
Chapter 23 Man is not human, ghost is not ghost [One]


Iron-faced Sanlang, with his hands on his back, stood at the gate of the Baicao Garden in the Tiangan Gate, looking at the scenery in the garden.

I only saw three large cylinders standing on the gravel ground, with firewood under it. Someone was specially responsible for taking care of it, so that the fire would not be too strong, but only kept the temperature at a slightly hot level.

There are actually people in the three big jars, two of whom are two powerful subordinates of Iron-faced Sanlang, one is endless, and the other is a ferocious-faced man, wolf teeth. These three people are all soaked in the hot tank, soaked in some unknown medicinal herbs boiled water, and the three are the only What they have in common is that the whole body is injured...

This is just a corner of the Baicao Garden. In another open space of Baicao Garden, there are at least hundreds of second-class helpers, and even some of the quasi-first-class masters of Shenzhou who were invited at the beginning, but at this time, they are just cold bodies.

Iron-faced Sanlang walked towards the thatched house in the center of Baicao Garden. Looking at the different situations on both sides along the way, his thoughts were quite complicated.

These people all went to intercept and kill Mr. Cuizhu Linyu. They were led by Gu Shun, the wind-chasing eagle of the two heroes of Tian Gangmen. Gu Shun was guided by the owner of Tian Gangmen, and the humiliation of the battle against Dugu Langjun made him improve his skills by leaps and bounds. He led many good hands and the assistance of three magic soldiers and demon soldiers who did not stop. However, Mr. Yu was seriously injured, and thanks to Mr. Yu's protection of his only disciple at that time, Mr. Yu, who had concerns, was at a disadvantage.

But at that critical moment, the boxing god appeared, and no one knew why he appeared, because this ambush and interception was absolutely extremely hidden.

But as Tiemian Sanlang once heard from the door owner, the super first-class strong, especially the legendary strong, always has some psychological omen for misfortune and fortune. Tiemian Sanlang guessed that the boxing god must also feel that his friends are in danger.

What does the appearance of the boxing god mean?

If Mr. Yu is a super first-class master, and there is only one way to die under the siege of so many people and gods and demon soldiers, then as soon as the legendary strong man of boxing god, appeared, he killed the whole audience with an absolute advantage. More than 100 people lying on the ground were killed by the boxing god.

And Gu Shun tried his best, never to do anything, and the wolf's teeth urged the valley god demon soldiers, but he could only resist the boxing god for a while. In the end, he still couldn't escape the fist of the boxing god's fist. The god's fist broke through the sky. No one in the world could face the fist of the boxing god without fear.

And the final result is that the three people were seriously injured, the fist god's bones were broken and smashed, and they had to boil water with a large amount of soul-sup jade/muscle ointment to treat. The soul-soul jade/muscle ointment is a famous medicine, from the East China Sea Medicine Emperor. Tianganmen also took out all the inventory this time to preserve the sex of the three people. Life, but it will take at least half a year for the three to recover.

However, although half a year has been long, there is still hope of recovery, but the one lying in the hut is gone. When Iron-faced Sanlang saw the doorkeeper carrying Gu Shun back, the shock on his face could not be concealed. He and Gu Shun were two heroes. Although outsiders seemed to have little communication, and even some hostility and contempt for each other, in fact, he and Gu Shun were good friends.

Iron-faced Sanlang didn't ask about the situation of the door owner's fight with the boxing god, and he didn't want to ask. The boxing god is the best way to die. If he doesn't die, at least he will both be injured with the door owner and can't make waves in a short time. As long as Tie-faced Sanlang can rect rectify the end of Tiangun Gate during this period and won't let big The loss of elites affects the whole gang, so Tiangangmen will usher in a rebirth!

The helpers in the cottage respectfully saluted the iron-faced Sanlang and retreated. Yin Sanlang gently pushed open the door, and there was a cold air on the front of the house, and the ground was white waves. Obviously, there were a lot of ice in the thatched house.

What kind of person needs to put so many ice cubes in the house?


Yin Sanlang walked to the middle of the room. The high stone**, and the cold air around him was naturally pushed away, like an invisible hand.

Looking at the pale man and his closed eyes, Yin Sanlang didn't know what to say.

Gu Shun's heart collapsed slightly. Yin Sanlang knew that it was the fist seal of the boxing god. He hit his heart with one punch, and then smashed the meridians of his limbs. Such a terrible injury, even the legendary fairy, could not stand it...

Thinking about his situation in the face of the boxing god, Yin Sanlang sighed. He has a fundamental difference in temperament and personality from Gu Shun. He has always been inclined to calculate, and Gu Shun is a typical activist.

"It's okay to die at the hands of the peerless strong, as you said."

In those years, Gu Shun was in high spirits. In the Tiangang Gate, he fought all the way from a small gang to the position of master of the hall and met Yin Sanlang. When the two were drinking on a moon night, Gu Shun pointed to the cold moon and said that in my life, I had only fought and did not retreat. In the future, even if I died, I could only die under the hands of the peerless strong. !

Memories are still there, and people are dead.

A trace of light flashed in Yin Sanlang's eyes, and there were several more in the plan to attack Nanshenzhou. One of them was Ren Xu, the successor of the boxing god...


Ren Xu touched his nose, rubbed his bag, and closed his eyes. The three people next to him, Bai Qiaoqiao and Dr. Bai also closed their eyes and rested. The four of them were in a carriage. The carriage was quite large enough to seat ten people. It was a special stagecoach between various towns.

When Ren Xu first saw this thing, he was also quite surprised. It was simply an ancient version of the train and long-distance bus. Qicheng is located in the hinterland of Nanqi. If Ren Xu and others don't make a carriage, they have to buy horses. However, in Nanqi, horses are official products, and they can't buy them even if they want to buy...

In addition to Ren Xu and others, there are also several people sitting on the carriage, walking day and night. Except for the rest and eating at the halfway station, they will not stop, so at this moment, several people are drowsy and seize all the time to replenish their sleep. But at this moment, there was a shout from outside the carriage. The driver pulled the reins hard and the three horses stopped together, which immediately made the people in the carriage roll and scolded for a moment.

"What the hell? You..."

Ren Xu lifted the bamboo curtain of the small window next to the carriage and leaned out half of his body, but he couldn't say anything in the middle of the words.

"What's going on?"

Changkong saw that Ren Xu's situation was wrong in the carriage, so he asked.

"Damn, damn..."

Ren Xudao.

In front of the sandy road, next to the fence outside a small village, there are dozens of big poles directly inserted, with people or corpses on the pole. The tragic situation is simply shocking and unbearable. Even if Ren Xu's nerves are big enough, he is also scared enough...

The driver had already turned pale and collapsed in his seat...