Angel War Soul

Chapter 265 Lord of a City

Ling Lan took out the sacred weapon fan dream to resist Tom's powerful deterrent attack. When he killed thousands of soldiers who followed the moon demon army, a silver light suddenly shot out of the sky and hit Tom at an imperceptible speed.

Ling Lan's strength was second only to Tom on the field. He only found someone when Tom was attacked, and the remaining tens of thousands of soldiers saw a silver figure suspended in the sky after Tom was injured.

"Silver pupil." Ling Lan saw him again, and this time he was slightly disdainful, which was more awe-inspiring than when he appeared before.

"Are you the messenger of the moon demon?" Tom flew out of dozens of meters of deep pits full of dust and asked with surprise in anger.

"Return to the moon witch god, otherwise, die!" Silver pupil didn't want to pay attention to him, but he couldn't watch Tom continue to slaughter his soldiers, so he used more than half of his strength to give him a head to let him know how unbearable his power was.

"Hmm! I won't die..."

"Father! Let's surrender!" Just when Tom vowed not to surrender, Tomina, who had been running away for a long time, suddenly appeared and quickly stopped his next move in horror. Now that the moon demon is born, no one can stop it. Their power is like a small ant. How can they compete with elephants?

Tom wanted to vent with shame and anger, but was finally persuaded by Tomina. In this way, all the forces in Heyan City either died or fell to the ground, and the troops of the Moon Demon continued to advance towards other cities.

This war has lasted for more than half a month, and one-tenth of the loose forces in the whole demon world have joined the moon demon team at this moment. They occupied more than 100 cities and re-established a new country - the Kingdom of the Moon. The super families affected by the interests are unified and silent, and the divine power of the moon demon cannot be shaken by any of them. In this demon world, there are less than ten people who are qualified to fight with the moon demon. Half of those people do not stay in the demon world, and the rest will not fight this meaningless and beneficial battle. Demons appear frequently in the world, and thousands of angel armies have been sent to garrison in the divine world. In order to prevent the world from being swallowed up by the demons, the divine world has sent one of the most elite troops to officially go to war with the demon world.

Ling Lan, as the lucky son who awakened the moon demon, was also awarded a small border town by Yin Tong. In order to prevent people from questioning and disapprove, he gathered all the most ordinary soldiers who participated in the war to Ling Lan's city and let him manage it as the city lord. This small town called Blood Well is nearly half smaller than Anqi City on earth. Moreover, more than 80% of the city are returning soldiers, and the rest are merchants who sell goods.

"Master Ling Lan, congratulations on becoming the lord of a city. I really didn't expect that our brothers and today, this is all the blessing of the boss." Dors was very happy to thank Ling Lan.

"I said, following the boss can definitely make us prosper. You see, in less than a month, we are the captain of thousands of people! Haha..." Hal also shouted excitedly.

The other than 20 good brothers present gathered together on the platform of the city tower, drinking wine to the moon and shouting loudly. Each of them has been awarded a lot of enviable positions. Nowadays, the life of robbing other people's property all day will completely leave them.

Ling Lan looked at the brothers who were drinking happily, but they were not very happy. He didn't come here for this purpose. He also has his own purpose and intention.

The Lincheng of Xuejing City is controlled by a group of fallen angels, which is at least twice as big as Xuejing City. Rumor has it that angels are a very arrogant race. Even if they are willing to become demons, they hold their heads high all day long and disdain to associate with any demon race. They chose to join the moon demon by taking a fancy to the majesty and strength of the moon demon. This opportunity to be able to bring their races together and put them all in one city is very loyal to them.

Because of their personality, they were often provoked and bullied by other races before the moon demon appeared. Most of the organizations and families that fought with the Moon Demon had a deep hatred for those big families and organizations. Therefore, under the leadership of the Moon Demon, they gathered more than a million people in just a few days.

" boss, what are you looking at?" Dors is closest to Ling Lan. While drinking with other brothers, he has been paying attention to Ling Lan's movements.

"Look over there." Ling Lan said lightly, staring straight at several dark shadows opposite him.

Dors turned his head and looked at the tower opposite, only more than 20,000 miles away. A group of fallen angels guarding seemed to be laughing mocking and pointing at Ling Lan and the others. Obviously, they are laughing at these people.

This is also what Ling Lan inadvertently saw, but Dors just wanted to ask, and he said so.

Although the dialogue between the two of them is small, one person will hear it and reach the rest of the people. In less than a few seconds, the exciting atmosphere suddenly solidified and became extremely quiet.

"Hmm! Isn't it just a traitor with a pair of bird hairs? And smile at us!"

"You're right! I will tear away all the hair on their bodies and let them make hairless chickens! Ah ha ha..."

"I heard that ghost blood will appear soon near the death park. If the brothers find it, dedicate it to the boss, and then see who dares to laugh at us!"

"Don't say anything. Can't you be sure that they are looking at us because they have swept our interest?" Ling Lan didn't want to see them talk more and more fiercely, and then go to each other's trouble.

The lowest angel in the world is also a presence beyond the bishop. Even if they fall into the demon world, they are born with the strength to compete with the demon soul. This is the reason why several guards guarding the towers dare to laugh at Ling Lan and others.

"Don't worry, Carl is right. As long as we find ghost blood, who else will we be afraid of in this demon world besides the existence like the moon witch god!" Decca said these heroic words, picked up a large bowl of blood-red water wine and drank it.

"Yes! None of us are afraid! No one is afraid!" Several grumpy people couldn't stand it anymore. They picked up the wine bowl in their hands and threw it at the opposite side. Their actions made more than a dozen fallen angel guards on the opposite side even more eager to waving their wings and kill them immediately.

Ling Lan no longer cares and let them go on. The celebration lasted for more than two hours before slowly dispersing.