Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 51 Golden Wing Sculpture

Sure enough, there was the help of the psychic beast, Yun Zheng thought to himself.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with him. Kill him quickly to get something and leave. Be careful of him turning over." Yu Wenjun, with long hair and a eagle nose, pulled the sleeves of his short and fat brother and said timidly.

"turn the fart plate, with the domineering brother, all demons have nothing to escape." The short and fat brother pinched Yu Wenjun's hand and smiled, "I'll play with him."

He held the black moth to show Yun Zheng, looking proudly, "Kid, do you know what this is?"

"I haven't seen it." Yun Zheng shook his head honestly, but secretly mobilized the invisible spiritual power contained in the top door, which was full of his whole body and tried to resist the shackles of the stone lock. The nearly ten rock inscriptions flashed on the stone lock, and his strength counterattacked, which was as solid as gold.

The short and fat brother said, "My worm, my name scared you to death. The corpse king moth, the second-order spiritual pet, 100,000 crystals have been exchanged. With my spiritual connection with it, it flies into the woods like this, and anyone who hides will know. You hide there and eavesdrop, I already knew, haha..."

The bug flapped its wings and circled back and forth in front of Yun Zheng, flying up and down with the cheap smile of the short and fat brother. Suddenly, as if it saw some terrible natural enemy, it suddenly flew behind the fat man. The short and fat brother was stunned for a moment, "Mang, what's wrong with you?"

There is a spiritual fluctuation in the air, and Yun Zheng sensed it at a moment.

Then a fluttering sound of wings came out, and a flashing blue and white light appeared in front of him to block the way of the corpse king moth. It was the thunder hornbill. It dived out, pecked the second-order corpse king moth into the mouth, and its neck moved a few times, and the moth was eaten by it.

"Ah - my baby moth! You compensate me--" The short and fat brother didn't notice that 100,000 worth of insects were eaten by birds, and his heart ached to death. He jumped tall and went to catch the bird. The thunder hornbill was extremely dexterous. A balman turned over and dodged it, and the lightning flashed back and pecked.

Generally, the inscription master does not work hard on martial arts, and the same is true of Yu Wenjun, the short and fat brother, but one star higher than Yu Wenjun. His physical fat reaction was extremely slow, and he was eager to catch birds. Unexpectedly, the bird's counterattack was so fierce that he made a mistake, and one eye was suddenly pecked blind.

The fat man covered his eyes and fell down. He couldn't help rolling in pain. Yu Wenjun also panicked and rushed up to help his brother.

The short and fat brother was pecked blind at a glance, and his whole body trembled with pain. His concentrated mental strength was immediately lax, and his control of the inscription stone lock weakened. Yun Zheng's spiritual strength immediately fought back and broke away from a rock inscription. The boulder loosened, and the strong sea of clouds suddenly shook, and the strength flowed surging. He supported his arms and shattered the boulder trapped on his body with a "bang".

Yun Zheng jumped up and punched Yu Wenjun. Yu Wenjun didn't have time to dodge and was beaten upside down like a broken kite. Yun Zheng then punched and shattered the stone lock inscription that trapped the leopard. The leopard who broke free from the bondage roared and rushed to Yuwenjun. A white light flashed in the dark, and the snow-white and hairy little bitch also rushed out and went straight to Yu Wenjun.

Compared with the two, the little dog hugged his thighs and felt that Yuwen Jun's soft persimmon was easy to pinch.

"Ah?! Are you also an inscriptionist? The short and fat brother was shocked. Because Yun Zheng had just broken off the spiritual fluctuation of the rock inscription, he clearly felt that the spiritual fluctuation of Yun Zheng's spiritual power was pure and fierce. Although the strength was not very strong, he could never be released without special spiritual talent and people trained by the inscription.

Is this guy also an inscriptionist? The fat man's mind is full of this idea. The chasing Thunderbird continued to attack his face. The short and fat brother's face was full of blood, and he hurriedly gathered his spirit to resist the bird's attack and Yun Zheng's heavy punch. But his right eye was very painful, which was inevitably distracting, and the power of the concentrated counterattack was greatly reduced.

It can be seen that the short and fat brother's spiritual power must focus on the control of the earth and stone system. The inscriptions released in his hand mobilize pieces of mountains and stones into human attack, as if they were alive. Once Yun Zheng got out of trouble, he would never let him be trapped again. His fists were as light as a dragon knife as the sea, smashing all the attacks of inscriptions.

The half-blooded short and fat brother fought and retreated, leaving only the skill of fighting, and the light shield defense released gradually shrank.

Yu Wenjun was also embarrassed against the two beasts alone at this time, and his clothes were scratched by the leopard, and there were blood troughs everywhere. He struggled to be bitten on the shoulder by the leopard, and instantly entangled the leopard with vines. At the same time, he poked out his right hand and grabbed the neck of the little bitch's thigh.

Exerce hard!

"Uh--" The puppy didn't even have the strength to cry. His eyes were pinched out, and his tongue spit out. Suddenly, he peed and immediately sprayed Yu Wenjun's face.

I'll strangle you! Yu Wenjun was fierce and exerted strength in his hands.

Suddenly, his heart felt cold, and then he saw a snow-white knife light coming out of his chest. He was stunned, his hands and feet were weak and numb, and his body slowly fell down. Even a puppy couldn't pinch it. He watched the puppy jump out of his hand and bit his ear.

"I didn't want to kill you so soon, but you cruelly abused small animals, but you just can't."

Yun Zheng said that he stabbed Yu Wenjun, punched the last stone man released by his short and fat brother, and followed up with a punch to knock him down. He used all his fist, which was obviously a little heavy. After the short and fat brother turned over, he enjoyed the three-stage back of Lei Zhanquan. His body trembled like a sieve, his mouth and nose were bleeding, and he was dying.

"...you...you, the person who killed the Yuwen family, wait for revenge..."

The short and fat brother said the last sentence intermittently and died of breath.

After turning over the short and fat brother, Yun Zheng stretched out his finger to test his breath to make sure that he was dead. Then he was relieved to see Yu Wenjun and found that this guy lost too much blood after being stabbed him, and he was not angry. The leopard and the snow-white puppy stopped biting early and stood aside alertly staring. The thunder hornbill stood on the puppy's head and pecked the puppy's forehead from time to time.

Yun Zheng dragged Yu Wenjun to the side of the cold pool and prepared to push them into the cracks of flowing lava. Suddenly, a blue light flashed on Yu Wenjun's wrist, which attracted Yun Zheng's attention. Looking down, it was the emerald green spiritual pet bracelet on his wrist.

Yun Zheng secretly said that you two act viciously and have a bad character, and the family you must be born from is not a good thing. It's better to take what's on your body, so as not to roll into the magma with you and melt and spoil the good things. Then he reached out and took their hidden rings and spiritual pet bracelets, and pushed them into the lava to destroy the corpses, and then returned to the valley from under the cold pool.

The intellectual awakening of spirit beasts such as leopards and snow-white long-haired puppies, coupled with the instinct of beasts, is very alert, so Yun Zheng generally sends them to move freely outside the cave. First, let their nature not be bound, and second, if there is any wind blowing in the valley, you can also remind yourself in time.

After feeding a few spirit beasts, Yun Zheng returned to the cave and took out Yu Wenjun's bracelets and Tibetan rings to explore.

The short and fat brother is obviously a poor man. There is not much space to hide the ring. There are two or three hundred low-grade earth spirit crystals, seven paper rolls with a light yellow halo, and a woodworking knife-like thing. His spiritual pet bracelet also has only one plaid, which contains a huge brown giant bear. The short and fat brother also boredly made a sign with inscriptions: the first-order mountain bear.

The bear's teeth look sharp and fierce, but its eyes are dull. At first glance, it is a species with low intelligence, and there is no room for evolution and upgrading. Yun Zheng didn't bother to call the bear out and directly put the beast bar and the hidden ring that had emptied things into the bag.

Yu Wenjun's hidden ring contains much more abundant things. There are 400 to 500 Gang crystal stones shining in the middle level, and there are also many other low-level ground crystals, but unfortunately there are no lightning and fire crystals. There are also more than a dozen paper rolls with a light green halo, a pen-like thing, which is much better than the "woodworking knife" of the short winter melon.

There is also a thin pamphlet with the words: Jin Mingfu. It is estimated that it is the secret scroll of the inscription of the Yuwen family. Yun Zheng put it aside for the time being and decided to take time to take a closer look.

Yu Wenjun's emerald bracelet is really like what he boasted before, with three plaids, which is indeed a valuable item. Yun Zheng mobilized his divine knowledge to visit. A grid is closed to the first-order green wind tiger. This tiger has no evolutionary future. It is estimated that it is only used by Yu Wenjun when he usually uses it to hide his identity.

The second grid is empty. There is a huge bird shadow in the third grid, and a violent atmosphere is about to come out. It is the golden-winged bird that came here with Yu Wenjun and his senior brother. This bird looks like an eagle, and Shenjun is extraordinary. Yun Zheng likes it very much at first sight.

"What kind of monster is this?" Yun Zheng asked the three-dimensional phantom Ji Baoer.

The shrinking ruler judged the characteristics of the big bird feedback from Yun Zheng's consciousness. For a while, Ji Baoer said, "It looks like a sculpture, but it has a huge size, and the awakening of intelligence is also very high. Compared with the thunder rhinoceros at the beginning, this is a third-order raptor monster, which is worth a lot of money."

Yun Zheng was overjoyed, "There are actually three levels? Seeing that this bird is so fierce, has the fighting spirit beast skill awakened? Also, is it possible to evolve and advance?

Ji Baoer shook her head and said, "It's not like that little leopard. It has the awakening of fighting-level attack skills in the first stage. This golden-winged eagle has fast flight speed and strong air combat ability, which is most suitable for riding. But its usual attacks are the instinct of animals, and it has no combat effectiveness. And the golden-winged eagle should have evolved from the first order, which is already the limit for it.

Yun Zheng was not disappointed at all. The third-order monster ability is equivalent to that of the three-stage cultivation warrior, and this harvest is not small. Moreover, the golden-winged eagle is a flying spirit beast. Once it is subdued, with the leopard, it can run and fly freely on land and in the sky.

Such a future is very exciting!