Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 419 Fire Cloud Demon Ancestor

Yun Zheng immediately discussed with Liu Wanshou and others and ordered Sado to lead the way. Liu Wanshou asked Liu Zhi to lead 50 elite disciples of the Beast Hall and followed Yun Zheng and others to the Huoyun Palace. In case, Liu Wanshou led nearly 1,000 disciples to advance to the foot of Huoyun Mountain to meet Yunzheng and Liu Zhi.

When Satsu took Yunzheng and others to Huoyun Mountain, he soon came to the blocked passage. Honglian Pavilion is located on a volcanic crater, and there is a ditch dozens of feet deep and ten feet wide between the Monu Hall and the Renxiu Hall. Originally, there was an iron cable bridge connecting both sides, but now the spirit fire hall has rebelled, cutting off the iron cable bridge, and many disciples have been sent to guard the opposite pavilion, as long as they want to ride monsters to fly across. He will be immediately attacked by the guard disciples of the other party. In fact, he is a man who can't be a fool.

Yun Zheng looked at the Honglian Pavilion located on the crater in the distance for a while and had an idea in his heart. He said to Liu Zhijuen and others, "When you stay here at night, I will fly over alone to spy on it."

Everyone has no objection and rests on the spot. After two hours, the night fell, and the heat was reduced a lot, but the dark red clouds shrouded in the whole fire cloud mountain still did not disperse. The clouds were the most prosperous around the Red Lotus Pavilion, like a burning fire.

"I went." Yun Zheng said that his mind unfolded the purple cloud light wings behind him and flew to the other side of the ditch. He used the method of hidden thoughts, and then the red clouds around the Red Lotus Pavilion hid his breath and quickly melted with the clouds, making it impossible to distinguish it at all.

The ditch more than ten feet wide flew easily, and Yunzheng flew close to the Red Lotus Pavilion. There were corpses outside the huge Red Lotus Pavilion, which was like purgatory against the red clouds. Hundreds of demons of all kinds, dressed in the clothes of the Red Lotus Pavilion, were lined up in several teams and patrolling back and forth among the dead. Seeing the elite disciples of the Red Lotus Pavilion who were not dead, they added a knife to kill them, and screams sounded from time to time.

Yun Zheng secretly thought that these people were obviously disciples of the rebellion. Most of them must have been elite disciples of Honglian Pavilion. Has Honglian Pavilion been conquered?

The area around the Honglian Pavilion is still hot, and the surface is still slightly rumbled. It is estimated that the geothermal volcano under the Honglian Pavilion is by no means a dead volcano. Honglian Pavilion takes the active volcano as its nest. I'm afraid that the disciples in the door will always worry about the eruption of the volcano, and it is no wonder that they have strange hearts.

At this time, two demon disciples of the Spiritual Fire Hall spoke in front of the Honglian Pavilion. One said, "Master Yihu is also bad enough. This time, he promised the old demon ancestor to borrow thousands of disciples to come back to deal with the Honglian Master. Unexpectedly, he didn't borrow it, and he was beaten awkwardly. This is a big loss."

Another replied, "Ha ha, it's not nonsense, it's just that the old demon ancestor himself can't fight with the Red Lotus Master for a few days."

The former one said again, "What on earth is hidden in the crater?" Another shook his head and said, "That place is not something that people with such cultivation can peep. No matter how good the treasure is hidden, it has nothing to do with us."

Suddenly, there was a "beep" in the air, and a dark red firefox phantom appeared out of thin air, and then turned into a human figure. It was Yihu. He "hummed" and said coldly, "If you don't patrol well, what are you talking about?"

The two quickly pleaded guilty, left in a hurry, and ran to the pile of corpses to find living people.

Yihu pushed open a side door of the Red Lotus Pavilion and was about to enter. Yun Zheng's hands rushed straight down from the air and reached out to grab the back of his neck. With the connotation of his palm, a thunder and lightning that rotated counterclockwise condensed. Yihu immediately felt that there was something abnormal behind him and didn't have time to look back. While he rushed forward, he kicked his feet to the ground fiercely. Seven sections shook the ground and jumped up more than a dozen boulders and smashed against the clouds.

The momentum of Yun Zheng rushed forward unabated. He mobilized the purple cloud wings behind him to sweep over and smashed all the boulders into pieces with a bang. He also flew behind Yihu, and his right palm accurately caught the back of his neck. Yun Zheng's palm contained a thunder whirlpool, which penetrated into his veins at the back of Yihu's neck. Under the raging impact, he suddenly closed several of his main veins. Yihu was soft and could no longer move, so he had to let Yunzheng control him in the palm of his hand.

Yihu was scared to death. He had more than seven levels of cultivation, as well as the fire protection of Honglianye. He couldn't even stop a move under the sudden attack. Who is so powerful and how high is his cultivation? He glanced at the corners of his eyes and found that it was Yunzheng. Because he had fought in the Beast Hall, he thought that Yunzheng was a helper in the Beast Hall, and now he asked for mercy loudly.

Yun Zheng lifted him vigorously and said coldly, "Bear me to the crater." At this time, some disciples of the Spiritual Fire Hall found that Yihu, the head of the hall, had been captured and quickly warned loudly. Suddenly, dozens of spiritual fire hall disciples were surrounded, and there were also seven or eight disciples in the Honglian Pavilion. They rushed forward without knowing whether they were alive or death, and actually wanted to take Yihu back. Yun Zheng waved a string of purple thunder and lightning in his left palm. When he rushed to the three tree demons in front of him, he was split into black and dead wood and flew out. Yihu also shouted, "Don't move! Back off!" Other demon disciples finally woke up. The foreign enemy in front of them is indeed not something they can resist. Not to mention that the hall owner can be held in his hands and blackmailed, it is considered a hostage. Maybe this person's killing move will be more fierce. The demon disciples threw rats and began to retreat and surround them far away.

"Hurry up and lead the way. I don't have much patience." Yun Zheng's hand was so hard that he pinched Yihu's teeth and quickly pointed the way. Yun Zheng followed the road he pointed and went down from the Honglian Pavilion and went down the six or seven floors one after another. There were fewer and fewer disciples below, but they were getting hotter and hotter, and the vibration around him became stronger and stronger. It was estimated that it had gone deep into the ground.

Another layer went down. This layer of dryness and heat was abnormal, and no disciple in it could bear it and was empty. Yihu was so hot that he sweated, Yun Zheng's cultivation was so strong that even the purple thunder vein came and went calmly. How could this heat win him, so he was still calm. He kept urging Yihu to lead the way. Yihu said with a bitter face, "The Red Lotus Master and the old demon ancestor are fighting desperately in the underground fire cave. We can't escape death, but why? Why don't you let me go and let you take the treasures in the Red Lotus Pavilion? Isn't it the best of both sides?

Yun Zheng scolded, "Let you lead the way. What's the condition to talk to me?" Speaking of the force in his hand, Yihu's neckbone clenched. Yihu hurriedly begged for mercy and guided Yun Zheng to open the organ.

As soon as the mechanism was opened, a huge stone crack was cracked at the bottom of this layer, and a firelight under the ground rolled out with a heat wave. Yihu's hair and eyebrows were suddenly yellow. He cried and said with a sad face, "Grandpa, it's time to let me go."

Yun Zheng dragged him to the stone crack and looked down. There was a red cave below, which looked like a hundred feet. The underground molten pulp tossed and burned, and the powerful heat energy kept pouring up. The hot wind roared, as if there was a huge amount of energy under the molten pulp to explode. The cave buzzed and trembled endlessly.

Yun Zheng took a closer look and saw that there were many stones protruding from the molten stone walls around the molten cave, but they could rely on these step by step to the depths. He held Yihu in his right hand, jumped into the molten slurry cave and fell down ten feet. His light wings fanned in the direction and landed on one side of the stone beam. Yihu trembling all over, his face was ashes, and he howled, "Grandpa, let me go. If I don't wait until the end, I will be hot to death."

Yun Zheng didn't care about him. He still flew down as he did. In a short time, he fell more than 150 feet and became closer to the molten slurry. Yihu's skin was roasted dry and had been dehydrated and fainted.

Suddenly, a cold woman's voice came, "I am here to fight with the old devil. Who dares to make trouble?" Although the sound was cold but clear and clear, it was estimated that he was in his twenties, and then a red light and shadow shot out from the other side and rushed directly, and a red fire spear burning with flames came into the air. The strong waves broke through the air and crushed the air and burst into a ball. Unexpectedly, there were eight pieces of power to hit the air.

Yun Zheng did not dare to neglect. He quickly threw the faint Yihu aside and urged the thunderous force. His palms were shot out together. Zibi's two light thunders were wrapped around and attacked, hitting the fire spear with a bang, hitting the fire spear to the side. The red shadow made a "h" sound, turned around in the air, flew to another stone beam protruding on one side, withdrew the fire spear, and asked, "Are you and the old devil the same?"

Yun Zheng saw that the woman was only 24 or 15 years old. Her red robe was like fire, her black hair was like a waterfall swaying in the wind, and her skin was white and greasy. She stood barefoot on a red stone beam, like walking flat ground, and a fire spear in her hand, as if she could not grasp the burning pillar. Yun Zheng smiled and said, "I don't know any old demons. Are you the master of Honglian?"

The woman looked up and down at him and nodded, "What's the purpose of coming to my Red Lotus Pavilion alone?"

Yun Zheng is open and honest, "I heard that there are heavenly vein thunder species hidden in Huoyun Mountain. I specially came to take them for use. I hope the Red Lotus Master can give me a convenience."

The Lord of Honglian laughed and said, "The thunder seed of Tianmai is the treasure of my Honglian Pavilion. The Honglian Pavilion can stand in the middle of the sky and rely on the blessing of the thunder seed of Tianmai. You can take it as you say it. What a big tone!"

Yun Zheng curled his lips and said, "I'm afraid you can't protect yourself. Besides, what's the use of thunder seeds for the thunder seeds cultivated by the disciples of Honglian Pavilion? I think it's better to give me the seeds of Tianmai Thunder, and I'll help you get rid of foreign enemies. Shall we take what we need?

The Honglian master pondered and said, "How can the rebellion of thousands of disciples shake the foundation of this throne? However, at present, there is an old demon entangled by fire, which makes me quite a headache. If you can help me subdue this demon, how about talking about the fate of the thunderous seeds?"

Yun Zheng nodded and said, "Okay, it's a deal. "Who is the old devil?"

The Red Lotus Master said, "The old demon is condensed by fire clouds in the hot dragon vein at the bottom of the fire cloud mountain, known as the fire cloud demon ancestor. Because of chance, I got wisdom and was able to transform into a human form. Later, I threw myself into my door. I didn't see through his original life for a moment. I was covered by his wisdom, so I entered the door and let him become the head of the prison hall. Unexpectedly, he colluded with Yihu, the head of the Linghuo Hall, to rebelled into chaos and invaded the Honglian Pavilion against me. Unexpectedly, he tried to be the master of the Honglian Pavilion. The old devil is Shenzhan, are you sure?