Angel War Soul

Chapter 222 New Leader

The woman who was called the saint seemed to have not heard Iger's voice. She stood with her hands on her back, moved gently, and slowly walked to the bright lotus pool in front of her.

A white shadow suddenly flashed behind him, and then a man respectfully half knelt at her feet and said, "Saint, the situation has been found that there are indeed signs of demons in the northwest. In addition, there are ten people from the church in the mountain.

"Well, go down."

"Yes!" The woman who appeared stood up quickly, jumped quickly, and disappeared like a ghost.

The next morning, Ling Lan and others, who rushed to the mountain road in the middle of the night, rested for a few hours in a dense forest. When the dazzling sun shone on their faces, they stretched comfortably and walked out of the woods.

There are still a few hours away from the nearest tribe to the Dom. Since Ling Lan and Celine came to Anqi City as bishops and build churches. The Dom moved their place to a deeper mountain.

This time is different from the past. In the past, they used to plunder the people in the city under the mountain. Now, they are always worried about the people at the foot of the mountain. The cloud of war has filled their hearts with worry and panic. They are afraid that one day their life will be turned upside down and let the people at the foot of the mountain bully them as slaves all year round.

"Look! Where is anyone!" Robert has been marching to the front of the team. He has his own purpose. Along the way, his eyes are bright, especially when he sees those shiny things, he will deliberately stare at them and find out what valuable he sees as quickly as possible.

Robert pointed to the high slope ahead, where a group of Doms sitting on the ground lazily and disjoincently did not know what they were doing.

"Maybe it's a diamond mine. Let's go up and have a look!" A person with the same hobby as Robert couldn't help pulling him and rushed to the group of people without waiting for any reaction.

"There are enemies! There are enemies!"

Ling Lan and others swaggered in front of the more than 100 Dom people. They suddenly gathered nervously one by one like frightened hares, picked up the sharp blades on the ground and looked at the nine of them in surprise.

"What are you doing here? Get out of here!" Seeing that their expressions were very scared, Robert immediately straightened his chest and looked fierce to scare them.

"There are only nine people. Look at you just now! Kill them all!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill..."

There is a great advantage in the number of people. Those belligerent Doms are naturally more courageous. They raised the mallet in their hands one after another, and the giant axe was killed.

On Ling Lan's side, the rest of the people were ready to take action, especially Robert was ready to kill. He immediately roared and dodged to the middle of the two sides.

As soon as the Dom people had not run a few steps, they were suddenly dragged by several strong suction forces and could not move.

After preventing everyone from killing them, Ling Lan sucked the 100 Dom people together with black hole devoytosis. In front of the nine of them, a hundred of them are like ants under their feet, which can't pose any threat. Killing them can't arouse everyone's interest at all.

"Let's see what they are guarding." Ling Lan crossed the crowded Dom people and took the lead in walking to the high hill. He just noticed that there was a flash on it. Now when he saw it, it was indeed a huge diamond mine.

"Hahaha... I'm rich again! Tula, how's it going? I said that this mountain is full of treasures. You still don't believe it. Look, what are these?" As soon as Robert saw the glowing diamond mine, his eyes were about to stare out excitedly, and he exaggeratedly pulled the people next to him and said.

"Sure enough, it's a diamond mine, haha... Elta, let me dig some for you, and then go back to make a pair of bracelets, rings, necklaces, anklets for you..." Lance also showed an expression similar to Robert and quickly dug it up. The rest of the people were still not so excited, but they all stopped their eyes on the diamond mine and did not move elsewhere.

"Let's see who digs more and who digs. Let's start!" Ling Lan smiled faintly, and all the people were invisibly centered on him. As soon as he said this, the rest of the people started their hands rudely. These were all silvery money. If they dig a little and sell them, they can spend months or even years happily.

Except for Leia and Elta, who are girls and are relatively reserved, Ling Lan did not do anything else.

"Lea, Elta, these were dug last time and have been made into necklaces and rings for you." Ling Lan's hand showed a large handful of shiny silver products in front of the two girls.

"Wow! So many..."

"Ha ha, I still have a lot of them. These are for you. If you don't like them, you can customize them when you go back."

Elta, Leia and Ling Lan are both old acquaintances, and naturally they will not be polite. They will be flat in less than a few seconds.

In less than an hour, six people cleaned up the diamond mine of about 10,000 cubic meters. They advanced in the mountains and encountered two diamond pits of about the same size along the way.

Just one night and a half in the mountains, their harvest is enough to make them very satisfied.

"Be careful, everyone. There is the Dom tribe ahead. Let's not disturb them."

"Huh? Isn't that Henck?" Robert's eyes were easier, and he saw a huge strong man carrying a bundle of dry wood in the distance.

"Just in time, I have something to ask him!" Ling Lan stared at Genk and quickly dodged next to him, blocking his way.

Henke is the giant they met when they went up the mountain last time. He controlled him with the art of dreaming and love. Now, after such a long time, he still needs to use the last means again to make Henke obedient.

"Do you know this person?" Lance asked Robert beside him curiously.

"Of course, you don't know that the people in this mountain have become our slaves. They will say whatever they say. I don't believe it, you are listening to Lord Ling Lan's questioning!"

"What has changed in the recent mountains?" Seeing that Hengke's eyes were lax and relaxed without any sign of resistance, Ling Lan quickly asked.

"Yes, the leader Rhett is in the leader's room."

"Who is he?" Ling Lan had never heard of the name Dok, so she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"The Venerable's messenger waiters are ready to attack the mountain. This time they reported to the Venerable and brought dozens of the strongest soldiers to the tribe."

"Well, you go back."

"Someone! Be careful!"

Just as Ling Lan asked Genk to leave, he felt four breaths surrounding them and quickly leaned over.

Robert reminded everyone that they all turned their backs and immediately took out their weapons.

The people who suddenly appeared are the Dom people they usually see, but the powerful power emanating from them made them feel threatened. These more than 20 people have at least more than eighth-level strength, and among them, there are more than ten people with ninth-order strength.

"We haven't gone down the mountain for revenge yet! You dare to take the initiative to send it to your door! Humph! Don't be bold!"

"Are you Dork?" Ling Lan saw that the person speaking was different from others. He fought there and looked like a leader.

"That's a good guess! It's a pity to have such a smart brain, kill it!" Docker looked at Ling Lan and others disdainfully and laughed coldly.

Those Doms couldn't wait for a long time. They all swayed their weapons and burst out their strongest power to hit everyone closest to them.

This time, the strength of the opponent is comparable to that of Ling Lan. None of them talked nonsense and stared at their respective goals and started a fierce scuffle.

Henke hasn't woken up since he was controlled. His eyes were like a fool, shrugging his big head and looking at the gorgeous magic of the swords on both sides, revealing the gorgeous feeling of death.

People who follow Ling Lan are not vegetarian. Leia has a sacred weapon in her hand, and the power of water magic can turn the world upside down. Lance works seamlessly with Elta and Xiaohei. Xiaohei is also good at change. People who see it for the first time will be confused by illusions and don't even know how they died. The rest of Robert and York's men are mercenaries who shuttle between life and death every day, and naturally they are used to this kind of killing scene.

As soon as the two sides started to fight, Dok's face immediately changed. Four or five of his people were killed in an instant. Originally, he despised Ling Lan and others, but now, he was furious and swung his huge axe in his hand to kill Robert.

"Robert! Get out of the way!" Ling Lan has been glancing at Loc. At this time, he finally took action, and he took the initiative to meet him. It was shameful to sneak up on others. Ling Lan saw him like this and felt very disdainful of their behavior.

"Wo! Wheops! Whoa..." The flying swords of heaven shuttled in front of dozens of people. Those swords seemed to have eyes and consciousness, and could know who was the enemy and who was their own people, and attacked purposefully.

The power of the sword of heaven has been cultivated by Ling Lan. Those Dom people who had no time to dodge were stabbed by the strange sword light like a phantom and screamed in pain.

"Magic! What I hate most is magic!" Docker was forced back by dozens of sword lights. Looking at Ling Lan's eyes becoming blood red, he couldn't wait to eat him alive.

Docker's murderous spirit soared, and his muscles without a coat bulged. In the sun, his dark yellow skin reflected an iron-like light, which made people feel a powerful explosive power.