At that time, Anqi City used only four magic flame shells to kill the army of more than 100,000 Dom people. If 30 shells were used, the whole mountain would probably be razed to the ground.

After this war, the flow of people in Anqi City has become several times more crowded than when it was most prosperous, especially the believers who go to the church every day to pray, which is more than twice as much as in normal times.

In order to let the work of the church develop in an orderly manner, Ling Lan specially applied to the Holy Island, hoping to build another church in Dom City, so that the believers of Dom City would not cross a city and come to Anqi City every day to pray.

This time, Ling Lan has also added many new positions for believers who have made significant contributions to the church. In order to facilitate management, the more positions, Ling Lan will be more worry-free.

The believers of the church have grown from 10,000 to 30,000, and almost half of the city residents have joined the church, which is a unique thing in the whole Hill Empire. Therefore, it is necessary to apply for a new church branch.

While Ling Lan was so busy, Dina and Barr also came here from the royal city, as well as Lance, Elta, and Leia, who had hardly been seen for a long time.

Ling Lan's relatives and friends, except for Eric, have gathered in Anqi City. He has been a bishop for nearly two years, and they have made an appointment to celebrate for him.

After the restructuring, there is one bishop, two deputy bishops, 300 red-clothed Christians, and the rest are ordinary white-clothed believers. Leah is busy every day. On her recommendation, one of her good sisters was also promoted to the position of vice-bishop.

Two days later, some very special guests came to the church, and Ling Lan deliberately put down his affairs and came to the welcome hall. By noon, the warm sunlight shone on the earth, emitting a strong vitality.

"Your Excellency, all the guests have arrived, and only Lord York has not arrived yet. Do you want to urge him?"

A woman in red came towards her and said respectfully to Ling Lan.

"No, you go ahead." Ling Lan smiled and walked into the hall happily.

There, Dina, Barr, Leia, Lance and Elta gathered together and had a particularly pleasant chat. When Ling Lan came in, they all stood up excitedly, especially Dina, who quickly left their seats and jumped into Ling Lan's arms.

"Brother Ling Lan!"

"Ha ha, Dina, you are also 16 years old, like a little girl. Be careful that Barr will be jealous." Ling Lan touched her head and showed an expression of concern.

"Doesn't my brother like me anymore, hum? If Barr dares to be jealous, I won't play with him in the future. After saying that, Dina deliberately turned her head and stared at Barr. In her heart, it seemed that it was because of Barr that let Ling Lan say so.

Everyone looked at the innocent Barr with a smile and looked back and forth between Dina and him.

"Haha, brother is joking, Dina is the best!"

"That's right!"

Dina returned to her seat. Ling Lan looked at several people present and said, "Lea, Lance, Elta, thank you for coming to see me. I haven't seen you for two years. I miss you very much.

"We are too." Leya said with a little shyness.

Over there, Lance looked at Ling Lan with a bad smile, "This bishop is in charge of more than tens of thousands of people. Needless to say, there must be many beautiful women in it. Ling Lan, are you stealing every day, huh? Hahaha..."

"Ah..." As soon as Lance finished speaking, he suddenly shouted again. He grinned and looked at Elta beside him begging for mercy, showing a pitiful look.

Ling Lan thought for a moment and smiled stupidly twice. Before he could speak, a voice came from outside, "Who wants Ling Lan to steal every day? Don't you know that bishops can't marry? Haha."

The crowd smiled happily again, but within two seconds, they were stunned, and they remembered the special ** sentence. Can't marry someone?

Yokra came out of a chair and still sat down with a smile. Seeing that everyone was silent, he looked at them strangely.

"Can't marry someone? Can't marry someone?" Lance leaned forward, stared at York in a panic, and then at Ling Lan and the female red-dressed believers who had just come in.

"Alas, you can't marry such a beautiful woman by your side, hahahaha... Ling Lan, you don't know, do you?"

"This... seems to be the case." Ling Lan dodged the eyes of everyone awkwardly, and then he suddenly remembered that as a bishop, the first commandment that must not be violated was that he could not marry!

"You really don't know?" Lance once again lay down on the table in surprise and asked.

"Cough..." Ling Lan lowered her head and coughed twice, turned her head and said to the red-clothes around her, "Go get some good tea."

"Yes, Your Excellency."

At this time, except Lance, the other people's faces changed their expressions, and they didn't say anything more, thinking about the consequences they would face if they couldn't marry someone.