Angel War Soul

Chapter 306 Blood Shadow of the Magic City

Ling Lan arrived at the church and happened to see several people standing outside the hall, including the red-skinned blood demon Dors.

"Look! It's Boss Ling Lan who is back!" Dors and the others also saw Ling Lan and shouted excitedly.

"Big Ling Lan, you're back. Those people have run more than a thousand in the past few days, and we can't control them."

Run? Why do you want to run? Ling Lan asked puzzledly. As soon as he came, he saw Doles and their little sad on their faces.

"Big brother Ling Lan, you don't know that those people were fine at the beginning. After a long time, they had their own ideas. They couldn't listen to anyone's words and had to leave." Hal said to Ling Lan that he told Ling Lan what had happened for half an hour.

Meng put these million people in the two cities of Anqi City and Lincheng five days ago. These people were managed by Doles's brothers and other demons controlled by the dream, and taught them the skills of the demon clan every day.

Most people are very grateful to stay in the city and practice hard, but some people have been crying to find their relatives.

Dors first dissuaded them and said that they would be killed as demons, but they didn't listen at all. From the beginning, dozens of people to hundreds of people gathered together and insisted on going out.

In desperation, Doles locked them in a big yard. Unexpectedly, they would rather die than go out. In the end, they were released and let them go wherever they wanted.

In the past five days or so, more than 1,000 people have left here and don't know where they have gone. Ling Lan thought for a moment and realized that these people were all over the country, and some families were rescued together. Some people are separated from their families or know that their families are still alive, so they can't worry about finding them. Ling Lan can understand their painful desire.

"In that case, let them go. In the future, you should treat them as your own citizens, and you should find a way to organize a team to defend the city as soon as possible. In the future, don't enter this city as casually as it is now. Once the people outside find you, there will be trouble. Ling Lan told Dors that ordinary people did not dare to come to this magically covered eastern continent. But it doesn't mean that church believers and powerful people will not come. In the Western Continent, almost everyone will think that there will be no more living people here. But if they really find these millions of living magical people, they will immediately spread throughout the Western Continent.

At that time, maybe someone will regard them as demons lurking here and lead the army to attack.

" boss, you are so thoughtful! Several of our brothers are demons, but these people are different. If the birds of the church find this place at that time, they will definitely come to look for trouble!"

"You idiot! The boss is a bishop!" A man next to him patted Hal's head and couldn't help laughing and cursing.

Ah? I almost forgot that the boss's identity is special, hehe. Hal touched his head and lowered his head and giggled slightly awkwardly.

"In this way, how many of us can manage millions of people?" Dors asked in disbelief. When he spoke, his eyes were shining with excitement.

"Yes, you will be responsible for these people in the future. Dors, you are the lord of the city. As for Dikka, Hal, you can seal whatever title you want. As long as you can manage so many people well, I will be very grateful to you. Ling Lan said slowly.

"Really? Great! Haha, our brothers came to the world and didn't expect to encounter such a thing again. In the past, there were only two or three hundred brothers in the mountains at most. After only a few years, I could manage millions! Haha..."

"Do not be complacent. Whether you can control it or not depends on your ability!" Dika, who rarely spoke, hit Hal, who was so excited that he was trembling, as if he had poured cold water.

After seeing them, Ling Lan walked around the two cities. The city was quiet, and most of them were practicing hard. They are all people who escaped from death, and it is great luck for them to survive. Almost all of them have a common belief in their hearts, that is, to strive to gain strong power and stop letting this sudden natural disaster destroy them and their relatives.

At night, the moon in the sky shines on this changed continent, and only some people with excellent vision can stand on high buildings and look at the shadow of the moon. At this time, Ling Lan modified the secret skills of the demon clan, split the soul, the magic cloud Tianxiang and the evil moon pupil.

As soon as Ling Lan transforms into the state of the demon clan, she will unconsciously have an uncontrollable murderous intention in her heart. That feeling will make him exude a strong and shocking momentum when practicing. This invisible power can frighten the enemy and lose his fighting spirit without doing it at the highest level.

Moreover, even if it becomes bright, it can still use powerful murderous gas to enhance the power of magic and defeat the enemy in the fastest time.

The news of Ling Lan's arrival in Anqi City spread all over two cities in one night. They saw Ling Lan's back when they were rescued in their dreams. When they heard Ling Lan's name from Dors almost every day, they really wanted to see him, the life-saving benefactor.

In the morning, Ling Lan finished practicing and returned to the church. Many people gathered in the square there, looking forward to the direction of the hall. When they saw Ling Lan falling from the sky, their excitement reached its peak and they couldn't help making a loud noise.

"Hight! Do you hear me?"

"I want to see Lord Ling Lan!"

"Lord Ling Lan, can you see him if you want to see him? If you don't retreat, don't blame me for being rude!"

At this time, Ling Lan happened to see a demon guard stopping an anxious girl. He walked over curiously to see what was going on.

"Do you want to see me?"

"Are you Lord Ling Lan?" When the girl saw Ling Lan coming to talk to her, she suddenly looked up at him, and her eager eyes immediately sparkled with excitement.

"Please save my mother. She just ran out and said that she must find my grandma. I can't stop him, so I can only beg you!"

"Big Ling Lan!"

As soon as the girl finished speaking, Doles hurried over from behind, with a faint sadness on his face, as if something had happened.

Ling Lan turned around and Dors hurriedly said, "In addition to our hundreds of brothers, there are other people in this city. Those who ran out died a lot, just outside the North Gate.

"Mom! No! My mother won't die!"

Dors' words were not big or small, and the girl stood so close that she could hear them clearly. She suddenly cried sadly, and the crystal tears were like pouring water, which could not be suppressed.

"Your mother will be fine. Don't cry first!"

Ling Lan comforted the girl a few words, and then rushed to the North Gate with Doles and other seven or eight people. There must be some hidden demons in the eastern continent shrouded in magic, but Ling Lan didn't expect them to appear so soon and attack those who fled.

The North Gate is more than 100,000 miles away from the church. Ten minutes later, Ling Lan was the first to fly outside the gate, and Doles was still following in a hurry.

There are two bodies lying on the ground of the North Gate. There are dozens of scattered bodies around. Judging from the current appearance, they should have been killed by a group of people or one person.

Suddenly, a blood shadow flashed in the afterglow of Ling Lan's eyes. He looked carefully and sensed the evil breath. His figure flashed and chased after him. The blood shadow drilled around in the dense house and realized that he had been found.

"Big Ling Lan!" When Dors saw Ling Lan disappearing again, he couldn't help shouting, wanting to know where he was going.

"I still want to run!" Ling Lan saw the blood shadow flashing through the alley on the left. He was only 100 meters away from there. There were so many houses around him that he could not drill around as quickly as the blood shadow. At that moment, he took out the black flame sword, quickly cut out a black flame, and rushed to a tall building in front of him.

As soon as the black flame touched the middle of the tall building, the broken roof poured into the ground. Several black flames flashed, and Ling Lan drew a large circle and surrounded the blood shadow escape route with the black flame.


A scream sounded from the chaotic sound. Ling Lan found the blood shadow under a collapsed stone slab. He was hit on one leg and his body was buried by gravel, so he couldn't help screaming in pain.

It took Ling Lan less than three seconds to pick him up from hearing the sound, and he couldn't run away. The blood shadow was a red-skinned blood demon. He was caught by Ling Lan and wanted to become liquid to escape, but Ling Lan had been guarding him for a long time and knocked him unconscious first.

Dors carefully examined the bodies under the city gate one by one, and all 51 people died. The way to die is that the blood is drained and turned into a stricken black skin skeleton.

"The boss is coming!"

"Dors, have you found anything?" Ling Lan threw the blood demon into the bracelet and came back to ask.

"They all seem to have been killed by blood demons. I am also a blood demon, and I should not analyze mistakes."

Dors said, and several demon brothers next to him couldn't help looking at him and made him uncomfortable.

"Do you think I did it?" Dors stared at the people a little angrily and said angrily.

"I just caught a blood demon. You're right. You take him back and interrogate him. Don't let the people in the city run out in the future. If they are still stubborn, show them these bodies.

Ling Lan finished speaking and handed over the captured blood demon man to Dorss. "I'll go somewhere else to look. Maybe I can find some clues."