Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 377 The First Battle of the Cilla Cub

Yun Zheng waved his hand with a knife, and the purple electric arc revolved around everyone, banging endlessly, blowing up the wind blades released by the four-legged python.

Yun Zheng kicked the ground with his feet and rushed to the strange python. The passing water cut into a thorn. The tip of the knife popped out a foot of purple electric blade and pierced directly into the right eye of the monster python. The strange python seemed to be afraid of the purple electric blade released by Yun Zheng. He stared back with his triangular eyes, rolled up his long tail in scales and patted his head on Yun Zheng.

Yun Zheng is interested in trying out the martial power of the martial artists who have just been promoted to the seventh stage. At present, he does not dodge. He stands on both feet. He holds his left hand upside down with a knife, and his right arm is full of fists. His whole body crackled softly. He punched at the thick python tail that slapped over. His fist hit halfway, and a purple electric arc overflowed his fist surface, forming A huge purple electric fist shadow.


The fist python collided and exploded vigorously. The surrounding roots and old vine gravel sand were swept away, and the clouds did not move, but the four-legged python was knocked over and knocked out heavily on the stone wall full of old tree roots, and smashed a big hole with a bang. However, the strange python's rough skin and thick scales were like iron, and unexpectedly rushed back with a loud voice. The python circled around, avoiding the clouds and entangling towards the benevolent heart. The benevolent palm stood still, and the ten-color cigarette in the tripod seemed to know that it was powerful, avoiding the colored smoke and rushed to Goya. Goya is doing "clear heart singing" and can't avoid it. Besides, she is as quick as the strange python.

Yun Zheng saw that Goya was in danger and rushed back like a wind. He suddenly hit the strange python in Yunxiao armor and knocked it aside. Goya also hid behind the golden-winged eagle in time. Since the last time Jinpeng was sent by Yun Zheng to protect Goya and Renxin, as soon as there was danger, the heavenly eagle was spontaneously burdened. It took the responsibility of blocking the two women behind him, and this time it was no exception. It stretched its wings, and its huge body lay in front of the two women. Whether it was intentional or unintentional, it happened to turn Lao Tang's father and daughter out.

Yun Zheng knocked over the python, and his body fell on its body vertically. He put away the knife and pierced it into its right eye. With a "poop", the slurp, the strange python cried in pain and rolled over and wanted to fall down. Yun Zheng wanted to draw a knife and stab again, but the dead water chopping was embedded in the gap of the strange python's brain bone and could not be pulled out for a while. He was also afraid that once it was out of his control, it would escape and take away the famous knife, so he tightly grasped the long knife and did not relax. He followed the strange python and turned over several times, making it covered with dirt.

The strange python rolled up its huge tail and swept it. Yun Zheng couldn't avoid it. Finally, it was entangled by the strange python. It got what it wanted and immediately began to tighten the python. Yun Zheng tried its best to resist the entanglement of the strange python. The sound of "crip" was continuous, and it was the sound of the strange python bones tightening, which sounded creepy.

Yun Zheng tried again and finally pulled out the dead water chopping, and even removed a piece of meat in the eye socket of the strange python. As the knife was pulled out, a blood arrow rushed out. The strange python was in pain, and the rest of his single eyes were fierce and fierce. He refused to let go of the clouds wrapped in the python's body. His body tightened, raised the python's head, and bit his upper body with a big mouth. Yun Zheng raised the dead water and stabbed it into its mouth. Suddenly, there was a tender roar next to it. The young beast of Saint Chimera flapped its wings and rushed to it. Seeing that the strange python was about to hurt its owner, it rushed to the left eye of the strange python.

The strange python is obviously very concerned about the remaining one-eyed. Although the Chimera cub is small, it is extraordinary. If it is afraid that this eye will be blind, he can't take care of swallowing the clouds. At present, he shakes his head to avoid the dead water stinged by the clouds. The big mouth is closed, but it is given by the Chimera cub. Swallow it in. Then he saw a bag bulging at his neck and swallowed the Chimera cub.

Goya's delicate cry made her soul fly away. Although the little beast hatched not long ago, she spoiled the little beast very much. Seeing that the little beast was swallowed into her belly by a strange python, she rushed over without regard. Tears flowed out. She sang with knots and sang, which cost more than half of her spiritual cultivation.

Seeing that St. Chimera's cub was swallowed, Yun Zheng was also anxious. He shook his hand and threw down the dead water cut, clenched his fists to urge the thunder. There was a crazy continuous attack on the python. The sound of bang, bang and bang kept flashing, and the purple lightning flashed. More than a dozen heavy fists hit the head of the strange python. How could the strange python withstand seven shocking attacks? The huge python was smashed into half, and the flesh and blood were blurred, and the rest of the eye was also blown up.

The strange python was so painful that it whirped and sprayed randomly, and his neck twisted desperately to dodge Yun Zheng's heavy fist. Its body softly released from the entanglement of Yunzheng, stepped on its four feet, and ran along the road like flying. Unexpectedly, it was dizzy and hit the stone wall, smashed a big hole in the stone wall, and threw its long tail and got in. Yun Zheng stretched out his feet to pick up the dead water and jumped into the big hole to chase him. The strange python escaped, and Goya had to give up half of the holy light singing he had prepared. He and Renxin jumped into the cave one after another, followed him, and then the father and daughter of Lao Tang Zhan. Nine days Jinpeng ran to the end. Because its huge cave was too narrow, he rushed in twice and almost got stuck in the middle of the cave. Jin Peng was annoyed for a moment. Angry, with a roar, his wings kept patting at the cave, rumbling, the gravel flew around, and the cave was smashed by it.

Yun Zheng ran to the front, the cave was wet and dark, and a smell of rottenness rushed towards him. The ground was full of white bones of people and beasts. I thought it was the nest of the strange python. He ran along the blood of the python and chased it quickly. The python escaped more quickly, and the cave was very long and curved. After turning a few turns, he still couldn't see the strange python. He was worried that the cubs might be melted by the strange python's stomach fluid for too long. He couldn't help but hurry up his pace, but there were three fork holes in front of him. He had to stop for a while and shook his hand to release three thunderbirds. The blue light flashed, and the thunderbird quickly flew into three fork holes.

At this time, Ge Yarenxin and others also chased after him, and from time to time, there was the angry roar of Jinpeng and the sound of roaring on the wall of the cave. Yun Zheng condensed his mind, and the vision of the thunder hornbirds appeared on the mirror inside the divine eye. The left fork hole flew forward and soon caught up with the slowing monster python. The monster python may have bled too much or had too much pain on its head. Anyway, its escape speed slowed down significantly.

Yun Zheng took Goya and others to jump into the left fork hole and chased forward. After a while, he finally saw the back of the strange python flying away, and several people chased it into a cave. The cave is very spacious, with stone tables and stone beds, which seem to be inhabited. In the middle of the cave, there is a stone pile with a stone carved throne on it. The stone seat is surrounded by white bones. This strange python's nest is more like a grave full of white bones.

The strange python rushed to the stone throne. Suddenly, its body twisted and fell to the ground, twisting back and turning painfully. The giant tail swept wildly, beating the white bone gravel in the cave flying around. Then it struggled to turn over and stood up and climbed to the stone throne. The 20 or 30 meters long huge body was winding, and its neck was raised high. It lifted the head of a big triangle that was about to be smashed. The scarlet letter kept swallowing, and a mass of poison gas kept coming out. The cave was wet, and the smoke and poison miasma accompanied by the ubiquitous corpse poisons, which soon filled the whole cave.

Yun Zheng picked up a seven-foot-five-inch famous knife and cut it, and strode to the terrible monster python coiled on the stone throne. If you open it earlier, you can save the cub swallowed into your belly earlier. With the super vitality of the holy beast of Saint Chimera, you may be able to save the life of the cub.

"Wow--" The strange python suddenly made a strange roar, and the triangular python, which was beaten by Yun Zheng's heavy punch, cracked, and a shading human upper body suddenly broke out. This man is obviously similar to the mutant beast. He has black hair and shawls, his beard is red and has no pupils. **'s upper body muscles are knotted, and his arms are holding a long and heavy iron spear. He howls. As soon as the snake moves, it rushes to Yun Zheng, and the spear stabs head-on.

The hole is full of poison and smoke, and there are mutated human monsters. The life and death of Chimera cubs is uncertain, and the situation is really dangerous. At this time, after the last syllable of Goya was sung, the holy light chanted, and a soft white light swung out of her heart, covering the whole cave, and the poisonous miasma and the ubiquitous corpse poison and decay gas everywhere were suddenly washed away. The naked-eyed humanoid python just rushed out a few feet with the iron spear and was illuminated by the holy light. His eyes suddenly changed from red to gray-white. Half of the iron spear was stabbed out, and even his arms were purified into a piece of carbon wood by the holy light. With a soft bang, it burst into pieces.

The human monster python couldn't turn around and escape, but before escaping a few feet away, it fell into the cave and turned over several bellies. Then the black scales on its abdomen were swollen and broken from the inside out, and a big hole was burned out by some kind of venom, and then a coo came out. The figure flew out of it and saw the strange python in front of him. Chimera cub roared angrily. The little beast's mouth opened, and a ball of miserable blue poison splashed out and sprayed on the monster python. The venom burned on the ground, and soon melted the strange python into a pool of pus, leaving only the white bones. The San Chimera cub was still puzzled. The sheep's head raised on his left and right shoulders, and blue lightning came out one after another. In a short time, the skeleton of the strange python was smashed into debris.

Seeing the complete destruction of the human monster python with a huge body, St. Chimera's cub flapped its wings, roared proudly, and declared its first victory after birth to Yun Zheng and others. The tenacious vitality and tenacious will to fight are indeed beyond the expectations of ordinary monsters.

The little beast finally got out of danger, and Goya was infinitely happy. In addition, as soon as she used the holy light to sing, she was about to fall soft, but she was held by benevolence. She also leaned over to Goya's ear and whispered, "Goblin sister, if my sister comes to help you this time, don't bother me."