The world is hired

Chapter 85 Brothers compete with each other

Along the way, he didn't care much and came to Chu Jiangping's house. As soon as he knocked on the door, he dodged and ran in. He doesn't know why he has such an impulse. If he put it in peacetime, it will certainly not be like this.

He actually showed his light skills and went straight to the embroidery building of the thirteen women. Along the way, the people of Chu's family couldn't help but be stunned when they saw him irritable. Is this man crazy?

At this time, Thirteen Niang and Mingyue were chatting in the hall. When they saw Murong Haoxuan breaking in, they couldn't help frowning, but they didn't say anything. They still turned their heads and laughed with the official Mingyue. Murong Haoxuan stood there and looked fixedly at the person in front of her. She turned her head and a pair of watery eyes were hidden under the long eyelashes, casting a small shadow. She sat there so beautifully, attracting all his attention. His eyes are full of her figure, and there is no one else.

The bright moon got up and saluted: "Hlessings, emperor." After saying that, he looked at the thirteen women who was still calm and said with a smile, "Yan'er, the emperor must have something to do with you. You can talk and I'll come back to you after noon." After saying that, she respectfully withdrew from the house. When she left the hall, she casually turned around, looked at the two people in the room coldly, and turned away.

The thirteenth mother only looked at him and never looked at him again. She just sat there quietly and ate tea. Today, his decree and notice have spread all over the capital. How can he come here? Now that you have found the childhood sweetheart, why did you come back to see her? The corners of her mouth couldn't help laughing, some self-deprecating and some joy. After all, he still has her in his heart, right?!

Murong Haoxuan was not annoyed. He sat down opposite her, as if talking to himself, "I know I shouldn't come here today, but I just can't help it. Yaner, you know my feelings.

Shirteen Niang raised her eyes coldly, and there was no trace of affection in her eyes. She looked at him so coldly, which made him feel that the air around him had become cold. What if she understands his feelings? What she wants is a man's complete love, not his three thousand beauties, even if three thousand favorites are gathered together? How many 3,000 women have been spoiled in ancient times, and the last one is a good end? The life in the harem has made her tired. After seven years of living in the harem, she was a little scared. It's not as cold as in the world, as in purgatory. Although she has beautiful clothes and jade, there is no warmth at all. This is not what she wants.

She said calmly, "Your Majesty, hasn't anyone told you that as a king, if you always come to the people's house, what will happen to this family? Who can be so blessed to withstand your repeated visits? After saying that, she put the teacup in her hand heavily on the table, got up and shouted: "Forage, see the guests off!" Since ancient times, no matter how prosperous the king's favor is, it is impossible to condescend to a people's home. This is a blessing. No one can afford such a favor.

Watching her get up, he stood up in a hurry, bypassed the table, reached out to hold her snow-white arm, and pulled her into his arms. Her back was close to his solid chest, feeling her softness and her slight resistance. He felt that this was real. He buried his head in her shoulder and neck and smelled the fragrance on her body. This breath, a little familiar, always gives itself a sense of indifference and calms its irritable heart.

Listening to his powerful heartbeat, she suddenly felt secure, but this embrace will no longer belong to her. From the moment he decided to appoint Shangguan Wanqing, it was doomed and no longer possible. What she wants is a couple all her life, not to share his love with three wives and four concubines. Even if his heart is full of her, she can't. Love is selfish, and she just wants selfish love. So they are destined to have no fate in this life. Don't blame others, just blame the creation.

"Your Majesty, this is my embroidery building, please show some respect." She opened her mouth coldly and got out of her arms with a strong hand, but what Murong Haoxuan couldn't see was that her eyes were full of tears. Hearing her say this, Murong Haoxuan foolishly let go of his hand, looked at her slender back, and stood there in a blank way.

He remembered the invasion of her that day and her tears. Then he let go, but he didn't expect that she was such a hard heart. When he just let go, he left her arms. What just happened was like in a dream, but there was still her fragrance in her arms, which was very light but reassuring.

Murong Haoxuan took two steps forward, but was stopped by foreng: "Mr., didn't you hear what our young lady said? Please go back!" Looking at Murong Haoxuan motionless, she suddenly sneered and said, "Our small temple can't tolerate you as a big Buddha. Hurry up, or the young lady will punish me again. She looked at Murong Haoxuan's stunned look. Although she was a little unbearable, she was still hard-hearted. Miss has always had her own principles in doing things. She has always listened to him and has never violated it or asked why. This time it is still the same. Moreover, from her heart, she did not want the young lady to follow the man in front of her. She always believed that the only person in the world who could marry a young lady in the future was Chu Jiangping. Except Chu Jiangping, no one is worthy of her young lady.

Murong Haoxuan turned around and was ready to leave, but he turned back unwillingly and looked at the stairs. After all, the woman did not appear, and he left with regret. But he bumped into a person who entered the door. He only heard the man's "oops" and retreated. He stood still and fixed his eyes. Who was Murong Haoyu?

Murong Haoxuan's eyes suddenly cooled a little. He looked at Murong Haoyu and said, "You look very idle today. Why did you come here again?" The tone is full of strong jealousy.

"Brother, I can't come?" Murong Haoyu looked coldly at Murong Haoxuan. Are their brothers really going to be unbearable because of this woman?

Because he saw Haoyu come to the room and sat down at the table, Murong Haoxuan also turned back to the room and sat down opposite him. Both of them were a little angry.

The thirteenth woman above actually saw Murong Haoyu walk into this hall. She had never said anything, but looked at them behind the window and listened to their quarrels below, and her heart was clear. Sorry, Haoyu, I have to use you to achieve revenge. Don't blame me. I still don't care about him.

She looked at the leaves in the west wind outside and felt like she had been there many years ago. She was helpless but wanted to ask for help. In the end, she still had no choice but to leave and fell silently to the ground, crushing her spine. And now she is no longer the weak woman at the beginning. She is now a chivalrous and righteous masked woman, a red man who is also a drunken moon residence, and naturally a spy or killer in the shadow building.

She should thank Chu Jiangping, who has been protecting herself well over the years, not being wronged at all, and not staining her hands with a little blood. She must thank him for the fancy man.

She turned around and went downstairs. Step by step, it seems to be particularly difficult. She took every step with hatred. She went downstairs. From then on, she was Shangguan Wanqing, who was burdened with a deep hatred, instead of living among their brothers and enjoying their favorite Yan Shisan. There is no way back. She must go on like this. For the sake of more than 100 lives, the innocence of so many women, and the reputation of the upper government, she must have a hard heart. She must be unwavering and can only revenge!

What about Yang Wenzhong? What about Chu Ming? She wants them to pay the price they deserve!

"Let's go and leave me alone." She stood coldly at the top of the stairs and said. If a careful person can find that her eyes are not focused, she stands there like a porcelain doll. After saying this, she asked fortachio to see the guests off, and she turned around and went upstairs again.