Angel War Soul

Chapter 224 Awakening Goddess

"Calette, calm down!" Suddenly, the holy light on Ling Lan's body shone on his body. The thick holy light changed the other party's emotions quickly. In a moment, his heart calmed down and silently showed a completely different appearance from just now.

"Bishop Ling Lan!" At this time, Calette saw Ling Lan's face and pointed to him in surprise.

"It's me, Carlit and Luzka. Are you two all right?"

"It's okay, hum! I was surrounded as soon as I entered the mountain. Damn, this is the biggest shame I have ever encountered in my life!" Ruzka is not like Carit. Although he is also angry, he is more deeply self-reproach and unwilling.

Ritter saw that everyone had almost talked and repeated the topic just now. Kalit and Luzka both centered on Ling Lan, and they both agreed with what kind of decision he made.

Half an hour later, Ling Lan and others came out of Ritter's room happily. Each of them held a large bag of more than a dozen rare ores, which were given to Ritter to show his sincerity for peace.

"Old Ret, I hope our future cooperation will be very pleasant. In a few days, I will introduce Uncle York to discuss the ore in the mountains with you.

"Well, good! OK! Then I won't send it. You'd better leave quickly. I'm afraid that Dork can't stop you for a while and will come to trouble you again. Rhett kindly reminded everyone.

"Just now, he thought he was not ashamed enough. If you have the ability, come back and see him kill one by one!" Lance didn't say anything for a long time. When he saw Ritter say this, he immediately straightened his chest and mocked disdainfully.

"Thank you for reminding me, so let's say goodbye."

Ling Lan and others left quickly in the responsible eyes of the Dom people. This time they came to the mountain, they got a lot of benefits. However, they will not have a chance in the future.

What Rhett and Ling Lan discussed is that there will no longer be any dispute between the two ethnic groups. As long as the Dom people no longer go down the mountain and the people in the three cities no longer go up the mountain, they will extract all the ores in the mountains and sell them to York.

In this way, they will have a long-term income and exchange the money for anything they want. There are so many diamond mines, firestone mines and water spirit stone mines in the mountains, which they all feel incredible. If the Dom people had known decades ago that the ores they regarded as ordinary stones were valuable, they would not have bullied and plundered the people of the three cities all year round.

All this will end completely from today. They will no longer risk their lives to grab that little food and all kinds of rare treasures. As long as they use the minerals in the mountains, they will live a better life than the people in the city.

"It's really a treasure mountain here, but it's a pity that you can't come after only once."

"Elta, who said that, follow York in the future, and come whenever you want!" Seeing Eltar's pity, Lance immediately patted her chest loudly and assured her.

"If you take out and sell so many rare ores, you can have no worries about food and clothing for a lifetime. In the future, I can't be a leader. It's better to keep the city and not fight. It's better to keep the money in your hand, really!" Calito also swept away the haze, as if he were a different person, staring at a large bag of ore in his hand, and his eyes as big as copper bells came out.

"Let's go back first. It suddenly occurred to me that something hasn't been done yet." Ling Lan suddenly remembered something and quickly said to the crowd with apology.

When everyone saw what he said, they were thinking about what it was.

"Haha, do you want to take the opportunity to find some more ore and swallow it alone?" Lance looked through and said with an obscene smile.

"How can Ling Lan be as you think?" Leia couldn't help taking a white look at Lance and defended Ling Lan.

"This..." Ling Lan looked at Leya gratefully and then explained, "I feel the power of light in the north and south, so I want to see it alone."

"Lord Ling Lan, how can we not believe your words? Go quickly. Haha..." Robert was also thinking about himself and said with a smile.

After everyone's farewell, Ling Lan left the team alone and flew towards the dense forest. What came to his mind was that Celine and Hailin seemed to be still somewhere in the mountains. And the power of light he said in his mouth was indeed vaguely felt by him.

With Ling Lan's lingering intuition, he stretched out four pairs of angel wings at the fastest speed, like a real angel, soaring in the blue sky.

He didn't really see the size of this Dom clan until now. The mountains are continuous, and one after another constitutes a huge mountain range. In the distance, the loom of smoke and clouds covered the high peaks, and the lush forests grew extremely vigorously.

Going further, Ling Lan saw a grand canyon under a hazy cloud, and there was an imperceptible white complex under the black *, where there was a faint source of light.

"That's it!" Ling Lan recognized the strange place, put away her wings behind her, and stopped in the dense forest a few kilometers away.

"He's coming..."

In the ancient white buildings, under rows of neat and majestic houses, a woman in white stood with her hands on her back and muttered softly.

On the left side of the woman in white, a servant-like woman is always by her side, looking respectfully like a statue.

"Thousands of years, unconsciously, time flies..."


Stepping on the thick fallen leaves, Ling Lan lowered his speed through the dense woods and saw a brand-new world.

He stood still and looked at the place that invisibly attracted him. On the edge of a dangerous cliff, there are huge white buildings. Ling Lan looks familiar with that architectural style, because those buildings and church houses have a lot in common.

In the ancient mottled house, a huge sculpture of a separate angel goddess attracted Ling Lan's eyes. After countless years of erosion, the sculpture still stands proudly in the clear pool water. Time can't change her at all. Although it is a lifelike statue, in Ling Lan's eyes, it seems that there is a goddess sealed in it and is summoning Ling Lan looking at her from afar.

Ling Lan's eyes moved up. When his eyes happened to fall on the goddess's eyes, he suddenly felt a powerful force pressing on him, making it difficult for him to breathe for a moment. The divine power of light has never been felt by him. Even in the face of the Pope and the archbishop at the same time, he just can't look directly at them. But now, he has even drained his strength to walk.

"It's time to choose the heir. Garfield, keep an eye on them and don't let them offend the goddess.

"Yes, saint!" The servant who followed the woman in white took the order, flashed and disappeared in front of her out of thin air. Her speed is so fast that people can't detect how she disappeared at all.

After a while, Ling Lan gradually improved, and the pressure on his body suddenly subsided. As soon as he looked up, he saw several people who had just not seen the goddess statue.

Three women and one man are wearing the white robes of the church. Except for one of the women's clothes, which are relatively classical, he feels deeply impressed by the remaining three.

"It's Hailin!" Ling Lan noticed the dream butterfly hair ornament on a woman's black waterfall hair, and with his extremely familiar feeling, he suddenly shouted out in surprise. He accelerated his speed and ran to those people excitedly. On the way, no one appeared in the surrounding open space to stop him, allowing him to run directly behind those people.

"Who?" The only man turned around nervously. He heard the footsteps behind him and looked worried about who was coming.

"It's really you, Hailin!" Ling Lan saw Kurba's beaten face. He looked away and shouted loudly at the haunting figure. He didn't know how many times he remembered Hailin's intoxicated voice and smile when he was away. At this moment, he saw it again. How could he not be excited and unhappy!

Before Curba realized that Ling Lan came, the other three knew it, but the statue of the goddess in front of him was producing strange magic power, so they all regarded it as if they didn't move. When Hailin heard the voice that made her worried, her calm heart suddenly beat faster, and her heart was like boiling water, and she could no longer calm down.

"Ling Lan! Is it really you?" Hailin opened her eyes wide in disbelief, with crystal tears in the corners of her eyes, and asked trembling all over.

"It's me!" Ling Lan stopped. When he saw that Hailin was still the way that fascinated him, he was so excited that he could no longer express his emotions at this time. He could only look and look happily.

At this time, Garfield suddenly knelt respectfully at the foot of the statue of the goddess. The sculpture surrounded by the holy light seemed to be alive and was undergoing surprising changes.

Ling Lan and Hailin both wanted to walk towards each other, but they found that their feet were entangled by an invisible force, and even if they were too strong, they could not move at all.

Hai Lin saw that the light behind her was getting brighter and more dazzling. She couldn't help looking back and happened to see that the eyes of the goddess statue opened at that moment and looked at everyone in front of her.

"Welcome to the awakening of the goddess, Guardian Garfield pays tribute to you!" Garfield has always bowed his head in awe and looks extremely humble. Compared with her, the others stood stupidly and didn't know what had happened.