Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 296 Anti-Bone

There was still a distance from the boss in the middle. The martial artist dealt with Goya with the light of the blade. He approached step by step, the blade was like snow, and the offensive was very fierce. The singing of Goya's set of songs could not be completed. The big water whirlpool in front of him could not condense a powerful attack, so he had the power to fight, but he protected the female sacrifice behind him everywhere. Division.

The warrior shouted, and dozens of warriors divided into two teams, rushed over from the two wings, and soon killed with the mackerel warriors who were in chaos. Yun Zheng saw clearly that the cultivation led by the two teams of interceptors was deep and powerful. They were actually all five-stage warriors, and their cultivation was not bad. They actually had three or five four-stage warriors each. These two teams were like wolves and tigers. They killed seven or eight mackerel warriors in the blink of an eye and came to kill the priestess.

The eight waitresses with round shields in their hands called "whole team defense" and divided into four people to protect the priestess and Goya, but the other four rushed forward to block the way of the two five-stage warriors. The waitress held the shield in her left arm and turned her right hand, holding a shiny steel hook. In the silver light shining, the iron hook waved. However, he also fought well with the two five-stage warriors. The martial arts skills used by the round shield waitress are tricky and vicious. They are not Zhongtian martial arts to build roads, iron paintings and silver hooks, and light blades are horizontal. Although the five-stage martial arts are powerful, they can't help them for a while.

At this time, some of the samurai shouted, "The Bujiao Dragon Array rejected the enemy." Hearing the voice, it was the mackerel warrior named Fish. The mackerel warrior, who was originally panicked, listened to someone's command. He was a little calm and subconsciously formed a formation and counterattacked the other party. It turned out that they were used to practicing for a long time, but just now, people were panicked and no one thought of it. Now someone took the lead to stand up, and everyone spontaneously responded. Although the formation was hasty, it was also beginning to take shape. There were five layers inside and outside. The saurman warriors overlapped in front of them, and the situation was also stabilized.

At this time, the song of sacrificinging Goya finally finished singing. She pressed her palms and spread the water whirlpool on the ground. With her and the priestess as the center, the big whirlpool rotated endlessly. Within a few feet of the water waves rolled and turbulent, and more than 100 saurchin warriors swam in this water whirlpool. The speed of the fish's reaction was immediately several times faster. These warriors held machetes in their hands. People really played with the waves in the water. Seven or eight interceptors who were trapped in the whirlpool of the water wave were immediately killed by the mackerel warriors.

The sarmaid warriors used the whirlpool of the water wave condensed by Goya to form a dragon array. Dozens of mackerel warriors circled in the water, as if they were united as a whole. The water waves rolled, and the dragon array rushed left and right, actually suppressing the attack of the two teams of the interceptors back. The fish took the lead to command, and there were four or five mackerel heads. He cooperated with him and mobilized the whole dragon array soundly.

The six-stage warrior rushed to the dragon array, and the big knife brazenly split out, stirring, and split a gap in the water whirlpool. Several mackerel warriors were accidentally exposed to the water waves and were cut into several sections by the six-stage warrior. Six-stage warriors took advantage of the victory to pursue and jumped into the dragon array. The big knife circled and echoed vigorously. Suddenly, a waterless space swung around him. He rushed around in the water array, and the other two warrior teams rushed up again, and the situation changed again.

At this time, the priestess sang and patted her palms. A water wave rose to the sky with a boom. A water dragon condensed and rushed to the six-stage warrior in the array. The warrior reacted very quickly, and the big knife split out in the air. There was a loud "bang", and the water dragon and the knife rustling collided with each other to make a strong wave. Violently, the six-stage martial artist was overturned out of the dragon array. The water dragon was constantly strong and involved a team of interceptors who rushed to the front of the array. The mackerel warriors surrounded them, and the two sides fought together with knives and axes. Each had casualties, and the whirlpool of the water waves was dyed red. After a while, the team hurriedly escaped from the battle. In this battle, the delicate department People and horses have the upper hand.

Standing in the middle of the water array with sacrificial Goya and the priestess. One sang with thought to maintain the integrity of the boundary of the water array, and the other operated the water dragon to help the mackerel warriors. In a long time, they had seen sweat on their foreheads. Obviously, such a formation refused the enemy, and the energy consumption of mind was very huge.

The six-stage warrior obviously did not expect the counterattack power of the demons of the Jiao Department to be so strong, and he was burned by the dragon array stirred by the waves. Although his martial arts were strong, he was helpless for the first time when he encountered such a strange formation.

Yun Zheng asked the old god, "Grandpa, in your opinion, which side can win if we continue to fight like this?"

The old god said, "Maintaining this dragon array is actually extremely laborious. If Goya and the priestess don't come up with a wonderful plan to decide the winner quickly, they are afraid that it will take a little longer and their strength will be exhausted. When this array is not self-solved, the people of the Jiao Department have not seen that they can resist the strong impact of the other party. What, boy, don't make an idea. Treasure exploration in the northwest is the first thing. It's ridiculous to delay here.

"If these warriors can do evil under the banner of Yunmeng, these martial artists are either the king of Liang's mansion or the people of the Yuwen family. What's more, there is an oral alliance between the jiao and the Yunmeng. Helping them is equivalent to attacking Xiaoliang Wang and Yuwen Pixian. It would be a good idea if they can frustrate their spirit before departure. En, don't you think so?

As Juen said, "Lord, Juen listens to you. You can say whatever you are. I just have to kill the enemy."

"Alas, you are willing to mind your own business." Grandpa shook his head helplessly.

Yun Zheng smiled and said, "I was willing to take you in at the beginning and gave you four monsters to heal your wounds. Isn't it nosy?"

Grandpa stared, "Can those goblins in the Jiao Department compare with Grandpa? Besides, it is Xiaoyue who left me to treat the wound. It has something to do with you. Don't stick gold on your face." When it came to Hanyue, Yunzheng's heart suddenly moved. He didn't know how the girl was practicing in Yunhai Shenyuan in Yujing City. From Hongye City to Yujing City, her life changed dramatically, and I didn't know if the girl had adapted to it.

At this time, the situation suddenly changed, and the saury fish, who had been under command hidden in the dragon array, suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed back, "Oh, why is Her Majesty here?" The mackerel leaders next to him subconsciously turned their heads and watched. The fish led the machete in the palm of their heads and suddenly swept around the body, "poop, poo" several times, and blood splashed, which had already split several mackerel leaders's heads down. This incident suddenly turned into an elbow and armpit. Of course, the priestess and Goya asked, "Ah," "Do you want to rebel?" Even the three Yunzheng were stunned, and the salam warriors in the dragon array suddenly became chaotic.

The fish took the lead and shouted, "Brothers, the mackerel is not kind. Let our mackerel warriors be cattle and horses, but also often beat and punish and kill at will. It's simply regards our mackerel as the most meanest caste. I have already lived enough of life. I am against the Jiao today, brother. Brothers, turn to the wise Lord with me." As soon as he shouted, he took his men to kill the sharks who were still a little hesitant. After the sharks were in chaos and cutting down more than a dozen warriors, the rest of the situation was not good and immediately said that he took the lead with the fish. As soon as these warriors turned against the water, they immediately fought with eight round shield maids. The dragon array suddenly disintegrated, and the six warriors took their men back to kill again. The priestess and Goya looked pale and retreated step by step under the escort of eight maids. The situation was critical.

The six-stage warrior whistled, kicked his feet under the mountain, and two teams of people killed from behind the priestess and others. The mackerel warrior also returned to kill Goya and the priestess under the shout of the fish. There was a scuffle between the two sides. Five of the eight waitresses were killed in an instant, and the remaining three were seriously injured. I don't live anymore.

Yun Zheng thought to himself that it was the mackerel warrior who betrayed the intelligence of the spirit girl to the red tiger. Today, it was the mackerel warrior who turned against the battle. It seems that the mackerel, a demon race, is born to be an anti-bone boy. He raised his hand and sent a letter arrow to report the letter to Liu Zhi and Dongfang Tianzong. He rushed out first. As Juen and the old god grandfather also rushed out and rushed forward from the side of the saurman warrior.

With the four-stage six-star cultivation of Yunzheng, the eight-grade dead water cut into his hand and cut the magic light blade, thunder and lightning, and rampaged through the mackerel warrior array, and instantly knocked down six or seven. The newly formed formation was chaotic again. Yun Zheng rushed forward and getting closer and closer to Goya and the priestess. When Goya saw Yun Zheng at a glance, she couldn't help but be overjoyed and said, "Why are you? Thank God!" Then he sang a short sentence, and the water flashed in the air, and a sharp water blade passed by, gently taking the heads of the two sabream warriors.

"Do you really think the masked warrior is me?" Yun Zheng smiled and raised his hand to split the two mackerel warriors, getting closer to Goya. At this time, the cold light flashed and the wind hit the face. The fish took the head and waved the machete to split it. Yun Zheng cut diagonally. "When" shook the machete of the fish's head, his arm was sore, and he found that the cultivation of the fish's head was not low. It turned out that on the day of the water Jujialiu conflict, the fish led deliberately hid his cultivation. Yun Zheng shook the fish's head with a knife, and suddenly swept out his leg. The speed was extremely fast. How could the fish's head avoid it? He was kicked out with a "bang" and fell straight behind the mackerel warrior formation.

Yun Zheng killed Goya and the priestess and said, "Follow me." He came back from the same road again and led them to retreat into the dense forest step by step. Goa and the priestess condensed water from time to time and fought back against each other.

Grandpa swept into the array and kept breaking through the inscription scrolls, but he saw the huge stalagmites bursting wildly, and the wind blade flew with blue light, and the interceptor's formation was suddenly confused. Asguen rushed to the front of the battle, jumped up in the air and jumped directly to the six-stage warrior. His body melted, his iron arms swept across, and the six-stage warriors waved knives to hold them. The two immediately fought together and fought equally.