Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 399 Ningbi

Yun Zheng still held the secret box of the Tang family in his hand. After being quenched by thunder and fire for a long time, the secret box came out of light, and then cracked, like eight petals of lotus flowers, all of which were refined with pure white crystals. A powerful collection force emanated. The mother vein of Bilei turned around and was suddenly by the secret of the cracked secret. The box was taken in and fixed on the bottom of the eight-petal crystal lotus, which shrank to an inch of diameter. The blue disc rotated and no longer thundered.

The secret box can capture the Leishatian vein, which shocked Yun Zheng. At the beginning, when Tang Baiyu asked himself to hand over the secret box to the current head of Ling Tianyu, he only said that there was evidence that Ling Tianyu was the authentic bloodline of the Tang family, but he didn't say that this thing could capture the Leisha vein. This thing is so precious. Do you want to give it to the head of the Tang family?

Tang Baiyu promised that if Yun Zheng brought this thing to the owner of Ling Tianyu, the sect would be able to secretly give it to the eight thunder and fire seeds of the world's supreme. Looking at this small secret box of Tangmen, the eight-petal white crystal lotus can capture the mother source of Bilei. Is this mother source one of the eight thunder seeds?

Yun Zheng had doubts in his heart, but there was no definite explanation. He tried to release his mind, communicated with the box, and found that with his strong mind, he could open and close the secret box at will. Then he reached out and grabbed Bilei's mother source, and the mother source was captured through the air. Without the secret box eight-petal lotus bondage, the mother source kept releasing Bilei lightning.

Yun Zheng tried several times and confirmed that the secret box was specially designed to collect and collect the thunder, and the Bilei mother source is likely to be one of the eight thunder seeds scattered all over the sky.

Yun Zheng took the mother source again, and controlled the secret box to close. The dry thunder and fire in the waterless space suddenly disappeared without a trace, and the boundless fog around him also dissipated. He found himself in a stone room. In the center of the stone room, there was a crystal stone tablet with white light, with inscriptions. It engraved a lot of words and read it carefully, but it is what the ancestors of the Tang family left behind. There is the origin of the Tang family and the prediction of the rise and fall of the Tang family. After dozens of generations, it accurately predicted that the Tang family will split into two. Behind the crystal tablet, there are several secret methods for refining Tangmen organs that have been lost on the mainland for a long time.

It can be said that as long as this ancient crystal tablet is shown to the world, it is enough to prove that Tang Jialing Tianyu is an authentic disciple of the ancient city of Tangfeng. The so-called opening branches and leaves in the Tangmo era is the evil way.

Yun Zheng removed the crystal tablet with martial power and mind cultivation, put it into the ruler box at his waist, and prepared to go out and hand it over to the owner of Ling Tianyu. As for whether the suzerain of Ling Tianyu, who fell into the hands of the mother emperor's demon girl, is still alive, he has to pray to the sky.

This space secret room suddenly lost the two power sources of Bilei mother source and crystal stone tablet, and the power to maintain the balance collapsed in an instant. The space secret room suddenly collapsed and sent the clouds back to the pool.

Yun Zheng swept out of the water, stretched its light wings and hovered in the air, put away the Tang family's secret box and the ruler box containing the crystal stone tablet, and then spread its wings to fly up, flying out from the abyss of a hundred feet, and flew to the source of light on the top. After a while, he was close to the source of light, but he felt a strong wind rolling out of the beam of light, condensing a huge wind blade to attack him. Yun Zheng is now in a thunderous eight sections, and there is a seven-grade inscription master on the verge of breakthrough. The power of the fusion of the two is unimaginable. Although this wind blade is coming. Suddenly, Yun Zheng was not afraid of it. At that moment, he slapped it out, and Bi Lei rolled and scattered the attacking Tianang wind, and Yun Zheng also flashed into the pillar of light.

There was a strong upward absorption force in the light column, which took him up and raised him a hundred feet like lightning. Yun Zheng's arms suddenly shook. Under the continuous explosion of Bilei, he broke free from the control of the light column and flew into a grotto. He turned his head to look at the pillar of light that went straight to the dome of the cave. , I don't know where it was shot. The more it went up, the purple thunder coiled near the dome, the roar flashed, and the sound was powerful.

The bloody smell in the cave is strong, and the black smoke is hovering around, as if entering the place where demons are coiled. Yunzheng looked around and saw that the bodies in such a large cave were in a mess. Looking at them, you can see that there are blue-blooded alien beasts of the mother emperor, poisonous-blooded alien beasts occupying the periphery of the magic castle, as well as the corpses of the Xuanyi Tian generals of the Yuwen family's disciples in the Liangwangfu, and there are also many corpses of sect disciples such as the Beast Hall and the Oriental Family. The blood has not cooled down, obviously just after a fierce battle.

Suddenly, there was a gasping sound from the side of the cave. Although it was extremely subtle, Yun Zheng heard it clearly. It was the voice of the mother demon girl.

Have you arrived at the mother's nest? Yunzheng was worried about the safety of Goya and Renxin, so he followed the direction of Moji's gasp. There was a huge cave where the sound came from it. Yunzheng entered the cave, and the cave circled in, like a big spiral. There were amputated limbs all the way. The bodies were everywhere, and there was no living mouth. After walking for a long time, he went to a grotto at the end. There was someone talking inside. Yun Zheng quickly restrained his breath with a hidden mind and quietly touched it in.

With his current cultivation, he used such a hidden thinking method, which seems to be integrated with the surrounding environment. No one can easily find it.

In the center of the grotto, there is a wide stone platform a few meters high above the ground. The stone platform is surrounded by blue giant eggs, with dozens or hundreds of them. At the thought of hatching poisonous blood beasts here, Yun Zheng felt very shivering. On the stone platform, there were thick grass and vines, and the half-length female emperor demon girl was lying on it. Her body squirmed and gasped. She was having sex with a man in untidy clothes, and the cheers echoed in the cave, which was very **-like.

The man's armor was untidy and his body was half naked. He wanted to struggle to escape, but he was killed by several worm legs by the mother demon girl. The man howled and shouted bitterly, but he could not stop him from being sucked by the demon girl's lower body like sperm. Seeing the man's body shrined down, the man shouted, and his head was half out and became a mummified body. With his eyes widened, Yun Zheng suddenly recognized him. It was Zheng Haijie, the second brother of the four Xuanyi.

The mother demon girl swallowed Zheng Haijie's sperm blood, raised her arm and threw the mummified corpse off the stone platform, gasped with satisfaction, stretched out her tongue to lick her scarlet lips, and her eyes were blurred.

Yun Zheng couldn't help but be surprised. How long he stayed in the cathodic spring, Zheng Haijie fell into the hands of the mother demon girl, and he didn't know what happened to Goya and Renxin? He was observing around and suddenly heard someone saying, "Mother, if you are full, please pass on the blood of Mother."

This sound was extremely familiar. It turned out to be the guy Tang Jitian, which surprised Yun Zheng even more, because Tang Jitian sat on a black boulder on the ground of the stone platform. Just now, he had been sitting still. The robe he was wearing was completely integrated with the color of the stone, but Yun Zheng did not find it. As soon as Yun Zheng paid attention, he found that there were still two people lying upside down beside Tang Jitian, a man and a woman, but Tang Xiaotang and Tang Xiaoye. The two looked at Tang Jitian angrily, as if they were about to spit out fire.

Yun Zheng was in a hurry to rush out to save people. Suddenly, he thought that Tang Jitian's cultivation was unfathomable. If he rushed out at this time, he could not beat Tang Jitian and his mother Demon Ji. It's better to see what Tang Jitian was going to do first and find a good opportunity to beat him down first. , there will be more chances to win the fight against the demon girl.

Hearing Tang Jitian's inquiry, the mother demon Ji turned her head to look at him, her eyes blank, tilted her head, as if she was racking her brains to recall something in the past. Tang Jitian said impatiently, " Ningbi, you don't know me after such a while? Do you remember that I'm Tang Jitian, the man I caught for you?

Ningbi? Yun Zheng was shocked. Why is this mother demon girl also called Ningbi? Isn't it Mo Bechou and Huangshang who are looking for the same person?

A light flashed in the eyes of the mother emperor Moji, who was called Ningbi by Tang Jitian, and she ate and laughed, "Brother, I remember. Are you so looking forward to my death?"

Tang Jitian said, "Bi, I want you to live a hundred years old, but since you have inherited the poisonous blood of the previous generation of the demon girl with your mother's body, you should know that you can only live 12 years, so you don't inherit the poisonous blood to your mother's body. If you detonate yourself, you will also die."

The mother demon took a look at Tang Xiaoye lying beside Tang Jitian and asked, "Is this the mother's body that wants to replace me?"

Tang Jitian nodded and said, "Any woman who can inherit the mutant poisonous blood as the mother of the emperor must be the purest blood of the Tang family. The descendants of the Tang family with this bloodline are not limited to Ling Tianyu or the Wei Tiandao. It can be said that I tried my best to find this mother emperor. At first, I mistakenly thought it was the child named Tang Xiaotao. Humph, it was not until I fought with the people of Tangfeng Ancient City on the outskirts of the Magic Castle that I found that this mother emperor was actually this girl, so that there was a mistake.

He grabbed Tang Xiaoye and tore her back clothes, revealing the snow-white spine. In the middle of the shoulder blade, there was a cyan lotus flower. Tang Jitian pointed to the cyan lotus and said, "Ningbi, look, it is this green lotus. Only the Tang woman with this mark is the purest Tangmen blood. Tong, Ningbi, don't you also have one on the back of your neck?

The mother demon girl sighed, "Yes, I thought it was a glorious and proud thing to have this mark, the pure Tang family bloodline, but I was born to sacrifice as a mother emperor. Thinking of this, I would rather not have this pride. Brother, do you think that the Tang woman with this cyan lotus mark can only be the fate of the mother emperor?

Tang Jitian said, "It's not like this. If you want to complain, you have to complain that the ancestors of the Tang family have practiced the poison-blooded beast method. In order to return to Zhongtian and compete with the strange heavenly way, this poisonous-blooded beast-law must be passed on, so your fate has long been determined. Ningbi... Just accept your fate, pass the poisonous blood to this girl, complete your mission, and I will bury you well."