The world is chess

Chapter 116 The Poison of Witchcraft

Wu Mou stood on the tower and looked at the bodies everywhere. Those Lu soldiers who tried to attack the city were finally shot and killed by the archers already arranged by He Tianfang. He couldn't understand why those soldiers rushed forward regardless of their lives when they knew they would die. The so-called loyalty was indeed extremely stupid in Wu Mou's view.

After watching it for a long time, he would feel depressed. Wu Mou turned around and wanted to leave, but found He Tianfang standing behind him with a smile on his face: "General He, congratulations."

"But it's just 5,000 killed, and there are still 95,000." He Tianfang breathed a long sigh of relief with his hands behind his back and said, "I've always had a question that I can't figure out why they attacked the city before we arrived?"

"Ha ha, I don't know about this."

"You really don't know?" He Tianfang said, "No matter what, you are the candidate recommended by Shen. I thought that even if you can't be called a great wisdom and near demon, at least you should be full of talent. Why are you nothing in the end?"

Wu Mou smiled and said, "I'm nothing in the first place, but I still know that if something goes wrong, there must be a demon. General, why don't you put yourself in other's shoes? If you are Zhou Feihong, why don't you attack the city? In fact, there is only one reason to think about it carefully.

"What's the reason?"

"I didn't receive an order to attack, that's why." Wu Mou said, "Maybe this is just a war for you, but if you look at the overall situation, you must take politics and the current situation into account. Five years ago, Princess Shuning married the State of Lu, and the two countries married and shared peace. After that, the emperor sent General Long to the State of Lu when he was preparing to attack the State of Qi. When General Long left the capital, he received a declaration of war from the State of Lu. Now the general, you have led 200,000 troops to the peacekeeping city, but you have encountered this question now. All kinds of connection are not a simple war. It is likely that the interests of the three countries are involved behind it. Of course, although there is no evidence that Nanxia has also been involved, I don't think Nanxia will stay out of it.

He Tianfang patted Wu Mou on the shoulder and said, "You think it's really complicated, but if I can figure out the Zichou Yinmao here, then I'm not He Tianfang. In your opinion, why did you have all the abnormalities you just said?"

"I don't know, seriously, General, I don't know." Wu Mou said, "In fact, there is no need to think about anything at present, just think about how to win. No matter what conspiracy or conspiracy is behind it, victory is always right."

"That's right, victory is always right." He Tianfang muttered.

"General, general... it's not good..." Zhao Hu ran to the tower in a panic and said, "The food in the city disappeared overnight."

"What? What does it mean to disappear overnight?

Zhao Hu wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "Just now, my bastard brother said that all the food in the peace city disappeared overnight. Not only that, but also the food in several surrounding towns has disappeared. Now the people have fallen into panic. I'm afraid it will happen*."

"How can this happen? Take me to have a look."


Wu Mou stood alone, glanced at the body downstairs and said to himself, "The grain disappeared overnight?" Is it possible?"

In Zhao Ming's mansion, Zhao Ming and several vice generals were all waiting for He Tianfang's decision. When they saw Zhao Hu taking He Tianfang to feel it, they all came up to talk about the disappearance of grain overnight, which made He Tianfang not know who to listen to. Finally, he had to roared, "Speak slowly and make it clear to me."

Finally, under the explanation of Zhao Ming, who was more eloquous, He Tianfang finally figured out what was going on. All the food originally hoarded in the warehouses has disappeared, and so have the surrounding towns.

"Is only food gone?" He Tianfang asked, "Are the poultry or something missing?"

"General, no." Zhao Ming said, "But all the things in a warehouse in the city where a large amount of air-dried meat are stored have also disappeared."

"General, what the hell is going on?" One of the vice generals asked, "This is simply incredible. It emptied the whole capital overnight."

"Is there anything suspicious left at the scene? I remember that you took me to the warehouse where the grain was stored on the day you arrived here. He Tianfang asked, "Is it true that they all disappeared out of thin air?"

"It did disappear out of thin air." Zhao Ming replied, "The place where the grain is stored is extremely important, so a total of two keys need to be used at the same time to open it. One key is with me, and the other key is the one given to you by the general when he arrived."

"General, I think this must be a ghost of the State of Lu." Zheng Yongyuan said to the deputy who spoke before, "Maybe he stole our grain. It must be so."

"How to steal?" He Tianfang said, "Who can steal all the light overnight?"

"What are the immortals doing stealing food?" Zhao Hu scratched the back of his head and said.

"Yes, what do immortals steal food for? But if it weren't for the immortals, who could have this kind of ability? He Tianfang said, "Is it possible that the reason why they are not attacking the city is waiting for the arrival of military food?"

"Hey, fortunately they only stole food." Zhao Hu said, "If our 200,000 troops suddenly disappear, it will be interesting."

"What did you say?" A terrible thought flashed in He Tianfang's mind.

Zhao Hu thought he had said something wrong and immediately staggered, "I, I'm talking nonsense."

"Repeat what you just said."

"What's wrong with me?"

"It's not this sentence, it's the previous sentence."

Zhao Hu thought for a moment and said, "The previous sentence is: In case our 200,000 army suddenly disappears, it will be interesting."

"That's right." He Tianfang clenched his fist and said, "What if it is 200,000 troops that disappear?"

"General, what do you mean?" Zheng Yongyuan asked inexplicably, "What does it mean that 200,000 troops have disappeared?"

"Since the enemy can make so much food disappear overnight, why can't our 200,000 troops disappear overnight?" He Tianfang said.

"How can this be possible, general? The enemy must have transported food out of the city when we are not paying attention, and these 200,000 troops can't be transported out of the city."

Zhao Ming looked at Zheng Yongyuan and said, "Yesterday evening, I ordered someone to check the warehouse where the grain was stored. At that time, the grain was still there. At that time, the general was also present, and there was guarding it all night, but the soldier guarded this morning said that somehow the warehouse door was opened. That is to say, the grain disappeared in just a few hours. If it is transported out of the city, it must pass through the tower, but the two armies were fighting at that time.

"Come on, go and call the soldier in charge of guarding me." He Tianfang only felt anxious.

When the ten soldiers in charge of guard arrived, Wu Mou also slowly returned to Zhao Ming's mansion.

"What the hell happened last night?" He Tianfang asked.

"General, we have been guarding since you and Lord Zhao visited yesterday evening, but I don't know why we found that the door opened inexplicably this morning." One of the soldiers said.

"You didn't leave without permission last night?"

"Absolutely nothing, general, even if you leave without permission, it is impossible for ten people to leave together." The soldier replied, "And I clearly remember hearing a woman singing every hour, so we remember it very well."

Nine other soldiers also nodded in affirmation.

"Women sing? What woman?" He Tianfang asked, "The warehouse is not far from here, but hundreds of meters away, I didn't hear any women singing last night."

"It's a real adult." The soldier explained.

"What's behind your neck?" Wu Mou approached the talking soldier and looked at the black block on the back of his neck, " Birthmark?"

The soldier was a little puzzled and touched his neck with his hand: "What birthmark?"

It's okay not to touch it, but countless black sticky pictures suddenly stretched out from the soldier's neck, and then slowly wrapped the soldier's white face. Wu Mou was so scared that he immediately jumped away, but the soldier rushed towards Wu Mou as if there was no direction. Fortunately, although Wu Mou was not strong enough, he flashed over flexibly.

The soldier threw himself on the ground and twitched painfully. Slowly, the black sticky thing wrapped around his whole body and became a huge cocoon. The other nine soldiers were also scared and pale.