Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 341 How about selling me for my life?

In front of the cabin, she stood a thin old woman in a black robe. She held a strange-shaped wooden crutch in her right hand and wrapped her left hand in her sleeve. Her body trembled slightly and coughed gently. It was Yun Zheng's appearance when he first saw Renxin in Tongtianfang City. After a few months, he saw Renxin here. Yun Zheng's heart was also quite sad.

Goya suddenly came to his ear and smiled softly, "My master's heartbeat seems to be a little strange. Are you interested in this old woman?"

Yun Zheng nodded with a smile, "Yes, I'm also interested from 80 to 10 years old. If you still know that under the appearance of this thin old woman, there is a body that is more than a woman than a woman, you can better understand why my heart beat faster."

An inexplicable fire rose in Goya's heart, "Pervert, have you ever seen it?"

"I have not only seen it, but also touched it. It feels better than yours. If I hadn't lost my life, I could have eaten her." Yun Zheng smiled.

"Who let you touch other women?" Goya frowned, and her blue eyes stared at Yunzheng.

"Are you jealous?" Yun Zheng asked.

"Who cares?" Goya rolled his eyes and gave it to him, but one hand pinched Yunzheng's arm fiercely and gritted his teeth and said, "Don't touch other women, old women can't do it either."

Yun Zheng held her stretched arm, and the other hand climbed to the beautiful buttocks of the little goblin and kneaded it fiercely. The little goblin was so angry that its eyes widened, but obediently did not dare to make it.

On both sides of the benevolence of the incarnation of the thin and skinny old woman, there are eight big men standing, wearing strong armor and holding various weapons. They are fierce and evil. Yun Zheng took a general look. These eight martial artists' cultivation is not low, and the worst one also has four paragraphs. It seems that this is the bodyguard warrior hired by Renxin.

The skillful medicine woman's benevolence is a traitor to the pharmacist, the owner of Yaowang Valley. When she escaped from Yaowang Valley, she not only took away many secret medicines and spiritual herbs, but also stole the fetuses and cultivation secret scrolls of the tensha duo luo. After knowing this, Chu pharmacist was furious. For this reason, he killed and scrapped dozens of disciples of Yaowang Valley, and even burned the grass valley where many precious herbs were planted. It can be seen how special the identity of Yao Niang's benevolence in Yaowang Valley is.

Although the benevolence in front of the wooden house is old, thin and dry, and weak, the eight martial artists beside her stand in a regular and trembling manner, as if they were serving a moody tyrant. I don't know how this bullying and benevolence was established in front of them.

Yun Zheng secretly calculated from the bottom of his heart. Although these eight warriors are powerful, the composition of the team combination is a little too simple. There are martial artists and organ masters in the four-person group of Donggua. The combination is very reasonable. If they really fight with Renxin, they will be regarded as a pharmacist with benevolence. If Donggua's side is prepared, it will more or less The upper hand. However, from the unfathomable depth of her benevolence, she can't just prepare the martial arts power on the table. In the end of the battle, it still depends on who has a deeper mind between the dwarf winter melon and her.

Donggua took Brother Wu and the black wolf and the green wolf to Renxin and stood five meters away from her. Suddenly, he bent down and knelt down with his right leg to salute. "I have seen the door owner."

Master? What's going on? This sudden turning point made Yunzheng and Goya petrochemical in an instant. Things seem to be a little wrong. Didn't Donggua take the opportunity to buy medicine with Renxin to kill people and get more goods? Why did they temporarily change their minds and turn to the old lady? It doesn't look like a new idea, but more like it's very familiar in advance.

Benevolence, dwarf winter melon, and the damn seven poison scattered transactions, this piece of a ring, looks like a big conspiracy. Yun Zheng was immediately alerted by the trap, and there was a deepening trend.

The four dwarf winter melon saluted respectfully, and their benevolent bodies remained motionless. They only hummed "um" in their noses. The dwarf winter melon quickly flattered and smiled, "Master, my subordinates have brought people here." Then he stood up and turned around and shouted, "Friends who have been following you, since you have come, don't hide it. Please show up."

Anyway, he fell into a trap, and Yun Zheng simply came down calmly. He walked out from behind the hidden flowers and trees with Goya and calmly walked to the open space of the flower valley, less than ten meters away from Renxin. The middle area between the two was the short winter melon and Brother Wu. At this time, some figures appeared from the flowers and trees, with a total of 20 or 30 people, most of whom were armored warriors. They walked through the flowers and trees and slowly approached behind Yunzheng in a fan, forming a situation of encircling Yunzheng with the winter melon and others in front of them.

Yun Zheng's breathing was as steady as a mountain. Goya leaned close to his side, and his smart water-blue eyes looked around alertly.

"You're looking for me." Yun Zheng smiled and looked at Renxin.

"You seem to be looking for me, too." Her eyes moved, not as clear and flexible as before, and there were many more things that could not be seen through.

Yun Zheng's eyes quickly swept over the practitioners around him and said, "Isn't it a big deal to know that I'm looking for you and have such a big battle?"

Yao Niang smiled kindly and said, "If I want to deal with you, no matter how much calculations and prepare for you are, it's not too much. I don't want to make another mistake like hunting the fire-tempered python. There is only one person's life. You can't get out safely any time you are in danger. Don't you think so?"

Yun Zheng said, "People's calculation is not as good as heaven's calculation. Sometimes it may be better to stay still and watch the changes. Benevolence, if you can get out of a cliff cave, no matter what method you use, I will still be happy for you. As you said, people's lives are only once, and it's better to cherish them. Come on, it took so much time to deceive me, isn't it just to kill me?"

Renxin said, "Yunzheng, as long as you return the things you took away from Han Tian's nest, as well as the poisonous sac and python skin of the fiery python, you and your companions can leave freely. Benevolence will never stop us... We are still friends."

"That's a good idea," Yun Zheng laughed and stared at Renxin, "Do you want the dozens of spring-Palace secret shadows left by Han Tian?"

Renxin blushed and couldn't stop thinking of the scene where the python** poison and Yun Zheng had been entangled naked in the python's nest for a long time. He didn't dare to look directly at Yun Zheng's sight and said sideways, "Yun Zheng, I invite you here with a plan to be sure that I can get what I want, but I don't want to hurt your life. You still It has been handed over well, and I also advise you not to wade into this muddy water. Almost all the masters of major sects who have become famous for many years have participated in it. Maybe they don't even know how they died. Why?

Yun Zheng asked, "Do you want to persuade each other in the past, or is it alarmist and threatening? I have brought a lot of the same things you want. You just want the secret picture engraved on the skin of the python. You say a reason and I will give it well. Ha ha, just because these people want to stop me? You look too highly of these people. He stretched out his hand and clicked on Donggua and Brother Wu, and continued, "To the way, you respectfully call her the master of the door. What kind of door are you? I haven't heard much about it. Was it just founded?

The dwarf winter gourd said angrily, "My surname is Yun, I have heard you noisy for a long time. If it hadn't been for the patience of the door owner to persuade you, I would have smashed your head. Contempt for our brother Hu Xiaomen, you are really impatient to live. You don't go out to inquire. This area of Qingshi Town is the territory of our tiger Xiaomen. You are blatantly wandering around the town. If it weren't for the order of the doorkeeper and no one to touch you, you really thought you could cover it. It is said that Liangzhou City has some kind of Ziwei Dixing's talented son of bullshit genius, how awesome he is. I cleverly made money with tricks, but is that all? It's still what the doorkeeper said just now. Put down the main thing of the door and get out of here, or hum..."

Yun Zheng motioned Goya, who was about to attack, to calm down. He stretched out his hand and wiped it on his left finger, then pulled out the famous knife and cut out the dead water. He pointed to the winter melon with the tip of the knife and said with a smile, "Short winter melon, I can see that you have been standing outside Ningzhou for a long time. I guess you were at least a door owner. Brother Wu's black wolf and green wolf are the roles of the second, third and fourth chairs. Why are they willing to work for this old woman? How many benefits did she give you? I bought you twice and turned her over. How about that?

The four people's faces changed slightly when they heard this, and their eyes subconsciously looked at Renxin with deep fear. Yun Zheng guessed well. Hu Xiaomen was originally born as a bandit. He had four family members and nearly 1,000 disciples. He has been living in Hu Xiaofeng and Qingshi Town for many years. Because several people's cultivation is not low, they have become popular. They opened a mountain and took disciples to establish a martial arts sect. In a few years, they completely whitewashed themselves. Unexpectedly, an old woman pharmacist came to the town to sell medicine and inadvertently revealed her family background. Donggua had bad intentions, so she cheated the old woman to the main village on Hu Xiaofeng to trade and prepare to eat black and kill people and rob money. Unexpectedly, the old woman took a fierce action, and poison poison poisoned more than 20 disciples, and even Brother Wu, the three black wolf and blue wolves, gave Only then did Donggua know how powerful it was. She took her men to worship the old woman as the head of the family, drove her to the ground, and did not dare to complain at all. Of course, this old woman is the benevolence in front of her.

So Yun Zheng joked that he would buy them at double the price, and Donggua and others immediately changed their faces. Renxin laughed, "I'll lend them courage. Let's see if they dare to accept your condition. Short winter melon. Tell this uncle Yun, are you the kind of villain who forgets?"

Donggua hurriedly said, "The man surnamed Yun wants to bribe me and betray the door owner. You are blind."

"If you don't go to give you a living, then don't blame the knife in your hand for not having eyes," Yun Zheng restrained his smile, and the cold murderous intention in his eyes suddenly made Donggua and others feel cold. Yun Zheng said again, "Renxin, if you want to ask me for a picture, I think the secret map on the fetal tripod must have been solved by you. Let's make a deal and kill me. You can take away everything on me. If you can't kill it, you can follow me and work for me. How about that?"