The world is chess

Chapter 45 He is my brother

The State of Qi, the second year of Xingyuan, on the 20th of the first month.

When Qi Yu arrived at the gate of the capital, he looked up at the two big words on the gate: the south gate.

Just as they rode into the gate, Qi Yu suddenly remembered something that Princess Yiyan was still staying in Cang: "It's over, Princess Yiyan is still staying in Cang Country."

"Don't worry, Princess Yiyan is very good in Cangguo." Xiaobei said, "The owner of Liu Palace has told me. Don't worry."

"You said it earlier, it made people's heart beat."


After entering the capital, they did not go directly to the palace, but rode their horses in the direction of the Moon Palace. When the three arrived at the Shenyue Palace, it was already night, but unlike Yi Chen's imagination, the Shenyue Palace was very cold. He always thought that the Shenyue Palace should be very lively and crowded. However, after arriving, he found that there were only dozens of maidservants in the huge palace. Qi Yu told Yichen that although the Moon Palace was a place to pray for the royal family of Qi, it was not under the jurisdiction of the State of Qi, and it should be said that it was not under the jurisdiction of any country.

Through the long corridor, a white carved door appeared in front of the three people. Qi Yu asked, "This door looks so heavy. How can I open it?"

"This door can only be opened by the owner of the Divine Moon Palace, and no one else can open it." Xiaobei said, "Lord, as long as you walk over, you can push that door open."

"Can you push it away as long as you walk over?" Yi Chen walked over with a little disbelief, pushed the door and opened.

appeared in front of the three people in a round room with a size of 300 square meters. In the center of the room, there is a pool that also presents a round pool, but the water inside is dark blue. If you don't look carefully for a long time, it looks like the color of ink. There were four closed doors in the four directions of the room, and Qi Yu saw that there seemed to be some patterns on the four doors.

"What is this place?" As soon as Qi Yu wanted to put his hand into the pool, he was stopped by Xiaobei.

"Don't touch this water."

"Why? Will there be no bones left if you touch it?"

Xiaobei shook his head and said, "I don't know, but Princess Liu has told me that no one can touch the water, and even the owner of the palace has never touched it."

"Oh, don't touch it. Then tell me what's behind the four doors?"

"Book." Xiaobei said, "The four doors are full of books, and this is the library."

"Bear, where did you say you read a book about a monk taking monkeys, pigs, riverboys and white horses to get scriptures?" Qi Yu asked.

"Come with me."

The three came to the door with a white pattern on the door. Xiaobei gently pushed the door open. Qi Yu thought that behind the door was a row of bookshelf, but what he saw was a rotating staircase.


"Come on with me."

After climbing about two floors, they finally arrived at their destination, but the place was no different from the world's library in Qi Yu's eyes. Xiaobei took them to the front of one of the rows of bookshelves and pulled out a white book and handed it to Qi Yu: "This is the book you want."

Qi Yu quickly turned over and found that it was indeed the story of Journey to the West. The only difference was that it was written on the last page of the book: After the rain, there would be a bridge of colors in the sky, called a rainbow.

"It's Journey to the West." Qi Yu asked, "Xiaobei, where did this book come from?"

"I don't know. The Lord of Liu Palace said that all the books here were handed down by the masters of the Divine Moon Palace. It seems that they have been here a long time ago."

"A long time ago?" Qi Yu roughly looked at the bookshelf in front of him and found that there were many local books on it that he had read in that world. "Are these books all from that world?"

"It's so strange..." Yi Chen said, "How can there be a book of that world here?"

"You also found it?" Qi Yu said, "And what's wrong with this rainbow? Haven't you seen a rainbow in Xiaobei?"

Xiaobei shook his head and said, "No."

"It's strange that there is no rainbow and no Big Dipper in this world." Qi Yu held his chin and said, "by the way, do you know the broken army, greedy wolf, Wenqu, martial arts and giant gate? Liu Mu said before that these people were all his subordinates. Where are they now?

"I haven't heard of these names. I don't know where they are."

"So you don't know." Qi Yu put the book back and said, "Let's go to the palace tomorrow. Xiaobei, you can also go to the palace with us. After all, Yi Chen has just become the palace owner."


The next day, there was a drizzle in the gloomy sky.

Emperor Qi and the Manchu Dynasty were waiting for the arrival of Qi Yu. What made the court ministers not understand was why Emperor Qi was so popular to welcome a prince left by the former emperor.

"Prince Feather has arrived." With the summoning of the palace people, Qi Yu held a red wooden tray in his hands, covered with a piece of red silk cloth.

"Yuer, come forward and let me take a good look at you."

"Your Majesty, minister..." Qi Yu wanted to call himself a minister, but when he thought about it, he immediately changed his mind and said, "I have something to give to the emperor."

After Xiao Luo, who stood next to Emperor Qi and got the permission of Emperor Qi, he immediately trot down to take the tray in Qi Yu's hand. Just as Xiao Luo wanted to turn back, he was stopped by Qi Yu.

"Dunpa, wait a minute." Qi Yu lifted the red silk cloth, took the yellow brocade cloth on the tray in his hand, turned to all the court ministers, and then turned around and said, "Your Majesty, this is what I gave you. I hope you will bless the world and bless the people."

Qi Yu held the yellow silk cloth in his hand and neatly wrote the words "Bless the world, bless the people".

"Yuer, your gift is too grand." Emperor Qi finally completely put down the stone in his heart. Judging from Qi Yu's performance today, he did not care about what happened in the past.

"I hope you can become a famous king, work hard and love the people, so that the people all over the world can live a good life."

No one expected Qi Yu to say such a thing. In their impression, Qi Yu was just a spoiled prince, and the magnitude and stability he showed at this moment were completely beyond everyone's expectations.

"Didn't Liumu come back with you?" Emperor Qi's eyes fell on Xiaobei and Yi Chen, "Who are these two?"

Although Xiaobei is only a civilian, he is a member of the Divine Moon Palace, so he does not have to kneel to Emperor Qi, and Yi Chen is now the owner of the Divine Moon Palace, so naturally there is no need to kneel down to Emperor Qi.

"When you return to the emperor, the lord of the palace has gone." Xiaobei said.

"The flowing wood has..." Emperor Qi asked with some shock, "So who is the owner of the new underground palace?"

Xiaobei stepped back half a step and said, "The owner of the new underground palace of Shenyue Palace is right in front of you." Emperor Qi's eyes fell on Yi Chen again. This child, who was only ten years old, was the new palace owner.

"Your Majesty, his name is Yi Chen." Qi Yu put his arms around Yi Chen's neck and said, "He is my good brother."