The world is hired

Chapter 52 At that time, it was ordinary

The weather is very good today. Murong Haoxuan got up very early and looked at the lotus flowers in the pool becoming more and more energetic in the summer morning sun. On their lotus leaves, the flowers still carry the dew of early morning, which is delicate. The air in Chufu is very good, and you can smell a refreshing fragrance of flowers when you get up in the morning. Normally, the flowers in this palace are more gorgeous and more diverse, but he has never felt how fresh the air there is.

Is this the air of freedom? He couldn't help thinking.

Slowly came to the hall of Chu Mansion and found that Chu Jiangping and Thirteen Niang had not yet arrived, so they retreated and planned to walk around. Xiao Yingzi and Li Moran have been following him, making him very uncomfortable. They said, "Let's see if there is anything you can do to help. Don't follow me all day long. Will something happen to me in Chu's house?"

Xiao Yingzi and Li Moran took a promise and turned around and left him.

How long has it been since I was so comfortable? He remembers that when he was a child, because his father favored the Shangguan family, he always went to the Shangguan family, so he met the girl. Although there were many children in the upper government, no one played with her. She sat under the sycamore tree and held a lyrto. The first time he saw her, he felt that the girl was somewhat similar to him. Although there were many sisters, no one wanted to play with her, and so did he. Although there were many brothers, there was little contact between them.

He knew the girl. Her father is the fourth son of the general Shangguan Expedition. His mother is Yang Xueji, the only daughter of Yang Wenzhong. There is another good story between Shangguan Expedition and Yang Xueji, which was once talked about by people in the capital.

Shangyi and Yang Wenzhong have been at discord since the beginning, which is known by the ministers in the dynasty, but as the right-hand man of the emperor at that time, no one shook anyone's position. Yang Wenzhong has only one son and one daughter, and his daughter is Yang Xueji, a talented woman in the capital at that time. Many handsome princes once squatted in Yang's house for a few days in order to see Yang Xueji's face, but Yang Wenzhong had his own plan. He wanted to send his daughter to the palace and be the imperial concubine, so he only let Yang Xueji stay in the embroidery building until the year of Yang Xueji and Yang Xueji.

In the year of Yang Xueji and Zhu, she only made one request to Yang Wenzhong, hoping that Yang Wenzhong could let her go out of the house to open her eyes. She said, "Father, I will definitely fulfill your request. If you send me to the palace, this world will have nothing to do with your daughter. If the father still misses our father-daughter feelings, let his daughter be presumptuous and let me go out of the house for a day to meet this prosperous world.

What she said was reasonable, and there were no rules and regulations that women were not allowed to go out at that time. He had no reason to object, and there was only one day. After today, she would still be her Yang's daughter, waiting for the day she entered the palace.

So Yang Wenzhong agreed to Miss Yang's request, allowed Miss Yang to go out on the street for a day, and told her personal maid Yuner to be considerate.

What no one expected was that he happened to catch up with the victory of Shangguan's expedition that day. He rode on a tall horse, white armor and white horses, but a collar around the horse's neck with red silk. In addition, it was handsome white.

The valiant and heroic posture of the Shangguan expedition naturally attracted the coveted of many women. At this time, Yang Xueji, who was unusual, was pushed to the front of the horse. Her confused eyes suddenly attracted the immediate Shangguan expedition. He did not hesitate to hurt himself and flew off the horse to protect her in his arms. Because the horse was a magic horse, it did not hurt the Shangguan expedition, and Yang Xueji, who was hiding in his arms, saw such a heroic Shangguan's expedition couldn't help but be moved.

What moved Yang Xueji more was that Shangguan's expedition's speech was even more extraordinary. Although he was a martial artist, he was proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, which couldn't help but fascinate Yang Xueji. She was no longer willing to stay in the Xiulou and wait for Yang Wenzhong to send her to the palace. She would find excuses or opportunities to sneak away every time. I went to Yang's private expedition until one day Shangguan said to her, "Xueji, wait for me to come back. This time I will go to the border to calm down the war with the State of Chu. When I come back, I will definitely propose marriage to your house. The emperor asked me to return to the court within half a year, but I promise you that I will definitely come back within four months. If your father does not agree to our marriage, I will definitely ask the emperor to marry us.

And Yang Xueji was not an ordinary woman. On the day of Shangguan's expedition, she said that she would go to Biyun Temple to worship Buddha, but she left a letter, asking the driver to drive the carriage to send her and Yun'er to the roadside of Shangguan's expedition to wait. He followed Shangguan's expedition to the frontier.

Four months later, they came back and reported the matter between them to the emperor. They did not expect that the emperor was particularly happy and ordered them to marry them. They also gave them a lot of things and personally married them. As a minister, I am grateful to be treated like this by the emperor.

A year later, their daughter was born and named Shangguan Wanqing. Because although their marriage was blessed by the emperor and the ministers in the court, they were not blessed by the old people on both sides, which has always been the knot in their hearts, so they hope to break through the dark clouds to see the moonlight. Although it is a little late, it is a sunny day after all.

I didn't expect that when Shangguan Wanqing was six years old, the emperor suddenly became ill and finally returned to the west and passed the throne to his and the queen's son Murong Haoxuan. Although she had many children, and what she valued most was not Murong Haoxuan, everyone did not understand that he finally passed the throne to him.

Murong Haoxuan ascended the throne at the age of eight, and the forces in the DPRK began to be restless. Moreover, the form of the border became more and more tense. Shangguan's expedition will no longer be at home for more than half a year. At this time, in order to balance the power of all parties, the empress dowager wants to marry Murong Haoxuan. This wife is the queen of the State of Dayan.

Because of the discord between Shangguan Yi and Yang Wenzhong, the candidate could not be decided until someone told the empress dowager that the emperor should marry Shangguan Wanqing. Shangguan Wanqing is the granddaughter of Shangguan Yi and Yang Wenzhong's granddaughter. They should have no objections, right?

Sure enough, they had no objection to this candidate, and the date of the wedding was soon finalized. That's how she became his wife.

However, the Empress Dowager did not allow him to get close to her.

Murong Haoxuan still remembers that every time he went to the upper government, he would find the little girl and play with her for a while. Even if he didn't speak or move, he could listen to her playing the piano under the sycamore tree. Looking at her with faint eyebrows, he sat there with a quiet face and never complained about the sky. He felt at ease, which was a very comfortable peace of mind. .

He still remembers that one year when the peach blossoms were in full bloom, he stood under the peach tree and said to him with a smile, "Qinger, if you grow up, would you be my wife?" She opened her eyes wide and nodded heavily. They used to be children who snuggled up to each other to keep warm together, but after he became emperor, everything changed and they could never return to the past.

He missed her and the first person he loved, so now he doesn't want to miss it again. Anyway, he wants to be a normal man seriously and have a happy and sad love. Maybe the final result will disappoint him, but after all, it is something he has tried to pursue. There is no regret.

He walked slowly, and the past scene by scene crossed his mind. He should not think about that child in the future, because what he had said were all childhood children's words, which were countless. Otherwise, why did she run away with Huang Yunlong?

On the way, the woman who came was Shangguan Mingyue. She was dressed in light blue and looked particularly fresh in the morning sunshine. However, he saw the strong hatred in her eyes when she looked at him. Yes, she should hate. After all, there are many things that can't be turned back.

They passed by and said, "I have also sent someone to investigate what happened in those years, but all the evidence pointed to the Shangguan family, so there is nothing we can do." Whatever the reason, he just wants to give Qinger an explanation. After all, since that incident, there has been nothing between him and her. Now that he has decided to let go, there is no difference between telling Mingyue and telling her.

"What the emperor did naturally has the emperor's reason, so why do you have to tell me as a grassroots person? I can't afford it." Mingyue saluted him with her back, and the hatred in her eyes added a little. Even if they collude with the enemy, it is not enough for all the men of the Shangguan family to die. Do you still want these women to go to those low places? Even for the sake of Shangguan Wanqing, he should not have made such a decision, not to mention that this crime is still a false charge.

There is no need to explain anything to her. It's enough to tell her this sentence. Murong Haoxuan looked back coldly at the woman with her back and turned away.

She is not Shangguan Wanqing. He doesn't need to be polite to her.