Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 19 Fight, Real Hard Touch

Dongfang Ba was about to take action when Dongfang Kun next to him said coldly, "I'll do it." He was already ready to go, but at this time he rushed out one step, and his left fist hit the "unique hill" towards Yun Zheng's chest.

Dongfang Kun competed with Yun Zheng several times in the martial arts hall. Because he was suppressed by Dongfang Jin and Dongfang Baming's order not to use martial arts, he suffered a great loss from Yun Zheng, and his ** things were almost kicked out. At that time, neither of them used martial arts. Yun Zheng was abolished, and Dongfang Kun did not use it. With martial arts alone, Yun Zheng steadily suppressed him.

If you lose, you will lose. At that time, you will be so humiliated and painful. This is almost a whisper joke after dinner. Of course, Dongfang Kun can't stand it. If you let Dongfangba kill Yunzheng first today, I'm afraid you will never find this face.

So he took the lead, and the force of the earth and stone attributes of zero-level five-star cultivation played 12 points, and there was a big punch to hit Yun Zheng into powder!

"Stay alive." Dongfang Ba quickly handed over a sentence in a low voice. He was still thinking about the set of cloud dance knives. This time, Yunzheng came out of the strange stone forest and didn't know how many secrets there were, so he had to ask for this.

"Get out--" Dongfang Kun casually cursed, and the depression these days broke out. This sentence is both scolding Dongfang Ba and Dongfang Jin. If these two old guys hadn't bound themselves, how could they have been abused by a waste? At this moment, he even hated the two old guys more than Yun Zheng.

However, this curse was suppressed a lot by the momentum brought by his punch, which sounded a little vague, more like a shout.

His left fist flowed with a faint layer of earthy yellow halo, which is a phenomenon of earthy martial power. His clenched fist is as solid as stone, bringing up the hunting Taoist wind.

The power of this punch can break five stone tablets in one blow. Dongfang Kun is super confident that Yunzheng will become a pile of minced meat under his fist.

But the ideal is plump, but the reality is boney.

At the end of his fist road, Yun Zheng disappeared.

Where is it? Is his body almost like this? Dongfang Kun was stunned. Although Yunzheng's fast knife was fast in the past, he was confident that he could still catch his figure, but now?

The boxing path of the Dongfang family in Yangwei Villa was not a fast specialty. At this time, Dongfang Kun's powerful offensive made him unable to turn around. Then he saw Yun Zheng's figure appear on the left side and punched him at the same time.

Yun Zheng's punch is faintly accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, and the speed is extremely fast. Dongfang Kun felt a flower in front of him, and he heard a "click" in his ear. At the same time, the severe pain came from his left elbow, and a strong feeling of paralysis of the whole arm hit him, making him fly out four or five meters.

"Uh..." Dongfang Kun shouted in pain, and the force of the iron fist spontaneously emerged from the bottom of his feet. He shook and barely stood firm, and did not fall down. The bottom of my heart is cold: my left arm is useless!

Yun Zheng first avoided Dongfang Kun's fist with a quick body, and then hit him on his left elbow with a heavy punch. However, Dongfang Kun's force is strong and strong, and he is dressed in armor, which increases his defense several times, and Yun Zheng's punch chose an important joint and dislocated his elbow joint.

Dongfang Ba, who was riding on a black unicorn horse watching the battle, couldn't help but be shocked to see this scene. Why hasn't he seen him for more than ten days? Yun Zheng's martial arts skills have improved so much? It seems that not only is the strong sea of the gas field intact as before, but the attributes of martial power are also very different from before. The silver snake-like light that faintly flashes on the fist is exactly the characteristic of the legendary thunder force. He lightly desolved Dongfang Kun's full blow, and it was obvious that he had not used all the cultivation potential.

Is his cultivation already above Kuner?

This is impossible.

Dongfangba is unwilling to believe this judgment. He doesn't want to believe that a waste person who has been shaken away by the sea of gas can cultivate martial arts to this extent in such a short time.

Maybe... it's just a fluke. Dongfang Ba thought about it and put down his raised hand again. Let Dongfang Kun try the details of this boy again. He wants to continue to watch the battle.

Dongfang Kun endured the pain, and then realized that his arm was not broken. At that moment, he was fierce. He held his left arm with his right hand, pulled and pushed it, and actually straightened the joint with a click. He adjusted slightly, rushed forward, and hit directly with his right fist. "Shi Po Tian Jing! Go to hell--

Yun Zheng was not in a hurry. He exhaled and opened his voice. His arms were stretched and his right fist was also straight out. The fierce thunder fist urged to be very powerful, "Crazy Dragon Sky Strike!"

With a punch, the current is like a silver snake flying around the fist, which is thrilling!

The two's fists collided instantly, a real contest.

"Bang--" with a heart-prightening shock!

The cloud is as stable as Mount Tai. Dongfang Kun retreated a few steps, and the surging current raged in his right arm, followed by a "bang, bang" sound, and the armor on his right arm suddenly exploded into pieces, and the whole bone of his right arm was broken into more than ten pieces. Blood foam splashed, and his arm was completely useless.

With out of his reaction, Yun Zheng rose to the ground and hit his right fist straight down to Dongfang Kun's head. Thunder shocks nine places."

"Bum! Bang!" The first thing to smash was that Dongfang Kun hurriedly raised his left arm to resist, and then the protective jade crown above his head was torn apart under the powerful thunder fist, but it also eliminated half of Yun Zheng's fist strength. The electric current flew, and the residual power of Lei Zhanquan exploded on Dongfang Kun's head.

The earth and stone attributes that Dongfang Kun has practiced for many years showed super defense at this time. The remaining strength of Lei Zhanquan only burned his hair and eyebrows black, but did not break his hard skull. But the power of the radio wave penetration of Lei Zhanquan penetrated into his brain, shaking his brain veins in an instant.

"Puff!" Dongfang Kun fell to the ground heavily, foamed his mouth and rolled his eyes unconsciously. His proud iron gun and barbed inverted in ** never had a chance to take action again.

The fierceness of thunder attributes, coupled with Yunzheng's six-star cultivation, is a kind of crushing destruction of Dongfang Kun's five-star cultivation.

"I beat you as a vegetable and see if you dare to be arrogant again." Yun Zheng said softly, took out the shadow soul armor in the hidden ring and began to wear it one by one. The next enemy is the Oriental Ba, a ground warrior with initial cultivation. If he is shirtless, he will be heartless rather than brave.

Yangwei Villa has already been in a mess, and the family nurses are busy rescuing Dongfang Kun.

The Oriental bully has a gun in his hand, and his heart is full of shock. What kind of boxing is this?! Why is the power so terrible?! Did he have a great adventure in the secret place? Has the long-lost thunderous martial arts tactics reappeared in the world?

If you want to withdraw your contempt, you can't underestimate him any more.

Dongfang Ba didn't forget to glance at Dongfang Kun's position and couldn't help thinking, "Big nephew, are you dead?" It seems that whether you are dead or not, you are useless. You have fallen. It seems that my son Dongfangzhi may inherit the family business.

Isn't it a little shameless for me to think so? Dongfang Ba's face suddenly turned red.

Yun Zheng seemed to guess what he wanted and said with a smile, "You're proud. Isn't that what you want?" Remove Dongfang Kun for you and don't forget to thank me. He rushed forward and punched Dongfangba like thunder.

Dongfangba did not dare to let Yunzheng get close to him, turned his gun into a stick, split it down, and immediately blocked Yunzheng's way. An inch long and an inch strong, the cultivation strength of the oriental hegemony warrior is concentrated on this long gun, and the power is more than a thousand pounds.

Yun Zheng refused to stop half a step, and his fists staggered to meet him, "cross block".

"Bum!" The iron gun hit the position where Yun Zheng's arms crossed, and the impact exploded away, and the surrounding cyclone suddenly whined. As a result of the competition, Yun Zheng's feet have fallen deeply into the ground. However, the shadow soul armor he wore was fiercely repulsive, and the strong stream bounced back along the iron gun, and Dongfang Ba's arms suddenly felt paralyzed.

His sour arms made his gun slightly stagnant. Taking this opportunity, Yun Zheng changed his left fist and grabbed the middle part of the iron gun, and flew out of the deep pit with the momentum of Dongfang Ba's gun. Then he rushed in, 1.5 times the time compression rate and the agile speed supported by the Wind Shadow Battle Boots made Yun Zheng's body as fast as the wind.

In the blink of an eye, Yun Zheng had bullied him a foot in front of him, and a heavy punch had been punched into his chest. In this close hand-to-hand fight in this few feet, the heavy iron gun can't be used to turn into a fire stick. It's too late to block. Dongfangba also punched out with a backhand. Let's exchange it. Let's see whose fist is harder, or die together!

Dongfangba still overestimated his reaction speed. With Yunzheng's cultivation and additional speed, the cumulative advantage is indeed a little higher than that of Dongfangba. Dongfang Ba's fist was still a little far from Yun Zheng's chest, and Yun Zheng's thunder fist had hit his front heart.

The muffled sound of smashing iron armor and muscle bones made people itchy. Dongfangba's body immediately fell out of the unicorn and eliminated the rest of the fist strength, and the iron armor in the chest was broken into a big hole. A period of the strong cultivation of the martial artist made him not suffer any damage, but the fast hegemony of Lei Zhanquan still made him sweat coldly.

Yun Zheng's hit, and the whole right arm was also numb and painful. The strength of a part of the warrior was really not covered. However, the evil cultivation of thunder and lightning doubled his courage. His right leg swept across and suddenly whipped the waist of the black unicorn, "bang" and "click". The unicorn horse was broken by this thunderous whip leg.

The one-horned horse fell to the ground with a wail and rolled in pain. The things that Dongfangba relied on to show off and boasted were so useless. It has been less than a day since it was brilliantly received.

Ah--Dongfang Ba roared, which is a shame, an absolute shame of the warriors, enough to make the world's warriors laugh, and a great shame that is more uncomfortable than killing himself.


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