Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 263 The worst punishment

The next six fists exploded in his chest and abdomen at the same time. In the thunder and lightning, the armor between the blue wolf's chest and abdomen roared and trembled, and was beaten backwards and distorted. The slender body of the green wolf was also blown out by the violent force.

Yun Zheng dealt with the green wolf. Grandpa did not move to raise his hand and pat a stone scroll. The huge stalagmites broke out of the street and stabbed the hands of the green wolf. These low-level warriors were knocked upside down and dodged one after another, and they could no longer care to attack the mad lion. But without waiting for them to hide away, the icy Asjuen's whole body was like an iceberg falling from the sky. His fists were hit hard, and the green wolf's hands were blown out one by one.

As soon as the three took action, the situation was suddenly controlled in his hands, and there was nothing wrong with Liu Zhi. Liu Zhi was so happy to watch the bustle and shouted repeatedly, "Fight, fight, fight well, kill these bastards!"

The mad lion also recognized Yun Zheng who rushed to save him. He couldn't help bursting into tears and shouted, "Brother, it's really you. I want to die."

"Brother, you're fine. That's great. How are the brothers of Yunmeng?" As Yun Zheng said, he rushed to the green wolf who had just climbed up from the gravel pile.

The two lines of the mad lion burst into tears, "Brother, I'm sorry, brother. The huge Yunmeng foundation has been almost destroyed, and the four or 500 brothers have been scattered, and the whole army has been destroyed. They are all blue-faced wolves. He alone killed more than 30 brothers of Yunmeng. I must kill him to pay tribute to his dead brother.

"Stop talking about it. If the foundation is destroyed, it can be created again, as long as the eldest brother is safe and sound." Yun Zheng waved his hand and forced the green wolf step by step.

The green wolf opened his mouth and spit blood and was beaten very awkwardly by Yun Zheng. The twisted and deformed iron armor was embedded in the bone seam, and he couldn't remove it even if he wanted to remove it. Yun Zheng punched him again. He couldn't help but raise his arm and took it hard. He was knocked down and flew out again with a bang. He fell hard on a wall on the street and collapsed the wall.

The green wolf's eyes showed fear. He climbed up from the ruins and rolled back to avoid the clouds. He also threatened wildly, "The surnamed Yun, this crazy lion is the leader of bandits everywhere. Don't you be afraid of the punishment of Liangzhou law if you dare to help him?"

Yun Zheng jumped over with a cold face, stepped on it, broke the green wolf's leg with a click, and said coldly, "Bulls, people who are running the mineral medicine field have become bandits, so what are you?"

The green wolf shouted "ah" in pain. Seeing the cold light that could kill people in Yunzheng's eyes, he couldn't help but crack his heart. "I'm all ordered by people to burn the village and destroy the spiritual mine of the medicine field, but it's none of my business!"

Yun Zheng didn't talk nonsense with him at all. He kicked out a few feet in a row and broke the green wolf's hands and feet, completely losing his ability to resist. At this time, Grandpa God also attacked the red-robed inscriptionist and locked it with a stone lock inscription. Asjuen attacked fiercely, turned more than a dozen of the green wolf's men to the ground, killed six on the spot, and the remaining five were also broken with only one breath.

From Yun Zheng shouting, to the green wolf and others' blood splashed on the long street, but it was only a moment. Yun Zheng's mood was relieved after a long time. At this time, there was a burst of hoofs in the distance, and people shouted horses, and a brigade came. Some Sanwu practitioners shouted to report to Yun Zheng and others, "It's Xiaoliang Wang's patrol warrior team."

At this time, Ding Jia also rolled back and crawled back. When he saw Yun Zheng, he was overjoyed, "Master Yun, you are as safe as before. Thank God."

Yun Zheng patted him on the shoulder to appease him. This guy is also capable. He changed from Dongfang Jin of Yangwei Villa to his own door. He didn't get acquainted with the mad lion for many days. It was not easy to escape to Liangzhou with the mad lion alive this time.

Seeing the people of King Liang getting closer and closer, it is really unwise to stay here. Ju En looked at the disciples of the outer courtyard of the Oriental family lying on the ground and asked, "Lord, there are still five living people. Do you want to take them away?"

Before Yun Zheng could speak, the mad lion's eyes were red and he walked closer, pointed to several people lying on the ground, and said angrily, "These people had been there in the fallen suburban war the night before, and my brother remembers it clearly."

Yun Zheng took a look and said coldly, "They are all murderers stained with the blood of our Yunmeng brothers. Brother, you can deal with them."

"Of course, blood is paid for!" The wild lion gritted his teeth and hated it, and his hand fell down, killing the remaining green wolves one by one.

Yun Zheng asked the old god to tie the green wolf and the red-robed inscription master together. Several people flew on the spirit beast and sped in the opposite direction of the patrol warrior team, and soon disappeared on the street. The Liangzhou warrior patrol team followed the sound of fighting, but only saw a scene of the body in a mess, and other scattered warriors fled without a trace for fear of being affected. The warriors got nothing, so they had to clean up the situation and return the body to Xiaoliang Wang.

Liangzhou is the territory controlled by the king of Liang. Although there are many martial arts and duels between warriors occur from time to time, such a big thing on the street still causes a lot of sensation. In addition to the rampant bandits and the killing of goods these days, this is another thing that makes people think about it.

Yun Zheng and several people circled around Liangzhou City before returning to Tongtianfang City and quickly entered the Beast Hall. Dongfang Tianzong, Qi Guoyuan, Yan Xiaoqing Yan Xiaohong and others have already arrived and are waiting anxiously.

As soon as they saw Yun Zheng and several people, Dongfang Tianzong and others guessed who was fighting on the street just now. It was early, Liu Zhi repeatedly shouted for people to close the store and lock the door. Several people gathered in the hall, and then brought up the green wolf and the red robe inscriptionist for careful interrogation.

Because the head of the family is as prestigious as the sun, the Oriental family has become the first martial arts family in the Zhongtian mainland, with power throughout the whole continent, and countless children. Related industries are also countless, and the medicinal fields and mines inside and outside Liangzhou also account for many places. These days, there are a lot of bandits around Liangzhou, many industries of the Oriental family have been destroyed, and nearly 100 disciples have also been killed and injured, which has greatly shocked the Oriental family and has to pay attention to it.

Qi Guoyuan is a disciple of Qi Tianzong. Yan Xiaoqingyan Xiaohong is a prodigal son of the flower capital. Although his strength is not as good as that of the Oriental family, there are many biological industries in Liangzhou, and this time it is naturally among the affected.

Yun Zheng was most concerned about the loss of Yunmeng in the suburbs of the fallen leaves. The Mad Lion told him that it turned out that the night before yesterday, a group of nearly 1,000 unidentified warriors took advantage of the night to attack Leijiaji, Yunjia Village and Yangwei Villa, which belong to Yunmeng. Most of the cultivation of the remaining 300 disciples of Yunmeng was under a period, and they could not stop the attack of this thousand warriors at all. In the end, the casualties were heavy, and the three foundations were also burned and destroyed, almost in ruins. Later, in the early morning, the group attacked Hongye City again, almost destroying the North City. Later, Mo Feng, the city owner, led a team to resist desperately and was able to save Hongye City.

And the 100-person warrior team led by the Blue Wolf and the Red Robe Inscription Master are mainly responsible for attacking Yangwei Villa. The Green Wolf has been trained in three stages, and one person killed more than 30 Yunmeng disciples and injured the mad lion. The lion hated him to the bone. After escaping from the chaos, he hid on the roadside and followed the green wolf back to Liangzhou City. Unexpectedly, the Green Wolf was a foreign disciple of the Yuwen family. The wild lion hid in Liangzhou and felt ashamed to report to Yun Zheng. He just wanted to find an opportunity to kill the Green Wolf and then apologize.

This thousand warriors under the banner of bandits and a leader warriors. The mad lion said that this man's cultivation is unfathomable, at least five stages. Yun Zheng heard the mad lion describe the appearance of the leader of the martial artist, and blurted out, "It's Yan Zhenshan!"

"If this evil dog of the Yuwen family falls into the hands of me, I will definitely smash him into ten thousand pieces!" Dongfang Tianzong gritted his teeth and said. Yan Zhenshan and Yan Fanhai brothers are notorious. They have always had the nicknames of Yan's two heroes. They are domineering in Liangzhou and have also clashed with Dongfang Tianzong and others many times, but they have not fought for their lives. This time, the Dongfang family was also affected by bandits, so as soon as he heard the three words Yan Zhenshan, Dongfang Tianzong suddenly became very angry.

Things are basically clear. Yuwen's family and Liang Wangfu will definitely not be able to escape this banditry that affects the whole territory of Liangzhou.

The green wolf was dragged into the hall. As soon as the lion saw him, he was not angry. He rushed to kill the green wolf with red eyes. Thanks to being firmly hugged by Liu Zhi, the wild lion roared breathlessly, "Brother, this guy is the most fucking vicious! Previously, a boy named Red Tiger threw your token to Yunmeng, and his brother took him in. But a few days later, this guy pretended to be a businessman and came to Yunmeng and stunned the red tiger at night. The night before, he took people to attack the village again, which was simply abominable!"

The green wolf sneered, "The red tiger is the young owner's dog. He betrays the family. Of course, he will be caught and executed. However, the cultivation of your Yunmeng disciples is really bad. If I had known that I would have rushed to catch the red tiger, why disguised as a trader? Ha ha... Wait obediently, and the Yuwen family will destroy you one by one sooner or later."

Seeing that he was still so arrogant, Yun Zheng kicked him in the chest. The green wolf spit out blood and said with difficulty, "... Yun, you, you killed me. Anyway, you haven't had a good life."

Without saying anything, Yun Zheng slapped him out with his backhand, knocked his head against the wall, and suddenly collapsed several teeth. Asguen stood up quietly, stretched out an index finger, and condensed an ice cone in an instant. He grabbed the green wolf and stabbed the ice cone into the top door of the green wolf.

"Ah..." The green wolf screamed, his head was full of frost, and his whole body twitched and fainted.

"Oh, it's a pity, Ju En, how did you kill him? You should keep him alive." Liu Zhi shouted that it was a pity.

"He can't die," Asguen said calmly. "I froze his brain so that he can't survive. As long as the ice cone is in his mind, he will suffer all kinds of torture. The brain is confused, and he is now being tortured in purgatory. This method is the most severe punishment in the cold wilderness in the far north. It can be said that the strong ice demons can't stand it, not to mention this area of human beings.

ps: Thank you for your support!!!