Angel War Soul

Chapter 315 Competing for the Head


"Who is it?" The two bishops only heard a thunderous bombardment from not far away, but did not see who did it. They flew over nervously and saw Ling Lan staring at the ground that had been blown up into a deep pit, and his eyes swept around as if they were looking for something.

"You want to...kill me...haha...I'll wait for you in Anqi City!"


Ling Lan found the place where the sound came from. As soon as his mind moved, he showed dozens of sharp swords of heaven to cut the blood shadow. The messy ground was once again destroyed. The breath of the blood demon completely disappeared when the lightsaber faded.

"What did he say before he died? Anqi City? The fat bishop struggled to think about what the blood demon said before he died. He couldn't figure it out. He turned his head and shouted dissatisfiedly to Ling Lan, "How can you kill him and we force him to ask where his nest is?"

"You don't have to ask him. I know where it is."

"It's Anqi City! I heard that the devil said Anqi City. Let's go quickly! Haha, this is sure to make great achievements!" Another bishop completely ignored Ling Lan and flew south laughing.

The fat bishop was so excited when he saw that he was afraid that he would take the lead and forget Ling Lan's words and chased them with the team.

"The nest of the blood demon is not in Anqi City at all. He lied to you! Don't be fooled!" There were still signs of happening what Ling Lan didn't want to see. The six wings behind him waved quickly and surpassed everyone in the blink of an eye.

Bothe bishops didn't believe his words, "You want us to turn around and then you go alone to grab the credit. Do you think we will be fooled? Bishop Ling Lan, you are still too young, hahaha..."

"You two have a good talk here, and I'll go first!" The fat bishop took advantage of Ling Lan's opportunity to block another bishop. He took the opportunity to fly forward desperately and dumped his followers without a trace for fear that someone would be faster than him.

When the bishop saw him overtake him again, he also caught up in a panic. In this way, the two of them forgot the believers and chased me like a race flight.

"How can I let you go there? Let's see who flies faster!" Ling Lan had no choice but to overtake them and tell the people in Anqi City to evacuate quickly.

The two bishops chased each other and scolded each other. Just when they thought Ling Lan would not chase after them, a figure flashed by and threw them out a long distance.

"Wait! Bastard! He passed it!"

The speed of flying when the three pairs of wings of heaven are waved is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Ling Lan's hair is blown up under the strong wind, and his open eyes are also slightly narrowed, leaving only a wind gap for things far ahead. At this time, he flew with all his strength, and only the roar of the wind could be heard in his ear. In less than a minute, he could no longer hear the shouts of the two bishops chasing him.

It seems that I still underestimated the IQ of that group of blood demons. The blood demons must have sent the news for a walk. I don't know if other bishops are not clear. If all the bishops come to Anqi City, it will be a big deal. Ling Lan thought worriedly during the flight. While thinking nonsense, he tried his best to maintain the fastest speed. Before long, he saw the blurred outline of Anqi City, and he was about to get there.

The white figure was very conspicuous in the dark. A few seconds later, Ling Lan saw that the tower seemed to be crowded with church believers. His worried heart suddenly became more uneasy.

"Look! Is that Lord Ling Lan?"

"It seems so!"

Ling Lan suddenly dispersed the six wings behind him and just landed on the tower driven by inertia. The believers surrounded them excitedly, and they looked very familiar. When he saw Eric, he understood everything.

The city is quiet, only the tower is full of believers. Ling Lan hurriedly asked, "Where are the people in the city?"

"They evacuated to the mountains two hours ago. A bishop who claimed to be the son of God came before, and they almost found the people in the city!" Eric said with lingering fear, and at this time, he was still scared and uneasy.

"That's good. Two bishops will come later. You can leave now and pretend to search for demons."

"Yes!" Eric took the order, and the believers listened, standing in a row consciously and disciplinedly, and ran downstairs with their respective captains.

"You will be dumbfounded soon." Ling Lan's heart was still beating violently. He breathed a sigh of relief and stood quietly on the tower, looking at the direction he came, waiting for the two angry bishops.

A few minutes later, the two came late, and Ling Lan waited a little impatiently. When they saw Ling Lan standing there alone, they all looked at each other in a moment and didn't understand what had happened.

"What about the demons in the city? You won't kill all of them, will you?" The fat bishop didn't even believe what he said, but he couldn't help asking in surprise.

"How can it be? Are you kidding?"

"I have said that there is no one in this city. You still don't believe it. Look, they have just searched and have left the city." Ling Lan pointed to Eric and others who went out of the gate.

The two bishops listened to Ling Lan's words and looked into the city again. Their expression changed back and forth in an extremely complicated way, and they cursed angrily.

"The nest of the demon clan is in the unknown mountains leading to the Holy Island. If you believe it, it may not be too late to go there." After Ling Lan finished speaking, she mysteriously disappeared, leaving them with a suspense that made them struggle to guess.

At this time, Hailin and Bishop Phil had already launched a fierce attack on the nest of the blood demon. They met three bishops on the way and joined the war against demons. Five or six thousand believers surrounded the foot of the mountain and then carried out a carpet attack.

I don't know how long the blood demon lurked in the dangerous mountains. Although they did not expect to be suddenly attacked, under the natural geographical advantage, their deaths and injuries were less than 100 people. The body of the blood demon has become liquid and can escape and hide very well. Therefore, although there are many five or six thousand believers, it is still very difficult to catch them all in this deep mountain.

Ling Lan caught up with Eric and asked where the people in the city were taken. Eric acted separately from Leah, and he didn't know where the evacuated people were placed.

Ling Lan had no choice but to look around the eastern continent. One million people gathered together and could fill half of a small town. So many people are easy to find. If anyone really finds out that they are almost ordinary people and have no ability to resist at all.