Angel War Soul

Chapter 216 Disputes

"Kill them all. I don't want to see them again!"

"This...then kill Zman's bastard first, old bastard, dare to bully me, you asked for it!" Kurba said hatefully that this time, even if Celine didn't say it, he himself wanted Zman to teach him a lesson and took the initiative to provoke trouble to frame Celine, which was absolutely intolerable.

Sga City faintly shows signs that it is about to *. Anqi City has reinforced a large number of city guards to them for fear that the city people will rebel. However, there are also many aborigines in the city guard. Every day, in the camp, countless big and small things will arise, which makes the stewling generals headaches. .

This matter was quickly reported to the king and the archbishop. If this matter is not resolved in a day, the church in Suga City will be in danger of disintegration at any time.

From 10,000 in her heyday to less than a thousand now, Celine's position as bishop has now become shaky, leaving her uncomfortable all day long.

"Lord Zman, how do you think we should deal with this matter?"

"I'll go to see her the day after tomorrow, hum! I don't believe she dares to quibble! The group of people in the city guard still seem to protect him. I don't believe it. They collude with foreigners. No matter who they are, they must die!"

At the headquarters of the Resistance Alliance, the members of the organization there are ready to move all day long and want to run to the church with indignation. However, the alert city guard had already found a clue and arranged heavy troops outside their organization to prevent them from instigating the people to carry out* in the first place.

Ling Lan was happy to see things in Suga City, and he was not in a hurry, waiting for things to develop slowly. In the past few days, he finally dealt with the affairs of the church, and Rerian, who was taken away by York that day, also had a detailed information about her on his office desk.

"Rurian, 26 years old, belongs to the declining noble Reight family. He joined the church eight years ago, became a cardinal four years later, and now serves in the Church of Anqi City." Ling Lan read the information on the document. He glanced at it, and there were some specific events below.

Like Ling Lan, York was a slum. If it hadn't been for the large number of demons in the city at that time, the fate of the two of them would not have changed significantly.

Relean is the biggest reason for York's identity and depression. Now, York, who has returned to his childhood family, has been looking for Reliant. However, God played a joke on him. His lover was close by, but he didn't notice it.

York has been coming to Anqi City for more than a year. Since Rui Leian came here, he has been placed in the church with the team. If it hadn't been for the temporary stomachache of the red woman at the time of tea, I don't know when she would have seen her lover, York, who she misses every day.

Yoke and Ray Ryan, who had not seen each other disappear in front of everyone for eight years. York put down his career, and Rayian also had the consent of Ling Lan, and the two did not know where to live a fairy-like life.

Ling Lan hasn't felt this kind of happiness for a long time. Now, his relatives and friends are doing well, and they are all together and not separated.

After more than a month or two, the people of the three cities seemed to forget the Dom people, a foreign race that scared them for almost a hundred years. Since Ling Lan generously distributed money, their lives have been more protected.

All the diamond mines dug from the mountains inhabited by the Dom people were sold, so Ling Lan had the money to distribute ten gold coins to everyone in the city.

In the past, ten gold coins could allow a family of three to eat for the first half of the year, but now their lives have improved, which can also make them live comfortably for two or three months.

In the deep mountains, hundreds of Dom tribes were empty. At that time, they sent 200,000 troops to attack in two directions, but when they came back, there were less than 20,000 left. The heavy cost made them suffer for two months without recovering.

The Dom people are not only mysterious in the eyes of the people at the foot of the mountain, but also the Dom people on the periphery keep a secret. That is, in the deeper mountains with a more dangerous environment, there are some Dom people they rarely come into contact with. Those people are the most real and horrible power of the Dom!

The elders of each tribe meet once a year. Now, after this war, they make an appointment in advance to go to the mountains to find the rescue of their fellow clan.

In a dark ground, the dim yellow lights sway with the wind and seem to be extinguished. The environment in the cave is cold and humid. If the lights are extinguished, it will be even more horrible.

"Your Honor, Yi's Elonke asked me to ask you to send someone down the mountain to destroy the three cities of mankind."


A man's voice echoed in the empty hole, and his voice became confused, as if no one paid attention to him.

A moment later, there were slight fluctuations in the dark cave, and only a low and hoarse voice suddenly sounded, "Iger, are you coming to me for this?"

"The venerable, Ilonke's brother Is, Is's nephew Itar and many others have been killed by human beings. He is very excited and must come out to uphold justice."

"Oh? What happened at the foot of the mountain? Why did so many people die?

Iger spoke clearly about the war that day, and five minutes later, there was no sound in the cave again. Eiger waited anxiously, and just as he was about to speak again, the sound sounded again.

"Go, take Elonke and teach the human beings at the foot of the mountain..."

"Thank you very much!"

Eiger left the cave happily, and he wanted to tell the news to the angry Elonke as soon as possible. As long as the venerable agrees, he can take people to the foot of the mountain for revenge at will. Unlike the last war, the people around him are all nine-level, and there is no need to move hundreds of thousands of troops at all.

After Iger left, a clear voice sounded in the hundred-year-old cave. "Iger made it clear that we bullied them first, and this time they tasted the consequences! Do you still indulge them?

"The dignity of our people cannot be trampled on. Hundreds of thousands of people, Dor, aren't you sad? Humph!"

"You...alas! Look, there will be endless things to be provoked when they go..."

Zman's resistance alliance attracted a large number of believers who withdrew from the Suga City Church into his organization, and it was very difficult for Celine to assassinate him. Moreover, Zman's impatience is beyond Xilin's.

In the early morning sun, Zman galloped on the street with a black cloth-covered carriage with his ten strongest men. Seeing their hurried situation, the city guards who had just changed shifts immediately followed them nervously and wanted to know where they were going.

"Lord Zman, the city guards are following me. Do you want me to stop them?"

"No, hum! They followed and just let Celine get out of Ska City! They are the best witnesses!"

"Yes, Lord Zman, you are absolutely right! Then the more people they follow, the more they can see how Celine's little woman betrayed the country and made a shameless act!"

"Hahaha... Luda, let's go quickly. I can't wait for this day!"

The people brought by Zman have the deepest hatred for the Dom people. They are all nine-order strong men. They are surrounded together. If you want to kill them all, there must be at least the same number of opponents.

Two white believers hurried to the hall and reported to Celine that Zman had brought someone here. The next second, Kurba also rushed to the church with an ugly face to see Celine's current situation.

"Are they going to church? Stop them! Report to the lord of the city!"

The city guards behind Zman and others knew their purpose and shouted with a changed face.

"What are you nervous about? If they go to kill people, will they blatantly show us a few? Follow up and take a closer look before you talk about it!" Another city guard reacted normally to persuade his companions. Compared with Zman and others, they are not of the same level at all, so the city guard who just spoke was so nervous and frightened.

"That's what...that's what I said. Ask a few more brothers to follow!"

Just one or two hours after dawn, the guards who didn't have enough sleep received a notice. All of them gathered in front of the gate of the church, where the ten people led by Zman were about to rush over. They looked so bad that they knew at a glance that something unpleasant would happen next.

"Salene, why don't you stay for a while? I'll drive them away. As soon as they leave, I'll kill them immediately!"

"No, hum! I'd like to see what they do!" Celine pushed away the Kurba beside her and walked out of the hall angrily. A noisy sound came to her ears from a distance, and she could vaguely hear that her followers were having a serious conflict with people.

Two minutes later, the menacous Zman and others still came in with a strong murderous spirit. The red believers in the church also had the strength of the next five or six levels, not to mention the most ordinary white believers, how could they resist the 11 ninth-order strong.

" Celine! Do you still dare to come out? Haha... you despicable woman! Traitor!"

"Do you want to die again?" Kurba rushed to Zman angrily and couldn't wait to slap him in the face. However, there was an obvious gap between his strength and Zman's. His hand reached out, stopped in mid-air, and slowly and helplessly put it back.

"Are you Kurba? Young master of the Dude family, do you also want to help this woman who collude with foreigners? Be careful not to protect your family's reputation."

"Is this kind of garbage that can be threatened by you? Humph! If you dare to gather people to make trouble in the church, I think you are impatient to live!"