The world is hired

Chapter 185

The thirteenth mother half leaned against **. She opened the window every day and watched Nian'er playing outside, with a kind of relief on her face. However, there was sadness in their eyes. The mother and son had just reunited and had not had time to make out. Now they have to face life and death, which is too cruel for Nian'er. In order to be a child, she must cooperate with the imperial doctor, and it is good to spend one more day with him.

There is a new maid by her side, and she calls her Mulan. Mulan came in and gave her a letter: "Mother, this is a letter from today. Take a look." The familiar handwriting made her in a trance for a moment. She smiled and got up and told Mulan, "Prepare the carriage and take me to the woods outside the city." Chu Jiangping is buried there, and this letter should be the final letter Chu Jiangping gave her. He must have hated her. After all, she made him die young.

Mulan wanted to stop it. Thinking of Murong Haoxuan's words, she called a carriage, and the master and servant went out of the city together. The grass here is lush and the trees are dense. There is no sunshine here all day long. Only when the leaves fall in autumn can you see the sunshine all day long. This is his favorite place, the place where they first met.

Sometimes, it is difficult to explain his feelings clearly. He once loved Xin'er so much, but now, he is willing to die for her. There are some things that don't need to be said too clearly. She understands everything.

Sitting in front of his grave and looking at the tombstone, which was carved by Murong Haoxuan himself for him. In memory of a friend, an enemy who can be called an enemy.

Take out a green flute, which he once gave her. The melodious sound of the flute floated out until she burst into tears. She opened the letter he left her, which made her cry again. It turned out that he was afraid that she would kill him for the sake of the Great Yan Kingdom for Murong Haoxuan, and he was ready to die with him. But he didn't expect that she suddenly arrived that night. He knew that his death was not far away, and he also put poison in the tea, which would not be particularly obvious, but it would also kill people. Finally, he said that if he found Shen Xiyao, he might have a chance to live. Because this is what Shen Xiyao left in those years.

Shen Xiyao is from the Great Yan Kingdom. Naturally, he will not heal the emperor of the State of Chu, so Chu Jiangping died. But does she really want to find Shen Xiyao?

If she has to live for Nian'er, but she bears too many curses. She is the queen of Dayan. Because of Murong Haoxuan, no one dares to say anything, but if Murong Haoxuan is gone, what will happen if Murong Haoxuan can't withstand such great pressure? She didn't dare to think about it.

The letter burned in front of his grave, and she smiled: "Don't you want me to go down with you? Since I owe you, I will." Yes, she is willing to have no afterlife. Who has seen whose afterlife? Since it's what he thinks and his life is also his, why doesn't she go down to accompany him?

Hearing the movement behind her, she thought it was Mulan. She just stared at the tombstone and said, "Mulan, let me stay a little longer." Stay a little longer, and there may be no time in the future.

"If your poison is not cured, I'm afraid that I will come and be unable to recover. Do you really have the heart to let Nian'er have no mother? Shen Xiyao was not beside the woman he loved deeply. She smiled brightly and said, "Why did you come here?"

"The emperor posted the imperial list to find a doctor to treat you. As a friend, can I not appear?" Shen Xiyao came forward and helped her up.

The thirteenth mother smiled and said, "Naturally, I dare not disappoint your kindness. After all, it's still for Nian'er. If it weren't for Nian'er, I'm afraid I won't cooperate with you. Do you want to worship him?" Thirteen Niang looked at him and asked with a sweet smile.

After all, they are good friends. If there is no national hatred, they must be able to drink and talk here now. Who on earth made them like this?

He looked at his grave and smiled. It's true that he can do this.

"Let's go. I'm not in good health, but I'm afraid it will be worse this time. Pay attention to yourself in the future and don't do it arbitrarily. He gently helped her and got into the carriage together.

She really wanted to ask him if he had found the woman she had loved all her life. Finally, she looked at his vicissitudes face and still held back.

The condition was also sick, and Shen Xiyao used all his strength to save her life. But in the future, she is like a candle in the wind and can no longer withstand any tossing. If it hadn't been for her martial arts, the medicine stone would have been invalid this time.

"Do you still want to go on the road? Stay and enjoy life leisurely. I'm afraid there are not many of you in this compound. Looking at Shen Xiyao, who had made up her mind, she made a sound to stay.

"Ye�, go look for it. No matter where she is, I will find her. Shen Xiyao finished speaking and looked at the blue sky with a longing look.

Shisan Niang smiled and expressed her understanding: "Go ahead and come back when you are tired. The door here will always be open for you." People are always tired, and she has now seen through parting, but maybe it is because time is precious to her that she wants every friend to stay with her and never be separated.

"I've been out for a year. If I can't find it, I'll stay here. Thousands of sails are not. There is no regret." Shen Xiyao finished speaking, picked up what he had prepared and decided to go.

The thirteenth mother nodded and sent him away in person.

It's good to be alive.

Looking back, I saw Nian'er running towards her. Being able to grow up with your child must be the greatest happiness.

Good education for this child, so that she doesn't have to suffer any grievances and can grow up happily.

One year later.

Murong Haoxuan came to the Chu Mansion, looked at the thirteen women who had transformed more and more indifferently, and smiled: "Drunken Yueju has moved to your name. It belongs to you. Moreover, from now on, I am no longer the emperor. If you have that kind of talent, let him practice. With Haoyu watching, I think it will be all right. Hearing his words, Thirteen's mother was somewhat surprised, but she was relieved to think that there were Haoyu and the old man beside Nian'er.

She knew that he wanted to accompany her with his heart. They have missed a lot.

He used the world as a bride price just to marry her, but he didn't expect that she didn't want anything and just wanted to live a happy life.

Then he will stay with her until she dies.

Ten years later.

She stayed by the bed, held Murong Haoxuan's arm tightly, and said with a smile, "Xuan, when I die, bury me by his side. I have owed him in this life, and it is also a kind of compensation to let me go down and spend a few years with him. Murong Haoxuan's face pressed against her hair and gently rubbed it. He was too reluctant to give up, but he was unwilling to go against her will.

nodded vigorously to show his agreement.

"I have no regrets. I have experienced too much in this life. If it hadn't been for Nian'er, I wouldn't have held on like this. He is a good emperor, and I believe he will do a good job. As for you, don't be sad and look at Nian'er. She turned around and touched Murong Haoxuan's face.

She forced herself to stand up, put on her favorite snow coat, and smiled: "Am I still the same as ten years ago? Will he not recognize me?" Murong Haoxuan shook his head and said, "You are beautiful. He will definitely recognize you. It's just that after I die, I hope I can be with you, won't you mind?"

She nodded, and the man in front of her was the man she had loved all her life.

Ten days later.

The thirteenth mother left quietly, and it was said that she still had a smile on her face when she left.

As she wished, Murong Haoxuan buried her bones beside Chu Jiangping, and he lived next to him, waiting for the woman he loved deeply.

Yan took the letter she left him and smiled bitterly. Don't worry, sister, I will do my best to assist you and never regret it.

When Shen Xiyao came back, he was still alone. He just looked at their tombstones side by side, and his heart was desolate. The person he loves will never be found. Because the person he loves has been lying here for a long time. Now he has come true, side by side with his beloved woman. This is Chu Jiangping's happiness and his happiness.

Yes, the person he loves is Chu Jiangping, but as a person from the State of Yan, he can't go against his conscience or his feelings.

For ten years, he just didn't go there to accumulate virtue for them. Now that he is successful, he should also go.

By the time Murong Haoxuan found it, Shen Xiyao had already sat in front of Chu Jiangping's tomb.

Murong Haoxuan smiled bitterly. However, they are all a group of infatuated men and women who do not want to hurt others, but they are constantly hurt. Qinger, I owe you too much in this life. If there is an afterlife, I hope that I will come for a woman and you are a man. I will let you lose my life, and I don't want you to suffer any more harm.
