The world is chess

Chapter 40 No Right to Live and Death

The light is faint and hidden.

King Jinheng looked up at the person in the painting on the wall. The woman in the painting stood under a tree with a smile. The leaves of the tree were pink like a flower falling in the wind. If you look carefully, you will find that the woman in the painting is somewhat similar to the monarch of Nanxia, but the woman in the painting is more charming.

"It's been eight years, why can't I forget..." King Jinheng said distractedly to the painting.

The woman in the painting is not someone else but the sister of King Jinheng, Princess Fengran, and also Qi Yu's biological mother. This is a scandal that the royal family of Qi cannot disclose, although only a few people know about it.

However, no one knows that except for the former emperor Qichang who fell in love with his own sister, even King Jinheng was deeply in love with his sister with a beautiful appearance. When he knew that Princess Fengran was pregnant with Qichang's child, he decided to protect the child born to his sister... although the child was not his own.

King Jinheng suddenly had an idea in his heart. He wanted to let Qi Yu return to the State of Qi. He wanted to let Qi Yu ascend to the throne. He wanted to watch the child of the woman he loved so much sit on the supreme throne.

"Fengran, this must be what you want to see..."

In a trance, another face jumped into King Jinheng's mind. The woman in a dragon robe looked so heroic, and her bright and free smile made people feel like a spring breeze. Such a noble woman shed tears and begged herself not to leave, but his heart could only accommodate her sister Princess Fengran...

Liu Zichen, who was sent to a foreign post, also heard that Empress Renchen had a miscarriage in Banan. After that, Yuan's concubine was pregnant again, he knew that the dark surge of the court had finally begun. It's just that Liu Zichen is waiting for an opportunity to return to the court.

He wrote a letter to a businessman in the capital. The businessman was Shen Wuli, who provided political funds for Jiafei. When Shen Wuli received Liu Zichen's letter, he sent someone to bring Liu Zichen four words: Don't be impatient.

Don't be impatient?

Well, I will wait, Liu Zichen said silently in his heart.

When Liu Zichen went to a foreign position, Lin, who had been restrained, became unscrupulous and did not move to beat and scold Wu, and Wu just silently endured and never resisted.

"You want to burn me to death. Give me a new cup." Lin threw the tea book to the ground fiercely and said angrily, "Clean this place for me."

"Yes, madam."

"Also, I'm not in good health. When you finish this, go and feed my Yuer."

"I know, madam."

"I'm angry when I look at you. I really don't know how the master left someone like you in the house. It's really unlucky that the master was sent to a foreign office."

Wu silently cleaned up the fragments on the ground. Most of the time, she endured silently. Over time, Lin also thought that Wu had to endure because of her humble status, which also led to Lin's unscrupulousness.

However, what Lin didn't expect was that it was because of his unscrupulousness that created his extremely tragic fate in the future.

Wu, who had managed to do a good job, returned to the small room and couldn't help crying when he saw his sleeping daughter. Why should I suffer such treatment? Why? By the way, because of my humble status, I have to endure these unfair treatment.

"But daughter, mother really doesn't want to give you this humble identity. How good it would be if you were your wife's child..."

In the strict distinction between the inside and outside of Qi, the children born by concubines are equivalent to slaves. Some children can't even call their fathers as fathers, but must be called masters. This seems to be the same as the Zhongzong period.

Day by day, December comes in a blink of an eye.

The flying snow villa is filled with wind and snow, and since October, the body of the flowing wood has become very poor, which can be said to the point that it is difficult to speak. Qi Yu didn't know how to save the flowing wood. He just kept silent every day and sometimes went to see the vegetables grown by the flowing wood.

And Yichen and Xiaobei stayed by Liumu's side, afraid that something would happen if they didn't pay attention.

On this day, Qi Yu sat on the corridor as usual and looked at the snowflakes falling in the sky. He remembered that world again, the world where Shen Yan existed. Qi Yu had an indescribable sadness in his heart, but he knew that this sadness did not come from Shen Yan, but that he could not accept the fact that Liumu was about to die. Compared with Yi Chen, he was a person who likes to hide his feelings, maybe it was a matter of age. After all, he was not eight years old, no, he should be nine years old.

The white snowflakes slowly fell, gently without a sound.

In one breath, white smoke will float out of your mouth... Why let yourself come to this world? Why?

"God, why did you let me come to this world? Answer me, answer me... "Qi Yu shouted at the sky, but no one answered his question.

"You look very sad." Lu Cun, who was still in a green gauze skirt even in winter, sat next to Qi Yu and looked sideways at the falling snowflakes.

"Yes, I'm so sad that I'm about to die." Qi Yu said sadly, "Yu Mu is going to die, he is going to die..."

"I know." Lu Cun stretched out his hand and let the snowflakes fall in the palm of his hand. "This is an unchangeable fact, just like the snowflakes falling in the palm of his hand is destined to melt."

"But I don't want him to die..."

"You are not a god, and you can't control life and death."

"Yes, I'm not a god. If I were a god, Yan'er would not have died. Hot tears dripped down and wet his clothes. "Lu Cun, what do you think the living person will do if the person you love is gone?"

"Live for the dead." Lu Cun said, "No matter how hard it is, you have to work hard to live."

"I have read a book that says that the most tragic part of life is not that it can't be restarted, but that it knows that it has collapsed but can't stop. Obviously, there is no need to live, but you can't die. Don't you think it's tragic to live like this?

"We have neither the right to live nor die." Lu Cun said, "God is the only one who can control life and death from beginning to end."

"God?" Qi Yu smiled bitterly and said, "Who has seen the so-called gods since ancient times? That's just what people imagine."

"If there is no God, why is there spring, summer, autumn and winter, why is there life and death, and why is there us? Why is there a world? Why is there a sun? Lu Cun said, "There are also stars at night. If there is no God, how can these things exist?"

Qi Yu jumped off the cloister and stretched out: "These things already exist, and they are not created by God."

"In the first place, does it exist?" Lu Cun laughed and said, "What about before it existed? How can there be something that already exists?"

"Before it existed?" Qi Yu tilted his head and thought, "Yes, what did the universe look like before it existed?" The Big Bang? So what was before the explosion? What was the previous one? There must be an initial point. How was that initial point born? Is it true that God created the first point? How did God appear? The more Qi Yu thought about it, the more painful his head became. "I can't stand it. Thinking about this illogical problem is completely self-abuse."

"So, God exists."

"If you are defeated, there will be existence. Anyway, no one has seen it. Whatever you say. The snow was getting bigger and bigger. Looking at a pine tree not far away, Qi Yu suddenly had an idea. It must be interesting to turn that tree into a Christmas tree. "Lu Cun, how about hanging a gift on that tree?"

"Hang a gift?"

"Well, hang a lot of gifts on that tree. How about we come for Christmas?" Qi Yu said, "Come and celebrate the Divine Festival..."

"God's festival?"

"Anyway, you came to help me..."