
Chapter 36 New School

When Yang Qunyinghui.

Create a new sect gang!

Mr. Yu's words are like stones thrown into the middle of the lake, rippled in the master's heart.

Looking at Ren Xu in a hundred miles of sky, he was born in Tianjian Villa. It can be said that he has the inheritance of one of the most noble bloodlines on the land of China and the best sword skills.

Even in those troubled times, you can't easily shake to Tianjian Villa, but Tianjian Villa does not welcome the hundred miles of sky. During the period of Jiansheng's retreat, it is enough for the actual family of Tianjian Villa to persecute a hundred miles of sky. If the hundred miles of sky goes back, there is really no way to go.

So he followed Ren Xu all the way. The two of them have the same temperament and are indeed rare friends. Now if Mr. Yu wants to create a sect, he will naturally let the new generation be the master and support behind the older generation. Then only Ren Xu, a disciple of Mr. Yu, Li Yang, seems to lack interest, and there is no need to count on...

Lu Yun also looked at Ren Xu. If he wanted to take revenge, he had to deal with Gongsun. The Gongsun family was powerful and climbed to the Tiangang Gate, which was even more difficult to deal with. Therefore, Lu Yun needed strength, but the Demon Gate could not help him. According to his temperament, only Ren Xu was the best choice...

For a moment, almost everyone looked at Ren Xu and saw that Ren Xu was hairy all over.

"Ren Xu, what are you still thinking about? You might as well say it directly."

Seeing that Ren Xu didn't say anything, Mr. Yu was also a little surprised. Originally, in his opinion, with his assistance and the pressure of the boxing god, he gave sufficient resources to open the door to a young man. He was afraid that the young man would immediately agree, but Ren Xu had been thinking about it for so long that Mr. Yu felt strange for a long time...

"Why don't you let my master come? I believe that as soon as my master comes out, he will be famous immediately.

Ren Xu looked up and asked, he really couldn't figure out when the troubled times might come, why did Mr. Yu let him, a young man with little fame, come out? However, when he heard this, the boxing god smiled.

"People who have reached my level, nothing else, such a thing is no longer in line with what I should do. You may not understand it now, but this is the rules that people at a level have, needless to say. Originally, I was helpless. I planned to disguise myself and go with Li Yang, but since you came, it's naturally the best choice to leave it to you. Why, don't you have confidence?

In the end, the boxing spirit's tone was a little joke, but his eyes looked at Ren Xu, just asking! Do you dare! Ren Xu smiled. His martial arts foundation came from the boxing god, and his temperament was also infected by the words and teaching of the boxing god. At present, when he was looked at the boxing god like this, he felt that his chest turned up in one breath and a heroic spirit came out of his mouth:

"That's good! It's up to me!"

After saying that, Ren Xu got up directly, looked at the hundred miles of sky and others, and said loudly:

"Which one of you will follow me!"

"Hey, Brother Xu, I'm homeless."

Touching his nose in the sky, he did not have any awareness of a handsome man, just like Lai Pitang, while Lu Yun hummed, nodded, and said that Bai Qiaoqiao was eager to try. Seeing that Dr. Bai did not object, he also spoke out to approve Ren Xu. All of a sudden, the people who followed Ren Xu basically agreed, and only one left. A seven-knife a guilty man with the highest skills and the most irrelevant.

"Seven knives for condemnation, I have heard of your chivalrous name. I think you are also a man. If not, please be the guest elder of my apprentice's school with me."

The boxing god and Ren Xu had already passed through the wind. Naturally, they can't let go of such a good help as Seven Swords to conclude the crime. At the personal invitation of the boxing God, Seven Swords to conclude the crime also seemed a little hesitant. He has always been alone in the world and joined the sect gang. He never thought about it, because as long as you joins, If you have responsibility and concern, many things will become complicated and can no longer be as fair as before...

Ren Xu seemed to see through the hesitation of seven knives, and he suddenly said:

"Seven-knife condemned brother, I know the reason why you never joined the sect, and I can also understand it. However, as my master said, I will never promote this position of guest and give you the right to supervise. I just hope you can believe me!"

When Ren Xu spoke, he naturally had a heroic demeanor. Although he was young, he was confident and had a strong leadership temperament. He also appreciated this young man in his heart. With Ren Xu's words, he was finally a little relaxed.

"You don't have to rush for a moment. I think you might as well follow Ren Xu to this Dangyang Qunyinghui. I think this period of time is enough for you to see clearly and think clearly. I agree with the boxing god what Ren Xu said. I can only say that if one day Ren Xu goes into the evil way, Mr. Yu and the boxing god I will take action in person! Never tolerate it!"

Mr. Yu finally spoke out and stabilized everyone. Mr. Yu knew exactly what to do. For example, at this time, if the seven-knife condemnation continues, it may be counterproductive. Therefore, after a long time, let the seven-knife condemnation gradually accept Ren Xu, there will be greater hope.

After all, the seven-knife condemnation has long been a famous figure in China, and he is also in the top 30 of the dragon and tiger list. He doesn't know how deep he is now, and he is upright. Such a figure will never easily follow others, not to mention that the other party is still a fledgling young man...

Seeing that the general situation had been determined, the people began to discuss specific matters. What surprised Ren Xu was that in addition to the elders behind the boxing god and Mr. Yu, the idle Taoist and the monk Wanzi would also join, and Dr. Bai had already booked a position.

Look at the establishment of this sect, and there are already so many masters. Ren Xu feels that he seems to carry a heavy burden. However, the tough and competitive he is, the more challenging he will do well! It is definitely an opportunity to become famous in this Shenzhou!

At the same time, in a magnificent half-mountain villa, behind the wall of carved dragons and phoenixes, under the eaves of red tiles and golden beads, there is a two-storey small attic.

Before the bead curtain, several people, three men and one woman, all waited respectfully, waiting for the people behind the bead curtain to make a sound. The room was ignited with incense, and the faint fragrance permeated the whole house, which made people feel comfortable and naturally relaxed.

After the bead curtain, it can be faintly seen that a woman is lying on her side on a soft chair with thick tiger skin. In such a hot weather, in order not to make the woman feel irritable, there are several large ice cubes at the bottom of the lounge chair under the tiger skin.

"This meeting must unite all the forces in Sanshan, otherwise we will never be opponents of Tianganmen. Go ahead, everything is according to the plan."

The woman's voice behind the bead curtain was very beautiful, like a yellow gull and a silver bottle. The four people kneeling in front of her answered yes and slowly exited the room.

"Tiangan Gate, let me see what you can do..."

The woman whispered behind the bead curtain, and her tone turned out to be quite looking forward to it.