The world is hired

Chapter 80 Beauty's Thoughts Care

In the Royal Garden, the two of them broke up. Murong Haoxuan took her hand and gently told her, "Qing'er, you go back to Qifeng Palace first. When I finish my work here, I will go to the palace to find you. Be careful of everything." His eyes are full of tenderness, which makes people can't help melting. Such a man has no arrogant arrogance, no domineering spirit of a king over the world, and only one man has the tenderness to his wife.

How can such a man be unloved?

The warm sun shone on her body, which made her restrain her anger. She just looked at the man opposite her so softly, looked up and looked at his angular face, and her eyes were full of emotion. Such a man is as gentle as water, and anyone will fall into his gentleness, right?

She said, "Okay." With a smile on his eyebrows, Murong Haoxuan was stunned by this kind smile. Is this woman really a playful and cute little person who once stood under the peach tree?

They turned around and turned against the road.

It's already early winter, and there are still a lot of ** in the garden, red, yellow, purple and red releasing their lives. It seems that they will die here if they don't open up. Shangguan Wanqing suddenly sighed that more than a dozen spring and autumn have been living for others. Now they are finally free, but they still use other people's identity. There is no way. Who can make their lives cheap? But from now on, she is no longer a bitch.

Shangguan Wanqing passed through the imperial garden and came to the front of Qifeng Palace. Fortunately, Chu Jiangping took the map of the palace and explained it to her in detail before. Otherwise, she really didn't know how to get to this Qifeng Palace. You know, Shangguan Wanqing lived here for seven years. If she got lost for seven years, who would believe it?

Looking at the tall and towering palace in front of her, she couldn't help sighing that the royal use was really gorgeous. Even though she had seen the jewels and treasures, she still couldn't help but be impressed by the palace in front of her. Once upon a time, the golden house hidden by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was just like this, right?!

Shangguan Wanqing smiled coldly and suddenly envied the woman. Why did she get so much favor as a woman? Even if she is not the queen, there are still so many people who love her, even for her willingness to die. After all, the love between Chu Jiang's eyebrows is not because of the woman named Xin'er, but because of her, the thirteen mother.

Do you know that Thirteen Niang, even if I go to the palace to enjoy your glory and wealth, it's just because Chu Jiangping wants to take you away. You are really happy. As long as you think about it, he will find ways to achieve it for you, but what about us? Since childhood, I have no emotion, no self, just live in absolute loyalty.

Mama Yun had seen the woman standing in front of the door and couldn't help exclaiming. This woman was very much like Shangguan Wanqing. Could it be that her Qing'er came back?

She almost trotted over and almost fell a little. She couldn't care about these. Her eyes were only the woman standing in front of the palace gate, the quiet and beautiful woman. She stood there like that, with her back to the light. Even so, she could still recognize that that person was her Xiao Qinger, yes, Xiao Qinger, such a clear person, how could she not?

That's Qing'er's eyes, Qing'er's nose, Qing'er's eyebrows. She hasn't changed, but she has grown taller. Sure enough, it's her Qing'er. Five years have finally come back safely.

She held Shangguan Wanqing in her arms and cried and laughed: "Qing'er, Qing'er, are you really back?" With this, she was already full of tears, and she knelt down and said tremblingly, "Queen, you are finally back and want to die."

Shangguan Wanqing came forward to help Mother Yun up, and tears flowed down her eyes: "Get up quickly. You are suffering." She dared not say more for fear that her identity would be exposed. After all, the people who followed Shangguan Wanqing must know him very well, and if she talks more, there will be loopholes. If there are loopholes, her identity will be exposed.

Chu Jiangping tried his best to send her to the palace. If she had problems as soon as she entered the palace, Chu Jiang would definitely make her life worse than death. She has seen Chu Jiangping's methods. In this life, she doesn't want him to punish herself like this.

"Mother, is it really you? After thinking about it for so many years, I finally looked forward to you back. She took Shangguan Wanqing's hand and burst into tears, but her eyes were true. Yan 13, if you have such a group of loyal servants, it is also your creation. It's just that these people will become her constraint, and they can only think of a better way to dispel their concerns.

M Mother Yun took Shangguan Wanqing to the hall of Qifeng Palace. Although Shangguan Wanqing lowered her eyebrows and restrained her eyes, her intuition as a shadow told her that she must pay close attention to the changes around her so that she could make the most appropriate and effective counterattack in the future.

After entering the hall for a while, their master and servants had not had time to talk about the past. There was already a father-in-law outside: "Queen, outside, the virtuous concubine, the Yuanfei, the concubine and the concubine and the decon have come outside of the palace gate and said that they came to say that they came to say hi to the empress."

Shangguan Wanqing smiled coldly. These people are really ridiculous. As soon as she came back, so many people came to say hello. It was clear that they were going to test her. No wonder she had not talked to Yan Shisan along the way. If she asked her about what she used to do, she would be much better. Now she can only take one step by step. La.

"Let them go back first. I am tired today and have been running around for more than ten days. I want to bathe, change clothes and rest. Let them not come. I just came back and did not restore the title of queen. Let them disperse!" After saying that, let Mother Yun lead her to the bedroom.

When she heard that Shangguan Wanqing returned to the palace, the most surprising thing was Yang Siyuan. She frowned and found Concubine Xian and Concubine De. They happened to meet Concubine He, so the four wanted to come to Qifeng Palace to inquire. Unexpectedly, they had a closed door. They can't guess the emperor's thoughts now, and they don't like the sudden appearance of Shangguan Wanqing. Her appearance means that all the past things have been denied by Murong Haoxuan, so this latter position will still be her Shangguan Wanqing. But why did she disappear for five years, but suddenly appeared to compete for this position?

After Yang Siyuan returned to the palace, she has been restless. What did Shangguan Wanqing say to the emperor? How could she suddenly appear and be seen by Murong Haoxuan? A series of questions kept flashing in her mind. If what happened in those years is revealed, according to Murong Haoxuan's temper, she will definitely die. What should I do?

"Come on!" She shouted, and in an instant, a maid and a little eunuch appeared in front of her, standing there solemnly, all expressionless. Feiran, you are now going out of the palace and go to the prime minister's house to tell them about the queen's return to the palace. Cuier, you are responsible for inocating around Qifeng Palace.

She can't be messy. She must calm down and see how she can save her life.

She can't die.

When she arranged it properly, an M Mother came in, who was a M Mother beside the Empress Dowager. She attached to Yang Siyuan and said a few words. After hearing this, Yang Siyuan already smiled.

She ordered the maid below to give the Mama an ingot of silver and looked at her back when she went out with a proud smile on her face. A little justice came in at this time and said respectfully, "Your Majesty, the emperor said that he would hold a celebration banquet for the generals tonight. At that time, please attend on time." After saying that, he bowed and retreated. Only when he reached the door did he dare to turn around and step out of Luanhe Palace.

Yang Siyuan's smile was deeper. She ordered, "I will change my clothes. I'm going to visit the Empress Dowager." Since the Empress Dowager doesn't like that woman, she will start from the Empress Dowager to see if there is room to return. Anyway, the Empress Dowager still favored her Yang's mansion. Moreover, Shangguan Wanqing is just alone now. Her family has been killed because of the betrayal of the country. When she comes back, she is just a cold queen.