The world is chess

Chapter 48 Talking Head

On the carriage, Yi Chen asked worriedly, "Don't you worry about King Jinheng's intention to tell you to the emperor?"

"No worries."

"Why?" Xiaobei said, "Although I don't think the prince will hurt you, if your words spread, even if you are the prince, you may be executed that night."

"There is only one word for the reason." Qi Yu stretched out a finger and said.

"What word?"


"Love?" Yi Chen and Xiao Bei asked in one voice, "Why?"

"I can see that King Jinheng has true feelings for my mother." Qi Yu said, "In this world, only this word can make a person willing to do anything for another person. Even if that person is no longer there, he will love to help me."

Xiaobei nodded and said, "I think the woman in the painting just looks a little like a person."

"Actually, I think Xiaobei, you look a little like the woman in the painting." Yi Chen said, "Huh? Look carefully, you and Qi Yu are a little similar. You shouldn't be brothers, right?

"How can it be? Xiaobei said that she is 22 or 23 years old. Even if my mother is still alive, she is only about 30 years old. How can she give birth to a child at the age of 10?" Qi Yu stared at Yi Chen.

"Yes." Xiaobei said, "Ah, I remember that the emperor of Nanxia is a little similar to your mother. The emperor of Nanxia is a woman."

"There are many people who look like me in the world, and some people say that I look like Bruce Lee." Qi Yu said, "It seems that we have got a powerful backer in the court, and Yi Chen, the palace owner, has won a great victory."

"Why do you want to open a bank?" Xiaobei has just wanted to ask this question, "There is a lot of money in the Divine Moon Palace. If you want to use it, you can take it directly from the palace owner."

"How boring that is." Qi Yu said, "We have to plan ahead, but we can't be confused by the small profits in front of us. In the long run, my method is more feasible."

"Qi Yu, do you want to learn from the Rothschild family?" Yi Chen turned his head and asked, "Control the ruler through the bank?"

Qi Yu said in surprise, "Ah, I didn't expect you to know it. It seems that I'm going to re-evaluate you, Yichen."

"Reassessment? How much did I weigh before that?

"Hm?" Qi Yu thought for a moment and said, "It's probably about the same as standing on the swamp."


Returning to Qi Yu in the Hanyu Hall, Yi Chen and Xiaobei fell directly on ** and fell asleep. After a day of tossing, they were really exhausted.

When the east exposed its white fish belly, Qi Yu woke up. He touched the cold corners of his eyes and recalled the dream he had just had. He hoped that the dream was true, but he felt ridiculous. He dreamed that Shen Yan had also come to this world, but Shen Yan just stood there and didn't say anything. No matter how he ran, he couldn't run to Shen Yan's side. Obviously, he was close to her, but he couldn't touch it...

Looking at Yichen and Xiaobei, who were still sleeping beside him, Qi Yu decided to go outside to do radio gymnastics.

"Prince Yu, you are awake." A maid came in with a copper basin. She put the copper basin on the shelf and put a piece of cotton cloth into the basin and dried the cotton cloth.

"Put it there, I'll do it myself."


Although Qi Yu felt that it was very comfortable to be served as a prince, he often remembered a TV station saying in his previous life: If life is too comfortable, there will be problems. So many times he will still try not to let the so-called class consciousness occupy his mind.

After washing his face, Qi Yu went to the yard to breathe fresh air. He sighed that even the air in the world without industry was sober, and even the Arctic had been polluted. What should human beings do if it went on like this? However, according to the speed of scientific and technological development, it is not impossible for human beings to find a planet suitable for them to live in before the destruction of the earth.

Standing in the yard, Qi Yu began to think about some strange questions, such as whether human beings can survive with their heads alone. If you cut off the ground and put it in a special container, you can survive.

Or did Mrs. Elizabeth, who killed countless girls just to stay young, really became a vampire in the end? Do vampires really exist?

"Ah, I really want to run." After doing warm-up exercise, Qi Yu began to run around the Hanyu Hall. On the way, he met several maids and eunuchs, all of whom looked at the prince who had just returned to the palace with strange eyes.

Cut, isn't it just a morning run? Don't you need to make such a fuss?

"Isn't this the fourth brother?"

"Are you?" Qi Yu carefully searched for information about the young man in front of him in his mind, "Ah, you are the second brother."

"Fourth brother, you still remember me. It's really touching." Qi Xian smiled and said, "Fourth brother, what are you doing?"

"I'm running in the morning. Second brother, do you want to come with me? Running is good for your health"

"No, I have something else to do, so I won't bother you."


Qi Yu saw Qi Xian leave. Qi Yu didn't like this second brother very much since before. He always felt that the boy was secretly calculating something, which made people uncomfortable all over. After two laps, Qi Yu returned to Hanyu Hall and found that Yi Chen and Xiaobei were already having breakfast. He also sat down and immediately had a maid of honor to bring him delicious food.

"Where have you been?" Yi Chen asked, "I haven't seen anyone in the morning."

"I went running."

"I don't see that you are quite health conscious. Do you want me to help you train your physical fitness? Anyway, it's boring." Yi Chen asked, "If you encounter what happened yesterday, you can deal with it."

"Ah, the tone is quite old. How old are you?"

"Ten years old." Yi Chen replied, "But I will also grow up. Don't always be a child. How about I help you train your physical fitness?

"What is the training method?"

"Let's talk about dinner." Yi Chen said, "Xiaobei, your martial arts skills should be good, right?"

"Huh?" Xiaobei said, "It's average. If you meet a master, you can't deal with it."

"Well, to be honest, I really don't like those strange martial arts moves, which are not easy to control without silk lines." Yi Chen said with a little complaint.

"Yi Chen, your silk thread is so bloody that you can't easily decompose people into such a way. You didn't see the general in the Jinheng Palace yesterday, and his face turned green." Qi Yu said, "You'd better learn a little humane martial arts..."

"It's too troublesome. I can't remember those moves." Yi Chen said, "It's not that I haven't thought about it, but I just can't remember."

"Then there's nothing we can do." Qi Yu spread out his hands and said that he had no choice. "But you are already very good now. I just hope not to meet the master in the gambling house that day."

"That doesn't belong to martial arts." Yi Chen explained, "That's completely a superpower, a superpower who can use the boundary. I also belong to the superpower, which has nothing to do with martial arts.

"Ah, even the superpowers have come out. I don't know if there will be any magicians?" Qi Yu said, "I was thinking about a question before. If you cut off a person's head, is there any way to just let the head survive?"

"Cut down people's heads?" Xiaobei's eyes widened and said, "Isn't that a person going to die?"

"I won't die." With that, Qi Yu only saw that the cake that had been put on the plate automatically flew in front of Qi Yu, "Hey, I'm sorry that it's too far away for me to reach."

"..." Qi Yu thought that your ability was really convenient. It's a waste not to be a thief. "Yi Chen, have you ever seen a living head?"

"I've seen it. Irene has a living head." Yi Chen said, "I've seen it before and talked to that head."

"Ah?" Qi Yu asked casually, but he didn't expect that Yi Chen had really seen the living head. "Have you talked to that head?" What didn't he say?"

"Ye." Yi Chen took a bite of the cake and probably felt that it was not delicious and put it on the table. He said, "Don't be too excited when I say it. Calm down first."

"Tell me, even if you tell me that the head will fulfill your three wishes as long as you let me out, I won't be surprised."

"Well, let me tell you, that head is Shen Yan's."