The world is chess

Chapter 6 This plot, brain-damaged

The State of Qi, 36th year of Changyuan, December 30th.

The 30-year-old King Xingle ascended the throne at the recommendation of civil and military officials and changed his name to Xingyuan. In the same year, Zhao Shun's sister was named Empress Renchen.

The first year of Xingyuan, the first day of the first lunar month.

The State of Qi held an extremely grand ceremony for the canonization of the queen. Zhao Ruchen, who was only 16 years old, received congratulations from the wife of the inner palace and civil and military officials in the Jiaotai Hall. Everyone knew that Prime Minister Zhao Shun, as the first meritorious minister to rectify the chaos, Queen Renchen undoubtedly became his most powerful backer. It is also because of this that an extremely powerful force led by Zhao Shun was formed in the imperial court, which spread to all corners of the palace and even surpassed Emperor Qi as the king of a country. This is not only because of Zhao Shun's extremely strong strength and attitude, but also because of the weakness of Emperor Qi. When the court ministers began to think about how to find the most favorable alliance in the new environment, the monarch who forced his brother to abdicate and succeeded to the throne was also immersed in infinite self-blame and fear. Among them.

Cangguo, located in the west of the State of Qi, has a very prosperous commercial economy in addition to its superior climate and geographical environment.

"Why do you buy such a big house here? Do we want to live in Cangguo for a long time?" Qi Yu squatted on the ground and teased a puppy that Liumu had just bought from the street. According to him, he squatted silently beside Qi Yu to watch him tease the puppy. Liu Mu lay on a rattan chair, covered with a thick carpet, and a book in his hand that he didn't know what it was, as if he didn't hear Qi Yu's problem at all.

"Hey, you squeak."

"Do you live here for a long time?" Liumu's eyes still stared at the book in his hand, "You are the prince of the State of Qi. It's not appropriate to live in Cangguo for a long time."

"Since you don't live for a long time, why do you buy this house?"

"I like it."

"Alas, it is because of rich people like you that the house price is high! If this house is placed within the Third Ring Road in Beijing, it can't be taken down without hundreds of millions of yuan. Qi Yu shook his head very oldly and added, "It must still be US dollars."

"Pigeon, pigeon..." Princess Yiyan looked up at the blue sky, and a gray pigeon kept hovering over the yard. Liu Mu put the book on the small mahogany table beside him and raised his right hand. The gray pigeon, which had been hovering over the yard, immediately fell on his shoulder. When the flowing wood took a delicate bamboo tube from the pigeon's foot, the pigeon flapped its wings and flew away.

The moment the pigeon flew away, Qi Yu said a very pretentious sentence: "The pigeon flew by, but there was no trace of wings."

"Your father abdiced and was succeeded by King Xingle." Liu Mu said lightly, "To be precise, your father disappeared after his abdication. In addition, your mother has passed away.

"Well, so I have become a helpless orphan, is that so?" Qi Yu stood up and said in an extremely calm tone, "First, the eldest brother was sent to escort Princess Shuning to the State of Lu, and then the three of us came here, and then his father abdiced and disappeared, and his mother died. Most importantly, two days ago, we encountered the pursuit of assassins. There are few people who have the courage to hunt down the prince of the State of Qi. There should be no one else except King Xingle, who has ascended the throne. However... King Xingle's personality is weak, and I'm afraid he can't do anything by himself. So it seems that the court minister and the empress dowager have formed some kind of tacit understanding.

"You are smarter than I thought." Liu Mu said, "The reason why your father asked me to take you to the State of Lu is that he had already expected that the court and the Empress Dowager would force him to abdicate, but the only thing I can't figure out is who sent those assassins. Not only us, but also Princess Shuning and your eldest brother also encountered assassin attacks."

"Isn't this obvious? Only by removing me and my eldest brother can the Empress Dowager let King Xingle inherit the throne rest assuredly."

"No, those assassins were not sent by the Empress Dowager."

"Why are you so sure?"


Qi Yu stared at Liu Mu; "How accurate can your intuition be?"

"Very accurate."


Wangwang... The puppy barked twice and began to bite Qi Yu's trouser legs. Qi Yu shook his legs and took two steps forward. The puppy also followed, like a cowhide candy.

"What's wrong with this dog?" Qi Yu complained, "It's like a cowhide candy."

With no warning, Qi Yu felt that his heart was inexplicably painful. He looked at the white puppy at his feet and remembered what he had said to her: Baby, let's keep a pet. Do you like cats or dogs? Look at the puppy of Grandma Li's house next door. It is very obedient and follows her like a cowhide candy every day.

Shen Yan.

The unspeakable sadness instantly turned into hot tears. He remembered the bits and pieces with Shen Yan, and remembered that Shen Yan's cold body was lying beside him at that time. Qi Yu had an uncontrollable anger. He didn't know where this anger came from.

"Go away." Qi Yu kicked the puppy's stomach heavily. The puppy was kicked out and lay on the ground half a meter away and looked at Qi Yu, with a sad whine in his mouth.

Liumu looked solemnly at what happened in front of him and slowly got up and held the aggrieved puppy in his arms: "I allow you to kill anyone, but the dog can't."

"Well, I didn't expect you to be a cat and dog." Qi Yu said coldly.

"Although I don't understand what you're saying, it's true that you can't kill cats." Liu Mu said, "What are you angry about?"

"Nothing, just don't like it."

"Brother Yu, what's wrong with you?" Yiyan pulled Qi Yu's sleeve with a frightened face and said timidly, "Why do you kick the puppy? It will hurt."

"What should I do about my pain?" Qi Yu smiled bitterly. He suddenly felt that he didn't need to spread his anger on an innocent puppy. "It's my fault. I remembered some unpleasant things."

"Do you want to control the whole world?" Liu Mu said weakly, "I don't have much time to live for another three years with a body like me. I will find the heir of the Divine Moon Palace within three years. If you want to control the whole world, then I will let the heir I choose to assist you.

"Master the whole world?"

"Yes, every generation of palace owners of the Divine Moon Palace can't live to be 30 years old. I'm the limit."


Although the Divine Moon Palace is a special place to pray for the royal family of Qi, in fact, it is not controlled by the State of Qi, just because the palace is in the territory of the State of Qi. Shenyue Palace is a place that is not controlled by any country. In fact, even I don't know why it exists. Have you seen this cinnabar mole on my head? Liumu pointed to his forehead and said, "When I am about to die, this red mole will shed a drop of blood, and the blood will solidify into stones. The heir I choose will eat the stone condensed from blood drops, so that the heir's eyebrows will grow the same red mole."

"Isn't this *? If you don't eat that bullshit, you can't inherit the Moon Palace? Qi Yu asked, "Can you draw one on your forehead with a red pen?"

"That drop of blood condenses the martial arts of the palace masters of all dynasties. Is it so wasted?"

"That's better than a short life. It's better to live than to die, but then again, how do you choose your heir? What's the standard?"


"..." Qi Yu was speechless again.

"How about it? Do you want to control the whole world?"

"What can you do if you master the whole world?"

"You can see the Big Dipper."

"What?" Qi Yu remembered the one-dollar coin given to him by King Jinheng when he left the State of Qi and told him that when the Big Dipper appeared in the sky, he could return to the original world. "How do you know the Big Dipper? Isn't this my mother's last words?"

Liumu tilted his head slightly and said, "In fact, I didn't know what was going on. At that time, I was really surprised when I heard King Jinheng talk about the Big Dipper. This can be said to be the secret of the Divine Moon Palace. Each generation of palace owners will be given the task of finding a monarch who can unify the world, and will be told that the Big Dipper will appear in the sky when it is unified. That's why I would be so confused when you ask me if your men have broken army, Wuqu, Lucun, Wenqu and so on. That's a name that only the masters of the Shenyue Palace know.

"Unifying the whole world, the Big Dipper will appear, and I can return to the original world and the one-dollar coins that should not appear in this world." Qi Yu quickly sorted out all kinds of clues in his mind and said, "Why do I think this plot is brain-damaged..."

Qi Yu said the last two words with special sadness and indignation.