Angel War Soul

Chapter 227 New News

"Stop the people in front of you immediately!"

The leading woman in white shouted, and her voice seemed to be magical, and everyone in the sky heard it clearly.

If Ling Lan and Hailin were there, they would definitely recognize that woman as the mysterious Garfield.

"It's the Holy Envoy! Eiger! You still don't stop!" Saba couldn't persuade Iger. When he saw that Garfield behind him was about to block their way with more than a hundred people, he shouted to Eiger again happily.

At high altitude, the advancing bird troops were surrounded by messengers in white. Under the dazzling holy light, they lowered their speed and hissed in a low voice.

On the ground, the magic flame cannons in Anqi City are ready. When the bird troops approach the range, they can be fired at any time. Half of the previous 30 magic flame shells are still left, enough to deal with the critical situation in front of them.

However, Carit on the tower found that the bird troops were wrapped in strange holy light and did not move. Because it was too far away, he could no longer see the specific details in the sky.

Guffy talked with the angry Eiger for a while, and finally, he looked up to the sky helplessly and roared. Under the pressure of Saba and her, he took the bird troops back and went deep into the mountains.

York and others and the city people at the foot of the mountain were falsely shocked, thinking that another fierce battle was inevitable. Unexpectedly, it ended in such a shocking way.

Yoke didn't know what Garfield and Iger said. When he was still hesitant to go back, Saba, who had seen them before, turned back with a group of people and invited them to visit the mountains.

In this way, York's concerns were relieved. He saw that although Saba and Iger were a family, there was a big contradiction in themselves. The thing about cooperating with them is that Saba, who stands on the friendly side, obeys Saage's decision.

A day later, more than a dozen bishops flew to the solemn Holy Island one after another. They received the news and arrived at the Holy Island in less than a day and a half. This time, the call was hurried because the Pope had something important to explain to them.

Two years have passed since the last election of the three bishops, and Ling Lan and others have changed more or less, especially Hailin, who was appointed as a bishop less than a week ago. As soon as she appeared on the Holy Island, she immediately became the object of onlookers.

In the face of more than a dozen bishops who suddenly became enthusiastic, although Hailin is still a little unnatural, her temperament after the change is far beyond everyone. Her every move is also mature and elegant, which makes people praise her enviously and can't help praising her.

"Congratulations, Sister Kellins. I didn't expect Hailin to be so excellent and be favored by the goddess, which really makes me feel envious." Elifeld saw that only Kellings had a straight face and was isolated, and she quickly came forward to talk to her with a smile.

At this time, Kailins looked back at Hailin, who was surrounded by the crowd, and said in a faint tone, "Sister Phil, your two apprentices have always been very good. Compared with you, I'm not as good as you."

"Ha ha. My sister joked. By the way, Celine doesn't seem to have arrived yet. Why didn't she come here with Hailin?

At this time, when Kellins listened to Elliefield's words, her face suddenly became ugly. Her changed expression flashed by, and then she took a deep breath and smiled at Phil, "She was too busy to be a bishop. Maybe it was the church that she couldn't let go. Sister Phil, do you think I'm right?

"Maybe that's it."

What happened to Celine is well known. When Kellins saw Ellief asking that, her face was naturally not good. As her most valued disciple, she is the only one who is most anxious for Celine.

"Lord Matil!"

While the bishops who had not been seen for a long time were chatting, a man in purple suddenly flashed from the glorious and solemn hall. When the bishops saw him, they immediately stood in awe and stood facing him.

When Ling Lan saw the person who impressed him a little, he suddenly remembered that he was the purple archbishop, Mathil, whom he had met for the first time. There are only three archbishops on the whole continent, and there is only one female archbishop left. He doesn't know her name yet.

Matil walked to the crowd, glanced across everyone, nodded slightly, and then said, "Come in, the Pope has been waiting for you for a long time."

Looking at the slender back that left, Ling Lan quietly felt the powerful breath on his body. The power that could not be seen to the end like deep water was what he wanted to pursue. He looked at it, and slowly there were some changes. The divine power of light burst out from every cell in his body and filled his flesh and blood.

The other bishops quickly and nervously followed Mathil into the white building. When Ling Lan turned around, he found that everyone was gone.

This time, Selene was left among all the bishops, but the Pope would not care about such a small thing. He anxious everyone and told them that there had been traces of demons on the continent. And this time, the demon clan is premeditated. The Pope accepted the idea of the God of heaven and got that the demons wanted to invade the world. Therefore, as the pious guardian of the God of Light, the Pope needs every believer on the mainland to make full contributions to drive away the demons!

The connection between the demon world and the human world is at the border between the Leilin Empire and the Hill Empire. Two or three months ago, Archbishop Selen went there when he went to Saga. After he confirmed that the mysterious passage there had been opened, and the demons came to this continent a few months ago, or even longer.

The news announced by the Pope is undoubtedly very secret and important, which is why he is so anxious to summon all the bishops here. In order to preserve the land that gave birth to them, the Pope generously opened the library of the Holy Island for all bishops to choose the light secrets they need to practice.

The high-level secrets of the Holy Island are extremely confidential. No one on the mainland can get the magical secrets of the Light God Religion. Therefore, when she heard this decision, Ling Lan saw that the people around her were extremely excited and cheered, as if they had returned to childhood, and felt a kind of getting a beloved toy. Rare excitement.

For Ling Lan and Hailin, the library on the Holy Island is mysterious. Not only the two of them, but also few bishops who have served for several years have been to that extremely curious forbidden place.