
Chapter 43 Old Man

The sea of trees is very big...

Legend has it that the sea of trees was originally just a small forest, but later the divine tree fell from the sky, rooted in the south, and became a sea of trees.

Of course, Ren Xu is not interested in knowing all this. All he knows is that this sea of woods, even in a hundred years, has only traveled all over one of them. The center of the sea of trees has never been entered, and even the legendary divine trees have not been seen...

After a few days of progress, Yang Xuan noticed that many foreign beasts had paid attention to them, but in the end they did not do anything, but carefully retreated. Not to mention that some of the weak, even powerful foreign beasts have never approached them within ten meters, as if they were avoiding them all the way.

Yang Xuan explained this magical scene as Ren Xu's mystery, and in fact, there is indeed no other explanation. The situation in Nanshenzhou is chaotic, but as the senior management and even the door owner of the chivalrous door, they are trapped in the sea of trees. Yang Xuan sometimes remembers the situation of the chivalrous door and can't help but worry.

"What's wrong?"

Ren Xu suddenly stopped. In front of him, behind the fine grass is a towering cliff. The cliff is full of vines, and occasionally there are raptors flying out of the protruding rocks, but there is nothing worth warning around. Su Shaoyun couldn't help asking strangely, and Yang Xuan also turned his doubtful eyes to Ren Xu.

"I found it."

Ren Xu pushed away the long grass in front of him, revealing the soft soil under the ground. Yang Xuan and Su Shaoyun looked at each other and could not see the difference between the soil in front of them and the soil in other places, but Ren Xu's eyes were full of joy. Yes, this place is the place where he went out of the sea of trees. For Ren Xu, who is almost close to the road idiot, the reason why he can remember the way back is relying more on some signs.

In the sea of trees, finding the way by memory is to find death. Every creature living in the sea of trees has its own method, and Ren Xu's method is to find some particularly obvious signs that are not easy to disappear as the direction. Ren Xu first walked out of the sea of trees by relying on the connection between his brother's road signs.

Without saying anything, Ren Xu inserted his hands into the soil, and his inner strength sprayed. After a while, he dug out a big hole. The soil he dug out was not carried elsewhere, but was crushed and placed aside by Ren Xu. It was very funny as if Ren Xu was buried in the soil. But soon Ren Xu found the entrance and made a crisp sound. Ren Xu lifted a thick stone slab the size of a door panel from the ground, and suddenly the soil tilted. Ren Xu was not in a hurry. The slate followed the trend and picked up the fallen soil, revealing the hole alone.

This is Ren Xu's way...


In those years, Ren Xu found a lot of genius treasures by becoming a hole bear. Those things are not surprising in the sea of trees, but they are critical to Ren Xu's growth.

"Come on."

Ren Xu waved to Yang Xuan and Su Shaoyun. The two were close to numb to Ren Xu's magical performances. Instead, they jumped into the cave. Ren Xu turned the stone slab again, and the soil suddenly rolled over. While the slate blocked the ground, the ground returned to its original state. Such a skill was not easy for Ren Xu at the beginning. Less thought.

Su Shaoyun took out the fire paper from his arms, waved it and ignited it. The three saw the situation in the tunnel through the firelight. Because it had not been opened for a long time, the air in the tunnel was very turbid. Fortunately, the three of them were not bad, and temporary silence could still be done. Ren Xu took the lead and led the two to walk in. This tunnel without wooden support and no stone consolidation was shot by Ren Xu with his bear claws at the beginning, and it was also the birthplace of the prototype of Ren Xuxiang's eighteen palms...

The boxing god doesn't know this. If it is known that Ren Xu's powerful trick is actually made by punching a hole, I'm afraid that many people will spit blood and die...

The burning of fire paper can support a fragrant time. After changing all the way three times, Su Shaoyun finally came to a fork. Ren Xu stroked the stone slab at the fork in the town with a smile on his face, and there were scratches on it. Yang Xuan couldn't see anything. Of course, this was painted by Ren Xu with bear claws at the beginning. I'm afraid no one can guess the meaning except himself.

"The left side leads to the sea of trees, and the right side leads to the sea of trees. Let's go left first, get something and come back. Oh, it's almost time."

Ren Xu patted his cheeks with both hands. The dull air is still somewhat toxic. Some of the venom of the plants above sometimes penetrated. At the beginning, Ren Xu's thick skin and rough flesh did not care at all. Now he is completely unrestrained. He doesn't want to let a venom destroy his face, so he accelerated the speed of progress and took Yang Xuan and Su Shaoyun ran all the way from the tunnel on the left and went to a very cold cave in a while.

"This is an underground cave I found at the beginning. After the strange beasts here were killed by me, it became my treasure house."

The joy revealed in Ren Xu's words made Su Shaoyun and Yang Xuan couldn't help swallowing. They have been speculating whether Ren Xu lives in a sea of trees. It is absolutely not something ordinary people can do to grow up in a place like a sea of trees, and now Ren Xu has indirectly confirmed the answer.

But this is nothing. When Ren Xu pulled away a huge beast skin, the strong fragrance that came to his nose made Yang Xuan and Su Shaoyun mistakenly think that they had come to the fairyland. Taking a breath could even make his body stare a little. There was a lot of dry genius treasures rolling out, and then As for some valuable bodies or internal elixirs of rare beasts, these are almost certain to cause a storm, but Ren Xu's eyes are not caring, which makes Su Shaoyun very hammered to the ground. God knows what this pervert eats from childhood to adulthood...

Although it is not the right way to use such foreign objects, it can't stand the quantitative change to qualitative change!

Yang Xuan and Su Shaoyun tacitly picked up the big bag given by Ren Xu and filled it. However, Ren Xu walked to a stone wall and reached out and pressed it. The seemingly thick stone wall was easily pushed away. A ferocious soldier was placed on the ground at will. The cold breath filled the whole cave in an instant, which was Yang. Xuan and Su Shaoyun also shivered unprepared. They watched Ren Xu pick up the fierce long soldier, and their hearts were complicated and inexplicable...

Unlike the dragon soul, Heavenly Sin was suppressed by Moji at the beginning, so Ren Xu later took over and did not cause the attack of the spirit. Therefore, it is not difficult to imagine that Moji's strength was still good at the beginning, but as a result, he consumed a lot of power because of suppressing the spirit. As a result, he met Ren Xu, who was stunned and was slapped to death... ...

Humanoid God Soldier, this is the nickname given to Ren Xu by the black and white...

Fee feeling the breath of heavenly sin, Ren Xu can't imagine how many creatures this long soldier has killed, but there is no evil nature. That is to say, heavenly sin is a divine soldier, not a magic soldier, killing countless divine soldiers...

Wrapping the sin with animal skin and carrying it on his back, Ren Xu walked all the way up the tunnel. At that end, he opened the thick thorns and opened a stone slab. After that, the sun fell into Ren Xu's eyes. Ren Xu, who had not been in contact with the sun for a long time, couldn't open his eyes for a while and couldn't help stretching out to build a pergola.

The wind blew, and the familiar smell made Ren Xu's excitement completely calm down at this moment, just like a child who had been away from home for many years. How eager he was to leave this endless green ocean, how eager he was to leave the outside world, how eager he was to communicate with people. As a result, in only a few years, he unexpectedly I miss here...

Ren Xu closed his eyes, squatted down slowly, reached out and stroked the thick rock land. It was here, opened his eyes and looked at the ground. This was the place where Ren Xu lived most often, and it was also here to kill the captive Moji. The crack caused by the original sin was still there. His hand brushed the crack, and Ren Xu looked up.

He often grinded his back here.



A burst of silence...

Ren Xu looked at the familiar back grinding rock in the past. The rock had disappeared. A person who was equally stunned had just climbed out of there, and his eyes were also stunned...

Almost as long as the buttocks, thin face, slender eyes, Ren Xu searched in his memory and was sure that he had never seen such a person. Could it be a transformed monster?

"It's you! Is it that you have practiced too much!?

Without waiting for Ren Xu to speak, the man suddenly opened his mouth, and his expression suddenly became solemn. The man actually stood up directly with a bullet. Ren Xu's face also sank in an instant. Taishang Xindian is definitely one of his important secrets. He has never leaked it to anyone except the boxing god, but this guy in front of him actually knows!?

"Who are you? How do you know!?

Ren Xu asked.

"Hey hey, have you forgotten? At the beginning, you were absorbed on the black rock here.

The man pointed to the big pit beside him. The black rock there had long disappeared. Ren Xu vaguely remembered the situation at the beginning, and his expression began to become strange.

How's it going? Have you guessed it? Yes, the black rock is actually a seal, which has suppressed me for more than 2,000 years! Hahahaha! Fortunately, I was hit by a divine soldier at the beginning. This soul stone was cut off a small corner. Only then did I find the flaw and finally come into contact with you to practice!!"

Crazy laughter, Ren Xu looked at the almost crazy person in front of him, and his heart was extremely shocked, more than 2,000 years? What the hell is this guy? Can you keep your soul immortal and even your body still alive for more than 2,000 years? And as he laughed, a terrible pressure suddenly burst out, and Ren Xu snorted and took a step back.

He only felt that he seemed to have been hit hard by a huge hammer just now, and the breath in his body rolled...

Strong enemy!

Ren Xu can't see through the strength of the visitor!


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