Tianwu Overlord

Chapter 436 War Monster

After a whole day in the cave, the four of Yunzheng embarked on the journey of experience again. According to the map secret scroll given by Tang Qianli, the head of Tang family Ling Tianyu, it is instructed that there are two thunder and fire seeds hidden in Yunmeng Leize. If these two thunder and fire seeds can be found smoothly, the eight seeds can collect seven kinds of seeds. As for the location of the eighth kind of thunder and fire, the words in the secret volume are unknown, and the Tang family's secret box has not been clearly instructed, which has always been a mystery.

In addition, the purpose of Yun Zheng's trip is to find the next God of War soul recepta. With the soul perception of Xuanlian, Binglian and Honglian Zhanji, there is a god of war reli hidden in Yunmeng Leize.

The search process was not smooth. Four months after entering Yunmeng Leize, there was a little clue. One night, Xuanlian's soul felt that the call of the soul reli was in a deep pool about 15 miles east. The next day, the four people rushed to the deep pool. Yun Zheng told Binglian and Renxin to respond on the shore. They and Honglian broke through the water into the pool to look for the shadow of the soul hall. They did not think that there was an eighth-order python hidden in the pool, which immediately provoked a fierce fight.

The ninth level of monsters, the first, second and third levels belong to the low level, and the beast's instinct is not sipate. Although the monster's attack power is very strong, it belongs to the fierce attack of the monster's instinct, which is fatal to ordinary people, but for practitioners with certain cultivation, the monster at this stage is basically equal to no threat power. Therefore, low-level monsters are called riding monsters by human practitioners, and most of them are captured for riding and walking with beasts.

The fourth, fifth and sixth levels are middle-level. Monsters are more intelligent, and their combat skills are awakened. They can consciously help their masters fight against the enemy. At this stage, monsters are already valuable. However, the combat skills are limited, and the role of assisting the master is not obvious. It only gets the name of the fighting monster.

qi ba jiu is a high-level, and its intelligence is close to that of human beings. It has a lot of awakening combat skills. Sometimes it can play a leading role in battle. It is a qualified monster warrior, and high-level monsters are rare and difficult to tame, and they are called battle-level monsters.

The black python hidden in the deep pool is an eight-level war-level monster, with a crown on its head, wings on its back, four claws, and covered with scales all over its body. It is about to become a dragon. This battle-level monster black python was practicing at the bottom of the pool, swallowing the evil spirit of the ground in the refining pool. Suddenly, it was disturbed by Yunzheng and Honglian. He couldn't help but be furious. With a strange cry, the long tail swept over to the two of them.

The basic cultivation realm of the eighth-order war beast is equivalent to that of the eighth-stage master of human beings, but in actual combat, although the monster's wisdom is also very enlightened, it is not as cunning as that of human beings, so the eighth-order monster still can't beat the eighth-stage warrior.

The long tail of the demon python swept away, and the deep pool suddenly turned up big waves. Yun Zheng didn't want to fight on the one-third land of the monster. It was better to deal with the big guys in the water and lead them to the shore. At least he had to fight in the shallow water area before he could advance and retreat freely. In addition, Yun Zheng has a heart to subdue this eighth-order monster and does not want to hurt it easily. He greeted Honglian Zhanji. The two made a few moves, stepped on the water and flew out of the water in a long time. The demon python then chased out tightly, and its wings spread, and unexpectedly flew into the air. The meat-crown on its head cracked condensation current, and a flash of lightning rushed to the two.

This demon python actually has the ability to gather thunder. Yun Zheng secretly said that Yunmeng Leize is indeed a strange place of talent, and the monsters conceived have more fighting skills of gathering thunder. Seeing the lightning coming, Yun Zheng directly reached out and swallowed the thunder and lightning, and then turned his arm into a hand knife, a red thunder knife!

Bang bang bang, Yun Zheng chopped several times at the demon python. The speed was fast, and the red light was shining. The black python actually resisted hard. The scales on its body were really hard. These red thunder knives were chopped up and only a few firemarks were drawn. The demon python was safe and sound. The demon python hit the water with its tail, and its half body stood upright in the pool. Its mouth exhaled, and a large mass of red fog sprayed on the clouds and red lotus.

This red fog smells extremely smelly and is obviously very poisonous. The blood rushing in Yunzheng's body has hundreds of scattered ingredients. The poison is invulnerable, so she doesn't feel anything, but Honglian Zhanji feels dizzy and a little unstable. Yun Zheng quickly asked her to retreat to the shore and flew close to Honglian.

The eighth-order black python roared, and came to fight against Yunzheng. Between the opening and closing of his big mouth, he came to swallow Yunzheng. The body method of Yunzheng was fast, and it flashed like a virtual shadow. The eighth-order black python bit a few bites but didn't eat it. For a moment, he was angry and used a unique move. The giant tail patted on the surface of the pool, boom! The pool water was stirred up and condensed into thousands of arrow blades.

"Okay, I'll play with you." Yun Zheng shouted, condensed his luck and mobilized the colorless thunder, and his palms continued to shoot out, and the seven waves of the divine sea!

Seven colorless thunderfires burst out, one stronger than one. Stimulated by the water waves, the power was magnified several times. At the peak of the strength, the eighth-order python was full of colorless thunder.

Bum, bang, bang...

The colorless thunder fire exploded on the python one after another. The python was like a big fish fried in an oil pan, constantly tortuate to escape from the mine siege, but everything was futile. It had to continue to accept the attack of the seven stacks of waves of the divine sea. The blue smoke came out, the scales cracked, and a burning smell came out. Come on.

The eighth-order black python screamed bitterly. The whole body was bulleted and fell heavily on the surface of the pool and did not move.

Dead?! Yun Zheng felt annoyed. If he had known that he would die in this way, he should have been tolerant.

Suddenly, the surface of the water "bang!" With a sound, the giant tail of the black python slapped the surface of the water and actually threw off the scales that had been delapidated by thunder and fire, and there was a new layer of scales on its body. This guy was pretending to be dead just now.

The long tail of the black python is about to dive into the water. Yun Zheng could not let it run away and shouted, "Ice lotus, seal the water with ice." Before the words fell, the ice lotus war girl pointed out her hand, and hundreds of ice magic needles shot on the surface of the water. In an instant, a thick ice layer was formed under the water. The black python plunged its head on the ice and was bounced up. The road home was blocked. No matter how fierce it was, the innate ice spirit released by the ice lotus war girl was not what it could break.

The python had no way out, and its body soared into the air. It dared not look for Yunzheng's bad luck again. In reverse, it rushed away with the benevolence standing on the shore. The benevolent wooden stick shook, and seven black poisonous smokes were shot out to bind the black python. The black python sprayed red fog and hit seven poisonous smokes, which was evenly matched with poison. The black python waved its head and split into Renxin. Renxin was already prepared, and its body flew backwards to avoid a string of lightning attacks. At the same time, she raised her hand to sacrifice the golden holy beast Peacock King. Peacock Mingwang is a great poison king. He is good at devouring all kinds of poisons. The more he eats, the stronger his combat power. Seeing a black python chasing in front of him, the peacock Mingwang flapped his wings and banged the black python upside down.

Peacock Mingwang is a golden holy beast, which is a powerful natural enemy for Zhongtian monsters. When the black python saw the majestic posture of the peacock Mingwang, it was so scared that it lost its soul. It turned over and jumped, turned around and ran back, but forgot that the surface of the water was frozen by the ice lotus warji, stuck its head on the ice, and suddenly fell to Venus. .

Without waiting for the python to jump up and escape for his life, the peacock Mingwang rushed over. The huge iron claws grabbed the python's back and flew into the air with it. It swept high, ready to fall from the sky and kill the python. It was so fast.

Renxin quickly shouted, "King Ming, save his life." The peacock Mingwang shouted several times and fell reluctantly. He threw the python at Renxin's feet. The python jumped up and wanted to escape. The peacock Mingwang threw his wings and knocked it to the ground. Several times, the python finally succed and was accepted by the benevolent heart.

After receiving the eighth-order black python, Yun Zheng and Honglian dived again to find the Soul Hall of the God of War, but they found nothing, and they could not even feel the previous spiritual pulse fluctuation, which was very strange.

Yun Zheng's four people searched for a long time and had to rest for a while. When Xuanlian and others used the soul of war to perceive the direction of the soul, they found that the position had quietly changed. Yun Zheng was very surprised and couldn't help wondering whether it was because of Yunmeng Leize's strange terrain that caused Xuanlian and others to perceive hallucinations.

Xuanlian Zhanji said, "Qilian Zhanji's cultivation ten thousand years ago was very powerful. Besides, the magic power needed to perceive the direction of the soul reli is not profound, and there should be no mistake. You might as well follow the new direction to look for it.

The four people got up again and struggled to find a new place, but they still found nothing. This time, Xuanlian and others' sense of the direction of the soul reli disappeared, and for a while, they could no longer feel the call of the soul reli.

Yun Zheng also knew that this matter could not be impatient, so he practiced with powerful monsters while practicing, while looking for soul relics and thunder and fire seeds. Spend another month like this. In the early morning of the rising sun, Xuanlian Zhanji in the Lingtai mirror once again found the feeling of soul reli fluctuations and quickly informed Yun Zheng.

The four Yunzheng hurried to look for it. Like the last two times, the spiritual power fluctuated again. Yun Zheng thought about these encounters and felt that this soul reli was avoiding the pursuit of Yun Zheng and others, and the position of the soul reli was always changing and moving.

The God of War Soul Hall dedicated to the soul relics is moving. Four people coincidentally reached this consensus.

The four people gathered together to discuss countermeasures. Honglian said, "The location of the God of War Hall is always changing. Let's look for it and change its position. What should we do?"

Yun Zheng thought for a moment and said, "If we can know the location of the soul hall in advance, we will arrive first, or we can take the lead." Benevolence said worriedly, "This is a good idea, but who can know the wheres of the Soul Hall of War in advance?"

Binglian has been thinking without interrupting. At this time, she raised her head and said, "In the era of God of War, there were innate masters who calculated the world's major events with congenital stars. If you can find a master who knows the congenital star number, please ask him to calculate, or there may be a turnaround."

Yun Zheng said that the era of the God of War is 10,000 years ago, and the spiritual power of the middle heaven is becoming more and more rare. The highest level of martial arts has not even been cultivated to nine levels, and there is no way to find an innate master.