Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 79 Red Armored Female Corpse

The strange sound in the side hall with the open roof was noisy, and seven or eight corpses in rags in rag armor showed their bodies in the blood, and their hands and feet jumped on the beams to block the road. These corpses' foreheads flashed with the light of a martial soul wheel. Bai Sensen's skeleton teeth bit the short blade, and as soon as they climbed up the beam, they staggered their teeth and claws.

Yun Zheng's momentum did not decrease, and he drove the leopard and suddenly hit the two current corpses with a "bang". Yunzheng's force was so violent that the two corpses had dispersed into pieces before landing. The two skulls flew to the ground like balls, bounced and hit the wall, and then rolled on the ground, turning like a top. Yun Zheng's body, Zhou Tianbao Xuanlian, emitted a flame and swept by, and sucked in the martial soul wheel that was about to disperse on the two skulls.

Tianbao Xuanlian spontaneously refined the martial soul wheel. Yunzheng has rushed out of ten meters. The shadow soul electric knife in his palm chopped left and right, and swept down two corpses. A corpse broke its spine on the spot, and the rotating martial soul wheel was also swallowed up by the black flame. The other was relatively flexible. Although half of its body was cut off, the remaining bone arm was actually put on the beam and jumped up again. Yun Zheng punched it like thunder and immediately smashed it into pieces.

The Lei Xiaowu power cultivated by Yun Zheng is much more violent and powerful than that of other attributes. In addition, with the repairing effect of Tianbao Xuanlian on armor, his potential has also been maximized. Therefore, the power of this punch is no longer below a five-star ordinary warrior.

Yun Zheng attacked so fiercely and overturned the seven or nine corpses that were stopped in front of him one by one. The Tianbao Xuanlian flame around him constantly devoured and refined the martial soul wheel scattered in the corpse's brain. Silver light gathered towards the silver martial wheel above Yun Zheng's head, and then gave feedback against the left middle of his lower abdomen. The two orifices are impacted by powerful energy.

And the leopard, the monster under his seat, jumped flexibly and moved freely on the beam of the side hall that lost the roof. The bald corpse wrapped in its iron blade and steel tail was dragged around, like a half-dead wild dog.

The arrogant bald corpse demon was really strong, so he was trapped and refused to let go easily. Looking for a chance for Yun Zheng to stagnate, he suddenly jumped up with his hands on the beam and rushed to Yun Zheng's back. Yun Zheng's figure flashed away from the leopard and flew to the air to avoid it. Then the third-order golden-winged eagle flew up in the air and catched Yun Zheng in mid-air.

The leopard suddenly shook his body to throw out the second corpse, but its iron-ed steel whip was too tightly wrapped, and the bald corpse was thrown around like a broken pocket, but it could not be thrown away. The angry leopard roared and immediately used his fighting skills. The iron blade steel whip suddenly twisted, and even twisted the right leg of the corpse demon with half of his buttocks into pieces.

The corpse fell from the beam into the courtyard, but turned over and jumped up, jumping on the remaining leg. His flesh and blood were blurred, screaming and wanted to jump on it again. The angry leopard threw him down and bit him on its neck. Before the sun god fist condensed by the corpse was hit, its neck was bitten off. The leopard's steel tail swept away, and the flying iron blade steel whip twisted the corpse's bald head into slag fragments. The hovering martial soul wheel was about to disperse and was sucked into the leopard's brain.

The angry leopard also doesn't want to think about where it is now when it is time to refine the crystal nuclear martial soul wheel. It usually consumes a section of martial soul wheel for a long time, but now it swallows another two-stage martial soul wheel, and the violent energy immediately bursts up in its body, as if it is about to explode. The fierce and wild leopard rolled with his head in his arms.

Flying into the air in the golden-winged eagle's clouds, but it can't fly higher, because the air is also shrouded in thick blood, and the thick blood fog seems to have condensed into water, and there is a cold murderous intention hidden in it.

"Cloud, avoid the blood in the air, which makes me unable to breathe." Xuanlian Zhanji told her in an urgent voice that she frowned slightly and her face became solemn.

"Good." Yun Zheng responded. But before he gave the order, the golden-winged eagle, who was naturally alert to the danger, suddenly dived to one side. The murderous intention hidden in the thick blood cloud made it feel that it could be easily strangled, so it spontaneously avoided and chose another direction.

The third-order spirit beast still has a strong ability to react spontaneously, which makes Yun Zheng also appreciate it and gently pats the back of its neck to show praise.

The clouds flying down from the air are getting closer and closer to the main hall, and the left and right halls flew out of more than a dozen low-level corpses, holding weapons and rushing to the main hall with strange roars.

The deep blood cloud in the middle of the soul hall also sank, like a dark red curtain, and the cold murderous gas surged like an arrow, suddenly forced over. In the bloody curtain, a human figure appeared. This human figure was slender and exquisite, and it turned out to be a woman.

The blood from the air was thick and thick as wine, rising like boiling water. The human-shaped female body trampled out of the surging blood, and the crackling sound of blood seemed to be a shower. The woman was plump and dressed in blood-red tight armor without a trace of seams, making her look as if she had just come out of the blood water. Bath.

Her flying red hair is like a burning torch, but her face is as white as paper, her eyes are gray, and there is no difference between white eyes and pupils. Yin Hong's lips opened slightly and let out a roar, but showed sharp inverted fangs.

This is a mutatical corpse, bringing momentum, not below two paragraphs.

As soon as she raised her hand, there was a burst of the whip, and a long silver whip was thrown out of her hand. The rolled water around the long whip brought a wave of blood, and countless blood blades swept over.

This is a fierce attack that can only be made by martial artists who are proficient in using water and evil force. This mutan corpse has always been hidden in the thick cloud of blood in the air.

At the same time, a whirlwind rolled up at the gate of the left temple, which swirled the blood of the sky and formed a huge blood tornado. The blood tornado blade roared and swept crazily. At the waist of the tornado, there was a guy who stretched out his arms and hovered like an eagle. The man in a green robe had long been dyed black and brown by blood, and only the 18 wind inscriptions on the robe still shined with blue light.

This is another two-stage wind demon mutated by the corpse demon, attacking with the previous female corpse demon, which is strong and soft, but also makes the evil.

"This is a pair of double-cultivated warriors. The use of feng shui and evil force is very powerful. At the beginning, I died under my halberd, and I don't know when they mutated into a corpse demon. You should be careful." Hidden in the spiritual mirror in Yunzheng's eyes, the soul of Xuanlian Zhanji said that she was nourished by the Necromancer Wuhun Wheel refined by Tianbao Xuanlian. Her face was quite beautiful and looked as if she had an entity.

"Hmm." Yun Zheng nodded and rushed forward with the golden-winged eagle. More than a dozen corpses that had just rushed from the side hall were cut off from the middle of the team. The shadow soul electric knife was chopped like a whirlwind, and three or four corpses were abolished. He swallowed the flame of Zhou Tianbao Xuanlian and devoured these dead soul wheels.

At this time, the first wave of violent attacks set off by the red armored female corpse demon and the green-robed male corpse demon came. The blood wind blade and the bloody water blade swept across and met in front of the main hall. The sound of the blade was like a series of light thunder, crazily rolling towards the clouds.

The blood blade of this feng shui intersection obviously slowed down when it approached the clouds three feet, and the striker clashed with the burning flames around him, stirring up a dazzling light. Yun Zheng's eyes were as clear as water. At that moment, he saw the gap between the intersection of wind and water, and then his shadow soul electric knife pierced out like a wind, breaking the gap at the intersection of wind and water in the shining electric light.

The knife light is like snow, and the electric light is like a snake. The instantaneous explosion of clouds made him pass through the gap like a shadow. As soon as the golden wings spread sideways, it swept out the circlingen and blood. The gap between the blood blade and the water blade is extremely narrow, and the clouds that flash by are inevitably affected. The dense feng shui blade roared and tear through the flames around him, leaving blood marks on his armor and ** skin.


The wind and water suddenly hit together, and the powerful impact smashed seven or eight sections of corpses. The blood blade and the water blade collided and dispersed around, and the falling bones rolled around, and the scattered martial soul wheel also floated with the wind.

The wind-like clouds drove the golden wings and carved out of the surrounded by the red armor and green robe corpse demons. The veins around the body suddenly shook, and the scene of flying snow and silver flowers reappeared in front of their eyes, and the second trick in the left middle area of the gas field was suddenly opened.

Improving his cultivation in the fierce battle surprised Yun Zheng. The magical function of Tianbao Xuanlian can always bring unexpected gains.

Yun Zheng's cultivation strength was further advanced, and the shadow soul electric knife in his palm was stimulated by the power of thunder, and eleven inscriptions were lit up by strength. He cut wildly with a knife, and several low-level corpses rolled down in the blood.

The red armored corpse demon and the green robe corpse demon instantly found that Yun Zheng had broken free from the blockade. The two corpse demons waved their knives again and chased after Yunzheng.


Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm in the air, and a bloody lightning flashed from the top of the main hall and hit the head of Yunzheng. The lightning roll was actually wrapped in an arrow, a blood-red and electric arrow.

There is still a dead spirit hidden in the main hall.

And to Yun Zheng's surprise, this dead spirit was once a martial artist specializing in thunder and evil force like himself.

The thunderous and powerful practitioners have turned into a dead spirit, and his history is at least 500 years.

Yun Zheng's reaction speed was fast enough. In a hurry, a golden winged eagle spread its wings and slid aside. The blood arrow flashed, and it actually had a speed that was not much lower than Yun Zheng. The sliding golden wing carving was too big. Although this arrow got out of the way, it was shot into the wings.


With a loud noise, the red electric light shone. Yun Zheng looked at the blood arrow blowing up on the golden-winged wings, and the broken feathers flew around with golden light, and the golden-winged eagle fell down with a wail.