Angel War Soul

Chapter 250 The Dark World

"Those who break into the land of moon demons and spirits will die! Die! Death..." A mixed voice shocked everyone's heart like thunder. Those who only had eighth-order strength were directly shocked to death by the strong sound waves, their ears flowed blood, and their expressions lay on the ground in pain.

The bodies of various monsters blocked in the sky slowly fell down in the shaking mountains and were about to smash all the people. A Warcraft corpse completely covers the whole altar, not to mention many countless Warcraft corpses.

Yimen and other blood demons once again turned into a pool of blood and drilled out along the cracks when they came. Only Ling Lan and Artes's men were frightened and looked desperately at the bodies that fell that day.

"Come with me!" Ling Lan saw a shocked gap. He penetrated the mountain wall with sword light and flashed in with Leya and the three of them. Artes tied the body of the Warcraft with his strange and powerful chain and forced it to prevent it from falling down.

Atus's men united and worked in one direction at the same time, and also hid in it like Ling Lan and others. At this time, a circle of strange black magic fog suddenly spread around, covering the whole valley floor. Artes was stimulated by the magic that appeared and felt uncomfortable all over his body. He dropped the chain and turned into a black fog and disappeared.

The four Ling Lan opened a round boundary and squeezed together. The body of the warcraft that fell from the sky was corroded into a white bone by the extremely corrosive black fog. A purple moon pattern shone on the bottom of the valley, and the evil light reflected on the dilapidated altar. In an instant, all the surrounding mountain walls collapsed, as if the doomsday was coming, completely flooding the whole valley.

A huge and terrible monster appeared in the broken mountain stone. His limbs first appeared in the air. The blood demon family turned into blood and stuck to the mountain stone saw a big white belly blocking the sky. The hair fell down, which was much longer than their eight-foot-long bodies.

What kind of monster is that? Only the blood demon family can see it with their own eyes. They can change the state of their bodies. Naturally, they are not buried by the rocks. However, it was also because of this that they were attacked by the giant at the first time.

"Boom! Boom..."

A huge claw of white and black armor gently stepped on the pile of stones. The huge stone was as vulnerable as rotten wood. It was stepped into debris and floated in the air. Those buried people rushed out without the oppression of the stone in that short time.

The huge monster seemed to think that they were too easy to deal with, and suddenly stood still to let the embarrassed crowd take a breath for a moment to continue to play. Ling Lan and others also took the opportunity to fall on an upturned rock and looked at the super-giant monster with silver-white light in the sky with a shocked expression.

It is a white tiger with wings, but its body has been enlarged many times. The nails on one of its feet can catch up with the area of a large courtyard. The overall look makes people trembling, and there is no mood and ability to compete with it.

"Those who do not have the key of the moon demon will be used as funeral objects of the demon god! Go, roar of the wind!" The giant white tiger beast has two wings, connected with its sound that can impact the soul, forming an irresistible boundary. All the people who fled for their lives in the distance were blown back by the black wind, and their whole bodies hit together with cracks and died tragically in front of people.

At this moment, Artes and Imen seem to have forgotten their purpose of coming here. That giant white tiger beast is really terrible. Its strength can almost compete with the god of light in the divine world, and it should not appear in this sinister deep mountains.

"I... I said... I... let's... run!" Lance's legs trembled all over, and his face was covered with cold sweat.

"Go away! Hurry up! Otherwise, I can't get out!" Ling Lan saw that Artes had joined forces with Imen to hit the boundary formed by the storm. He hasn't told anyone that he has the key of the moon demon. He doesn't know what kind of existence the moon demon is, so he won't let Leah and the others die with him.

"What about you! Aren't you leaving?" Leia protected everyone with thick ice and asked Ling Landao worriedly.

"I have my own plan. Go away!" Ling Lan raised his voice and roared at them with blue veins around his neck. He could no longer continue to speak. Over there, the crescent pattern on the forehead of the white tiger beast burst out a silver light, killing most of the people in an instant.

Ling Lan flew to its head desperately. At the same time, he took out the key of the moon demon and raised it up, responding to the white tiger beast quickly approaching.

"Gone them go! I have the key!" Ling Lan opened her mouth wide and gathered the sound into a sound wave and rushed to the ears of the white tiger beast. The wind raged throughout the boundary, and the black airflow permeated every corner and could no longer see anything.

When Lance and the three of them saw that Ling Lan seemed to be swept away by a black wind, their faces immediately showed a painful and stunned expression. Lansla took Leia, who was still there, and Eric flew towards Artes.


The white tiger beast hummed gently and turned its head doubtfully. It saw a small human holding the key of the moon demon and was about to approach it. It suddenly stared, and the magical light that burst out covered Ling Lan's whole body. At that moment, a huge crack in the space sucked Ling Lan in. He was in a silent darkness before he could react.

Lea and all used their strongest moves to open a gap at the weakest moment of the boundary, and rushed out behind Ates and Imen. The outside world is no longer what it was when it came. They seem to feel like a new place, and there is no familiar feeling.

The original deep valley has now become a potholed land full of gravel soil, and the surrounding ground can also faintly see the bodies of the demons who buried half of their bodies.

At this time, Artes and Imen stood together in confusion, looking at the still raging stormy boundary with an indifferent expression. Their men died cleanly and completely, and none of them survived. Only the three Leya, whom they hadn't found, also ran away with serious injuries.

"Is this the world where the moon demon exists?" Ling Lan muttered alone and looked confusedly at the dark and invisible surroundings. He stretched out his hand in front of him without seeing it at all. His eyes seemed to be blind and completely useless.

Ling Lan felt that he had been floating all the time and didn't even touch the ground. His spiritual power could feel the signs of life within thousands of meters. However, there is not even a trace of life in this space. He tried to use black hole technique, but there was no reaction. Everything here is really too strange, slowly tormenting his brain and making him crazy unconsciously.

The huge changes in the mountain attracted the attention of some mysterious people in the city under the mountain. At the same time, they all sent a large number of detectives to rush to the mountain to see what was going on.

"Will Ling Lan not come back?"

"No, Leya, we are here to stay. He may appear in a moment." Lance comforted her.

All three of them were seriously injured. The wind boundary of the white tiger beast was too domineering. They just felt the wind, and their bodies immediately cracked. If they hadn't escaped quickly, they would have been blown into pieces of flesh and blood by the wind blade.

Lance and they have been waiting in the mountain for a week, and more and more demons came to the mountain, and they almost found them.

"There is no movement yet, but he can't die, right, little bat! Haha..." Lance's side was a listless little purple lying on the ground, and he ran out with Lance and the others. At the moment when Ling Lan rushed to the White Tiger Beast, he remembered to let Xiaozi and Lance run together. In case something really happened to him, Xiaozi could continue to survive.

Xiao Zi can only communicate spiritually with Ling Lan. In Lance's ears, she heard chattering. Xiao Zi can feel that Ling Lan is still alive, but they don't have any information about each other.

Ling Lan closed his eyes and meditated all day in the dark. He found that his mind was easy to fall into chaos, and then he endlessly thought about it and produced manic and desperate clarity. He doesn't want to be tortured to death without seeing anything. Therefore, he decided to use this desperate world for spiritual cultivation.

In the darkness where you can't see anything, there is a pair of strange eyes watching him all the time. It's just that he can't feel it far away with his current strength.

Time passed slowly, and unconsciously, Lance outside had been in the mountains for more than a month. In the past month, fewer and fewer demons came to the mountains. They sent a large number of people to dig three feet of the ground and did not find a trace of information about the treasure of the moon demon. Instead, many family masters have been lost for strange reasons. Gradually, curious people stopped stepping on this mountain that they had listed as a forbidden place.

Ling Lan forgot the existence of time in that strange world and completely integrated into the surrounding environment. His heart is as quiet as water, and he will no longer be disturbed by evil thoughts. He found that he had received a hint of inspiration. That feeling was something he had never experienced before. He felt that he was about to break through the bottleneck of the Dharma God and enter the realm of a new mysterious divine realm.