The world is chess

Chapter 8 Twisted Time

After walking for less than half an hour, Liu Mu, Qi Yu and Yi Chen walked to the end of the passage. At the end of the passage is a white stone wall carved with a pattern. Qi Yu recognized that the pattern on the stone wall was the Big Dipper, and the names of the seven stars were engraved next to the Big Dipper pattern.

"This is the Big Dipper. Why does it appear here?" Qi Yu said while touching those patterns with his hand. Unlike the dark black stone wall on both sides of the passage, the white stone wall at the end touched the cold and piercing.

"I saw this pattern the last time I came here." Liu Mu said.

"Do you often come here like this?"

"I come here several times a year."

Yi Chen stood in front of the stone wall and stared at the pattern above thoughtfully: "Why is there a chessboard here?"

"Chessboard? Where is the chessboard?" Qi Yu asked.

"This is it." Yi Chen pointed to the wall and said, "Don't you see it?"

"Can you see the chessboard?" Liu Mu's eyes suddenly became as deep as the lake. He looked at Yi Chen seriously and said, "What's on the chessboard?"

"There are a lot of chess pieces, but I can't understand Go." Yi Chen replied.

Liu Mu did not answer Yi Chen's words, but just touched the wall with his hand a few times. In Yi Chen's view, he moved a few pieces, while in Qi Yu's view, Liu Mu just painted something meaninglessly on the wall. When the flowing wood finished the action, the white stone wall slowly moved to one side, and what they could see was the wind and snow and strange snow trees on the island.

Because the snow tree is snow-white and integrated with the snow on the mountain, you can't find it if you don't look carefully, but although the snow fruit on the tree is also white, it emits a faint red. Qi Yu looked at the fruits with cold hair up all over his body. Somehow he always felt that the fruits were staring at him.

"The fruit is still strange and can shine." Yi Chen said excitedly, "I'll pick one."

"Don't go, it's snowing so hard." As soon as Qi Yu wanted to stop Yi Chen, he saw a fruit flying towards them at a very fast speed, and finally landed firmly in Yi Chen's hand. "Wow, this fruit can actually fly."

Yichen put Xueguo in front of his nose and smelled it. He frowned and said, "It doesn't smell at all. I don't know how it tastes?"


As soon as Yichen wanted to bite down, he was knocked off by Liumu, and the snow fruit fell to the ground. He looked sideways at Liu Mu, and there was a trace of murder in his eyes.

"You can't eat it." Liu Mu said.


Qi Yu patted his head and said with great enlightenment, "That's right, eating this fruit can increase your skills by ten years, but ordinary people will die immediately after eating it."

"Gha?" Yi Chen showed a pity expression and picked up the fruit. "It will kill you. Forget it."

"That's right, why do you eat such strange fruit? If you want to eat it, you can eat apples, bananas and so on." Qi Yu pointed not far away and said, "That seems to be the gate of the villa. Let's go there quickly."

The huge iron door was tightly closed, and the flowing wood gently buckled the copper ring on the door. After a while, the iron door was slowly opened, revealing a gap that could accommodate two people. After the three entered the door one after another, Qi Yu was stunned by the scenery in front of him. Above his head was covered with huge glazed tiles, which were crystal and beautiful under the sunlight. The ground on the soles of his feet was paved with dark green jade. The strange flowers and grasses everywhere were blooming extremely gorgeously. Qi Yu even saw a clear river flowing in the courtyard.

After following the woman in green who came to open the door through the long corridor, the three of them came to a hall filled with a refreshing aroma.

"Lord of the palace, what can I do for you?"

Only then did Qi Yu see the appearance of the leading woman. Although it is not beautiful, it has an unspeakable fresh beauty, which will make people feel that women should be like this. They don't have to be too dazzling or breathtaking, just need a casual glance of comfort.

"Lucun, I will stay here for a while. You can prepare three rooms."


After the woman named Lu Cun left, Qi Yu immediately couldn't wait to ask, "How could she call you the lord of the palace?" Lu Cun? So she is your subordinate?"

"Ye." Liu Mu casually found a chair and sat down. He took a long sigh of relief and said, "We will stay here for a while, and Lucun will take care of us during this period."

"Why do I think that woman doesn't look like your men?"

"What does that look like?" Yi Chen blinked and asked.

"Like his lover, this is the private villa he bought for his lover." Qi Yu said seriously, "Maybe there is still an illegitimate child."

"Your analysis is very reasonable. It doesn't look like your subordinates at all." Yi Chen also nodded seriously and didn't notice that Dao Liumu's face had become extremely terrible.

"Why do we live here? And are you going to leave Yiyan alone in that house? Qi Yu asked.

"I have entrusted someone to take care of her."

"Who is Yiyan?" Yichen walked around the hall and finally stopped in front of a painting hanging on the wall. "I really want to see this painting somewhere."

"Huh?" Qi Yu was also interested when he heard Yi Chen's words. He walked to the painting and found that it was simply an ordinary landscape painting. "It's just an ordinary landscape painting. It seems to be almost the same."

"I really saw this painting, ah, I remember it. I saw it at the painting exhibition in Yunnan about a year ago. At that time, my sister also said that this painting was very special, so I have an impression." Yi Chen pointed to the painting, but because of his height, he seemed to point to the white wall. "Look at this river. Does it look like there is nothing? If you look carefully, you will see fish in the river. Do you see it?"

Qi Yu raised his head and stared carefully at the river above the painting: "Is there really fish, huh? There seems to be a vague fingerprint on it?"

"Hey, that's my prank. At that time, most of the people who watched the exhibition went to see those famous works, so I secretly pressed a fingerprint on it with my finger, hey..."

"But since you have seen this painting in Yunnan, how can it appear here now? Liumu, where did you get this painting?

"I bought this painting from a painter five years ago and hung it here."

"Is it hanging here all the time?" The problem that Qi Yu had been worried about finally came to sleep, and the words that King Jinheng said also made him unable to let go, "Has this painting been hanging here for five years?"

The flowing wood nodded.

"How can it be? How can this be possible? No, no, no, it shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't be like this." Qi Yu involuntarily stepped back a few steps and said words that others couldn't understand.

"What's wrong with you?" Yi Chen also seemed to find Qi Yu's strangeness, but then he also realized the seriousness of the problem. "Wait, if this painting has been hanging here since five years ago, what did I see in Yunnan a year ago? Are there two identical paintings? However, this fingerprint is obviously mine... Why? Why?"

"I ask you, what time is that world now? I mean, it's thousands of years ago?

"2010." Yi Chen replied, "I died on October 20th."

"No, if the time of the two worlds is parallel, then it should be 2017 now. I died in 2010. Now I have lived in this world for seven years. Is the time of this world static compared to that world?"

"My sister said that the time in every world is different, and even time will be distorted." Yichen said, "Maybe the time of this world is slower than that of that world. Isn't there a saying in ancient mythology that there is a day in the sky and a year on the earth?"

"One-dollar coin, the painting you saw in Yunnan, and there is no Big Dipper in this world... Can you return to the original world after unifying the world, is that true?"

"I have a strange idea, do you want to listen to it?" Yi Chen asked.

"Say, anyway, we are er grasshoppers on a rope."

"Will this be the game world?" Yi Chen said, "My sister said that a world similar to the real world can be created through artificial intelligence. Will this be a world created by someone?"

"You mean we are all from the game world?"

Yi Chen nodded and continued: "Although our bodies have been physically destroyed in that world, we may be able to retain our consciousness, that is, the so-called soul, in some way, and then send us into this world. No, my body has been damaged in that world, but now it is intact here. What method should be used to restore the damaged body intact?

"Hey, you look like a scholar!" Qi Yu looked like a dead fish, "How old are you? This is not like what an eight-year-old child said."

"I often hear from my sister!"

"Who is your sister? And the world was created by your talented sister, right?

"Just say these words here, but don't go outside and talk nonsense." Liu Mu half narrowed his eyes and said, "You are really so similar to your father that you always say strange things."