Angel War Soul

Chapter 252 Misfortunes and Blessings Depend on each other

The birth of the moon demon caused great turmoil in the whole demon world, and those ordinary demons could not feel the breath of the moon demon. Only those who are superior can capture it with divine power.

Countless family patriarchs and organizations have sent a large number of dense demon warriors to rush to the mountain where the moon demon appeared. If Ling Lan and others walk later, they will be trampled to death by black-pressed demon warriors like ants.

Ling Lan and others found a 100-meter deep seam in the uninhabited primitive forest and hid for the time being. He told Leya that his bright power could not be used. Now he can only use his body transformed by the moon demon to practice the magic skills she gave him.

Ling Lan was afraid that in case something happened, he first found an independent cave and seized the time to look at everything he got from the moon demon.

Those secrets that exude evil demon spirit are "split soul chopping", "evil moon pupil", "magic cloud sky" and so on. The rest of the pile of weapons on the ground are special weapons for the demon clan.

"It seems that I can only practice the domineering sword skill that can cause damage to the body and soul at the same time. Although it is used with the sword, in principle, it still condenses high-density magic to seriously injure the opponent. The power of the demon clan in my body is indeed much stronger than the original light power, so have I become a demon clan now..." Ling Lan doesn't know if he has been blessed by misfortune. He doesn't have time to think about this anymore. He still has a lot of things to do. He cleans up everything else and concentrates on practicing this hegemony. Cut the broken soul of everything.

The Flame Sword is used by Ling Lan, but now holding this sword, he will have an unspeakable discomfort in his heart. It seems that great changes have taken place in his body, coupled with the long-term invasion of light power, which makes this sword have a deep dependence on him.

In desperation, Ling Lan had to give up using it and find the strongest king-level sacred weapon, "Thunder" from the moon demon's weapon pile! Compared with the blazing sword, this sword is always full of exciting thunder, and the width is exactly twice as wide as the blazing sword. Ling Lan held it in her hand and could feel a powerful murderous atmosphere around her.

Two days later, Ling Lan came out of the cave. He had mastered the essentials of the cracking soul. He could not experiment with the power of sword skills in the ground, so he stopped practicing.

"Ling Lan! You can come out!" Lance just came down from the ground and happened to see Ling Lan.

"Lance, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for so long. I decided to let you go back first, and I will continue to stay here."

"What?" Lance's face showed surprise, and he didn't expect Ling Lan to say this to him as soon as he appeared.

Rea and Eric heard the movement and came to them and looked at them curiously.

"My current body is impossible even if I want to go back. This demon world is very dangerous, and you have no reason to stay here." Ling Lan thought about the future when he practiced, and now he comes out and tells them his decision directly.

"But, Lord Ling Lan, I'm here to protect you!" Eric was so excited that he wanted to kneel down. As soon as he heard that Ling Lan had created an original magic world, he broke in with Lance and Leia. Although he saw Ling Lan, he was asked to go back.

"It goes without saying that we all have a purpose, that is, for Dina and Barr, I have something here that can make Dina have a greater chance of survival. So, I hope you can go back together and continue to look for Barr here. Ling Lan said and showed a white holy feather in his hand. In the dark underground, the light of the feathers looks very gentle and bright, and it also breathes sacred light.

"This is the angel's feather, which can purify the magic gas. As long as it is placed next to Dina, it can suppress the infiltration of the demon heart. Maybe after a long time, the demon heart will be completely purified and let Dina come back to life!" Ling Lan's tone became much more excited. He aroused everyone's emotions and let them imagine the scene of Dina's resurrection.

"Does this really work?" Lance asked disbelievely.

"Whether it works or not, I have a total of five here, and three will bring them back to you immediately. I hope to find the power of light I lost through them. Hurry up and act as if it's for Dina. Ling Lan's tone was aggravated and full of majesty that should not be denied. He did this for Dina and everyone's lives. The demon world is dangerous, and it is difficult to survive here with their human identity and strength. Even if you can, you just run for your life all day.

Ling Lan handed over the angel's feather to Leia and went out of the hole alone. In the past few days, tens of thousands of demons came one after another, all of whom came for the treasure of the moon demon. However, except for a huge waste pit, they didn't even see any traces of treasure. Those things were in Ling Lan's hands. Naturally, they got nothing angrily, and many people died because of conflicts with other organizations and families.

The forest returned to its former calm, and Leia promised Ling Lan to go back with Lance and Eric. Ling Lan will return to the mountains where Dors is located and look for them first.

Since Artes wanted to take possession of his band of robbers, Dors has been hiding on the nearby mountain and continuing his old job for decades. Without the existence of Ling Lan and hundreds of brothers, he was beaten back to his previous weak state. When he heard that tens of thousands of Atus went to look for the moon demon treasure, no one but Atus came back alive, his heart was very cold. Accustomed to the protection of Ling Lan as the trump card, he can no longer find his original state of life.

Now, Dors' team only has more than 20 brothers who can share difficulties. Moreover, because how many powerful organizations go to the mountains every day to look for the moon demon treasure. These weak people are afraid of being destroyed, so they only dare to go out in fear at night.

"Big Boss! Do you think Boss Ling Lan is really dead? Alas! How nice it was to have him. Unfortunately, he is no longer here now.

"Hall, just be satisfied. I believe how we lived with Boss Dors when the bastard Katie was still alive. You can afford the life at that time, but can't you do it now?" Dika scolded Hal, who was a little fat and round head next to him.

Dors and others sat in front of a very simple stone house built on the makeshift, feeling very sad and hard. He can hear the complaints of several brothers almost every day, and he is almost getting used to it.

"I'll have a few drinks with Boss Ling Lan, and you can continue to moan here without illness." Dors got up and left, holding a pot of wine in his hand, and walked up a high hill in the distance with a faint sad look in his eyes.

At this time, a man fell from the sky and stopped in front of Dors like a ghost.

"Who?" Several people present were suddenly shocked and immediately took out their domineering blades and surrounded them.

"Dors, do you want to drink with me? I shouldn't drink."

"Big Ling Lan! It's true!"

"No! Why does it feel more horrible? And that sword!"

Hal and Dika exclaimed one by one, standing in the distance with surprise and curiosity and looking carefully at Ling Lan.

Ling Lan just flew a few kilometers from the previous place and saw them. He happened to hear Dors say that he was going to drink with him.

The appearance of Ling Lan made them extremely shocked and excited. They were just talking about him. Who would have thought that he really appeared, and he looked better and better than before.

Dors quickly invited him enthusiastically to the stone house and called all the more than 20 brothers to meet Ling Lan, who had not seen him for months.

Ling Lan saw that Dors had a bad time in recent months, at least it was very different from before. After meeting all the people, he asked Doles to stay alone in the room to talk to him alone.

The life expectancy of the demon clan is long, and blood demons like Doles can live to be at least 200 years old. Ling Lan asked him what he planned for the future life, and he said what most of his brothers wanted to live. That is, joining a family or organization is worse than living a reluctant and fearful life now.

However, joining an ordinary organization also needs to reach the level of the demon soul. Dors is the strongest of these 20 people, and he is just a demon warrior wandering on the edge of the demon soul, not to mention the rest.

"I can help you as long as you are willing to follow me." Ling Lan's eyes showed a firm look, looking directly into Dors' eyes opposite him.

"Really? Boss Ling Lan, you feel changed when you come back this time, but you have become stronger. Have you found the treasure of the moon demon? Dors could only come up with this answer, but he didn't believe it.

"These are not important, as long as you believe me. I have some weapons that can improve at least a little strength, and then I will teach you some suitable magic secrets, so that you can completely get rid of your current life."

"Really? That's great! Those brothers will be very happy!"

After Ling Lan finished speaking, he took out some popular sacred weapons and gave them to Dors to share with his brothers. Ling Lan decided to spend a month to let them all have demon soul-level strength, and then went to an organization to join in.

The demon clans in the demon world are also divided into realms. Each of their races is a demon when they are born. As long as they practice a demon skill, they are magic warriors. When you reach the realm of the demon soul, you can join the organization as a low-level warrior. The above are the demon king, the demon emperor, and the highest god in the demon world!