Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 370 Brake, One Side of the Land

Tang Baiyu, who turned into a corpse demon, was about to wake up. At that time, he told Yun Zheng some little-known things.

The ancestral roots of the Tang family are far-reaching, which can be traced back to the period of the Dragon Wing Dynasty of Zhongtian unification. In more than 20 generations, a genius Tang Mo came out, which led Tangmen to a road specializing in wonderful skills**. Since then, the Tang family has been divided into two, one of which is Ling Tianyu, honoring the legacy of his ancestors, practicing martial arts as the foundation, and refining organs to dominate the world. The other is the strange way, Zuntangmo as the ancestor, focusing on refining the most strange organ news in the world, but it has fundamentally marginalized martial arts. The two veins fought secretly for many years. In the end, Zun Tangmo won the victory for the ancestor's mirage and forever occupied the ancient city of Zuji Tangfeng. And Ling Tianyu's vein has fled from then on and disappeared. It is rumored that they are hiding in a secret place, practicing secret techniques and waiting for the opportunity to regain the ancient city of Tangfeng.

The secret box of Tangmen hides the authentic evidence of Ling Tianyu's family. It is necessary to find the current owner of Tangmen Lingtianyu, who is trapped in the ghost mountain city to complete the handing of Tangmen secret box.

The Baizhang River and the purple thunder prohibition barrier are the two major barriers in front of Yunzheng.

What day is the winter solstice? Although Lao Tang Zhan has been in the holy airspace for a long time, but I only remember that the holy airspace is a climate all year round. It is not an exabitant to say that the four seasons are like summer. Tianzhai practitioners are not good at governing agriculture. They reach out to God for food and drink. This monster alone is enough. If people eat it, who still cares about firewood, rice, oil and salt? Yun Zheng asked him, and Lao Tang Zhan pinched his fingers and said just these two days.

Yun Zheng wandered around the river for two days, looking for the closest place to the opposite bank. Later, he found a strange thing. The river was very wide. The river turned east, then south and then west, and finally turned north, forming a large circle, tightly surrounding the ghost mountain city. This river is round and unprovoked, and I don't know where the source comes from. Come on, I don't know where the river will fall. It's really strange!

Yun Zheng drove the golden-winged eagle, which had returned to its peak state, flew across the river, and flew to the mountains covered with thunder and clouds. Far away, the rumble of thunder came over, and the purple electricity flashed in the hovering cloud. The majestic and unpredictable great pressure made him feel awe.

Under the great deterrence of the great power brewing between heaven and earth, people seem so small and fragile.

flew nearly ten feet again, and the dry breath oppressed by the thunder and lightning was everywhere. Yun Zheng motioned the golden-winged eagle to throw the giant crocodile monster held by the golden claws. The monster twisted its ugly body and flew forward more than ten feet. The thunder exploded, and a huge purple electric net appeared in the air, and the giant crocodile hit it. Bang! The explosion turned into ashes.

Yun Zheng secretly smacked his tongue. A rock-hard guy like a giant crocodile can't be attacked by thunder. If he goes, how many times can he stand it?

He drove the golden-winged eagle back to his residence, only to find that Lao Tang's father and daughter and Goya were looking far away. They were relieved to see him come back. Lao Tang Zhan held his heart and said, Lord, how can the Leisha forbidden area go casually? You scared me to death.

Seeing that he came back safely, Goya's nervous face suddenly became relaxed, but Tang Jiao looked like a shit expression that didn't electrocut you if you didn't listen to the advice, which made Goya couldn't wait to put a few feet on her upturned buttocks to relieve her hatred.

If he is not benevolent, he doesn't seem to care about his life or death at all. Yun Zheng abandoned Tang Zhan and others and went through the wooden house where she lived and came to the backyard. Here, the vegetation is full of spiritual power, and her benevolence is meditating on a stone in the courtyard. not far away is the fetal fragrant tripod. She is sacrificing the ten magic poison brakes.

Yun Zheng didn't say anything, so he squatted on a wooden ladder behind the wooden house to watch her sacrifice poison tripod. What is the power of the ten magic poison brakes? It can be seen when fighting with the vicious insects and beasts that have been in captivity with Lao Tang for many years. What happened to the bodies of those highly poisoned Tianzhai disciples and mutant demon insects? What illusion did they see in front of their eyes? Yun Zheng is not them, and he doesn't have the ability to get into their eye nerves to see what's going on. Anyway, those people and those mutant insects and beasts killed each other like crazy, and finally solved themselves cleanly.

I'm afraid it will always be a mystery what the poisoned person sees. This may be the place where the ten magic poison brakes really make people feel horrible.

Renxin stood up, turned his back to the clouds squatting on the wooden ladder, and straightened his arms. With the help of the wind gathered by the wind and evil inscriptions on the armor, the whole person floated in a cross shape, and the close-fitting iron wire silver silk spider armor outlined her exquisite back. She was shining silver all over her body, with bee waist, upturned buttocks, straight legs, and there was no gap when she put it together. Yun Zheng had no reason to think of the beautiful scenery when she was stripped naked by herself in the python nest cave that day, and a sense of restlessness quietly grew in her lower abdomen, which was very subtle.

She suspended in the air, and her silver hair fluttered. The fragrant tripod was controlled a few meters in front of her by her mind. Several colors of light smoke emerged from the tripod. The fragrant tripod slowly hovered in the air, and the poisonous smoke did not disperse, pulling out a large spiral shape with strange and gorgeous colors, like a blooming peacock screen.

The level of the ten-sha Doro seems to be much higher.

Yun Zheng looked at the condensed poisonous smoke, about eight or nine colors, and his head was a little dizzy. He quickly turned his eyes to the benevolent body and immediately felt much more comfortable.

With a flick of Renxin's finger, a red object the size of a fist flew out. It was the poison bag of the python. The poison bag flashed red and was smoked by poisonous smoke and injected into the fragrant tripod. Then a blood-red smoke emerged from the tripod, and the ten magic poison brakes added another color.

After a long time, he condensed his benevolence and luck, put ten kinds of poisonous smoke into the incense tripod, took it back with one move, and said coldly, "Have you seen enough?"

Yun Zheng was slightly stunned and immediately smiled and said, "Eye-catching, never get tired of seeing it."

The benevolent and slender shoulders moved slightly and did not turn around, but leaned down on the stone, whispering to himself, "Smooth lips... Do you really like to see it? Did you leave it that day? The two trade-offs, I'm afraid life is more important..."

Yun Zheng jumped down the wooden ladder, walked slowly, gently sniffed the ten unique moments left in the air, and glanced at him, "Aren't you afraid of poisoning?"

Yun Zheng looked at her soft and delicate lips and said with a smile, "I ate hundreds of flowers, and I am invulnerable."

Renxin stared at him anguishly, and couldn't help laughing at the corners of his mouth, "I knew that I had soaked rotten bones and broken intestines since I was a child, and I used that food. At that time, I will poison you and see if you dare to take advantage of it."

Yun Zheng bent down and squatted down and looked down at dozens of poisonous insects that had just drilled from the ground and bit each other like crazy. Before long, they became a mutilated corpse. He raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes. In front of him was a tall chest wrapped in silk armor, which was within reach. .

He picked up a branch and gently provoked the bodies of the insects and said in a low voice, "Ten magic poison brakes. In the words of the Holy Religion of Tianwu Temple, it is a land, hehe, but this land is not a paradise on earth surrounded by flowers and heavenly women. It is so strange and terrible that the people who fell into the trap before they could taste it carefully. Do you think the person who died in this poison brake hurt him, or did he hurt himself?

The benevolent heart was stunned, and then shook his head blankly.

Yun Zheng threw away the branch, stretched out his hand, and suddenly caught a tall breast-room of Renxin. The iron wire silk spider armor is as thin as wings, soft and smooth. The soft and fullness of the crisp milk is held in the palm of your hand, which is ten times more comfortable than peeling the clothes and grabbing it in your hand. The feeling of the top of the crisp milk is as real as that.

"...Well, no!" Renxin stared angrily at first, but his body was involuntarily stiff and trembled slightly. He raised his right hand that wanted to pat Yun Zheng and was powerless to hang down. Suddenly, he felt weak, softly slipping from the stone, lying sideways beside Yun Zheng's feet, allowing him to rage on his chest.

The corners of Yun Zheng's mouth raised slightly, but he couldn't see much smile. "What do you want me to do, hurt me many times, and I'm willing to be your male repair tripod to detoxify and suck me dry?" The whole family was harmed by Chu pharmacist. He endured in Yaowang Valley for ten years and almost died in the python nest. Don't you know how cruel the world is? Are you qualified to complain about being left alone in the python's nest? You never thought that when I find the Holy Emperor's capital, I will leave you alone? If you want revenge, can you do it with a ten magic poison brake?

"..." She knew that it was paranoidating that a ten-year-old phantom poison brake wanted to kill the old thief Chu pharmacist with a hundred years of Taoism. So what could she do if she found the secret scroll in the Holy Emperor's heritage capital? After ten or eight years of practice, she would be the opponent of Chu Yaoshi? She suddenly found that her idea of revenge was just an empty fantasy. Chu pharmacist was the powerful Elephant Mountain in her heart, and she had just been anesthetizing herself.

"...I want revenge, please help me..." He said this sentence vaguely and somehow burst into tears. His parents, who were gradually blurred in his heart, seemed to be farther and farther away.

Somehow, the spiritual grass garden in the outer valley of Yaowang Valley suddenly appeared in front of her. She returned to the slender seven or eight-year-old appearance. Two blurred backs were busy in the spiritual grass, and the sun shone with her eyes straight.

"Dad, mother..." She subconsciously shouted this sentence, and tears flowed up, and the two people ignored her. Then a man who looked like he was always in his forties appeared in front of him. He was an enemy pharmacist. He just slapped his parents twice, and the two were poisoned into a pile of black carbon-like things.

Renxin felt that she tried her best to jump up, but fell into a hole. It was the nest of the fiery python. The people of the Dawa team rushed up one by one to ask for her for their lives. The python also wrapped her with its body. A fire pounced on her body and burned up. She suddenly moaned in pain. Then he felt cool. It turned out that Yun Zheng came to him and slowly peeled off the silk armor burned red by the flames of the python, and then he kissed himself unscrupulously.