The world is chess

Chapter 32 People's hearts are unpredictable

The Palace of the Concubine.

Eight-year-old Qi Qingchen sat upright beside his mother Jiafei. He didn't know why his mother took him to see a businessman. In Qi Qingchen's concept, the businessman was a humble person, so he couldn't understand why his mother let him sit instead of standing.

"Mr. Shen, this is the emperor's eldest son. What do you think?" Jiafei said with a smile.

"It seems to be a very cautious prince."

"Yes, Qingchen's nature is indeed a little too cautious." Jiafei said, "Qingchen, you go and review your homework first."

"Yes, mother."

After Qi Qingchen left, Jiafei smiled and said, "Mr. Shen, I hope you can help Qingchen inherit the throne in the future."

"Inheriting to the throne? But with all due respect, Qingchen is only a common prince. According to the law of the State of Qi, only the direct son born by the queen can inherit the throne. Even if the current queen does not have a direct prince, the former emperor still left two princes. What does the good wife plan to do?

"Yes, it is true that only the legitimate prince born by the empress is qualified to inherit the throne, so you have to help me ascend the throne." Jiafei said, "How's it going? As long as you can help me, the position of the financial department is yours.

"Hahaha... Madam, are you joking?" Shen Wuli seemed to hear a funny joke and couldn't stop laughing.

"What? Do you think I'm joking? Do you think the position of the Department of Finance is too low?

"No, that's not it." Shen Wuli finally stopped laughing and said, "In my opinion, the financial division will soon be replaced."


"The most direct result of the miscarriage of the Empress is that Wu Jinsong, the financial department, will be eradicated from the court." Shen Ruli said, "The queen is a thoughtful person, not as weak as you think."

"I know this, but who made Yuan do such a stupid act to put abortion medicine into the medicine drunk by the Queen?" Jiafei said, "But the empress is really pitiful. Is she pregnant with a child?"

"Child?" Shen Wu asked, "Do you think the Empress would be so careless to drink the fetal medicine with saffron?"

"After all, the queen is only 17 years old, and it is normal that she doesn't know about this deep palace, which is no different from the sea. Does Mr. Shen want to say that the queen has long known that the bowl of medicine would miscarry herself? If so, she won't drink it at all."

"I don't know that. I'm just a businessman." Shen Wuli was unwilling to continue to pester with Jiafei on this issue, and then changed the topic and said, "But I must remind my mother that the imperial examination will come soon."

"It's natural. Do you think I will ignore such an important thing?" Jiafei said, "It's natural for people standing on their side to serve in the court and become their own strength, but..."

Before Jiafei finished speaking, Shen took over and said, "So a large amount of political funds are needed. You don't have to worry about this. I will provide you with a steady stream of political funds for you, but there is something to ask for."

"What's the matter?"

"If the prince born to you will ascend the throne in the future, I hope the Empress can give the position of prime minister."

"The seat of the prime minister?" Jiafei looked at Shen Wuli, who looked calm and calmly. It turned out that what he wanted was the seat of the prime minister. Well, that's fine. Now that the position of prime minister is occupied by the old fox Zhao Shun, it's better to find a way to let this person who can continuously provide political funds sit on it. "Well, if the youth minister can ascend the throne in the future, then you are the prime minister of the State of Qi."

"In that case, thank you first. By the way, I have one more thing to ask my mother.

"If you have any questions, just ask. We are in the same boat now."

"I heard that the fourth prince left by the previous emperor went to Cang, but this happened?"

"Do you mean the fourth prince born to Queen Shunde?" Princess Jia recalled, "At that time, the palace was only a side princess and had not yet entered the palace, but I heard that the fourth prince followed the owner of the divine moon palace to travel to Cangguo. Why did Mr. Shen ask that?

"Nothing, just a little curious."

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as curiosity. Since Mr. Shen asked, there must be some reason among them. Could it be that Mr. Shen has a grudge against me?"

Shen Wuli smiled and said, "Where is this? It's just that the time is not ripe, but it's useless to tell you. At present, the most important thing is to let the people who can be used for the Empress come to the court. I think the Empress will soon take action. I hope you can make plans early."

Jiafei sneered and said, "The old fox Zhao Shun will definitely take this opportunity to install his people in all corners of the court, so we must move quickly."

"I don't know how much political funds the Empress needs to provide next?"

"Two thousand taels."

Shen Wuxiang thought for a moment and said, "How about 200,000?"

"Okay, just 200,000 taels."

"Then I will prepare the silver ticket and give it to your father, Lord Lidu Si."

"Thank you very much. By the way, does Mr. Shen have a wife?"

"No." Shen said unreasonally.

"Oh? Doesn't Mr. Shen like women?

"No, no, my mother misunderstood." Shen Wuli said, "My favorite is the stunning beauty. Unfortunately, the women in the world are too tacky. I'm afraid the women I like can only be found in the sky."

"Ha ha, in Mr. Shen's opinion, this palace may be just a layman."

"Emotionally, it's better to lack than abuse." Shen Wuli said, "The most difficult thing in the world is to meet someone you really like. If you don't meet him, you can only die alone..."

"I didn't expect you to be a dedicated person."

"Not dedicated, but..."

"And what is it?"

Shen smiled faintly for no reason, and a bleak look flashed in his eyes: "But, people's hearts are unpredictable, people's hearts are unpredictable... The world is busy but they don't know that fate has been doomed, and it's just a bamboo basket in the end."

"Do you mean that I was in vain?" Jiafei naturally understood Shen's unreasonable voice.

"Maybe, I don't know what I'm talking about. Well, I'll say goodbye first." After saying that, Shen left unreasonedly.

is really a strange person, Jiafei thought to herself.

Wait, he said that the most direct result of the miscarriage of the Empress was that Wu Jinsong, the financial department, would be eradicated from the court. Why did he say that? Is it possible that the Empress has long planned to eradicate Wu Jinsong from the court? If it had been planned for a long time, how did the queen know in advance that Princess Yuan would put abortion medicine in the abortion medicine? If she knew that there were saffron in the medicine, how could the queen drink the bowl of medicine so stupidly?

Unless, unless the queen's pregnancy is fake. Yes, yes, it must be so, but why should Wu Jinsong be eradicated? He is just a small financial division. If it were me, he would definitely choose to remove a bigger goal.