The world is chess

Chapter 121 Glass?

About half an hour later, four grass houses appeared in the depths of the dense woods, located in the southeast and northwest, and a circular white tower stood in the middle of the four grass houses. Qi Yu suddenly remembered that he had seen the same white tower when he was in Qilian Mountain. Is there any connection between the two towers? Qi Yu pointed to the white tower and asked: What is that tower used for?

Yan Nu looked in the direction pointed by Qi Yu and asked, "Are you talking about that tower? I'm not sure what's inside, but the owner of Liugong said that there is something very important in it. Although I really want to go in and have a look, as you can see, the tower has no other entrance except the small window above. I once tried to enter through the window but found that it was sealed by a very powerful force. Over time, he didn't care about him.

"Save something very important?" Listening to the rain, I took a few steps forward curiously, looked up at the tall white tower, and said, "But the more I say so, the more I want to go in and see what's inside."

Qi Yu seemed to see Tingyu's mind and said, "What the hell are you thinking about? Don't mess around."

"Hee..." Ting Yu smiled sincerely and said, "Don't worry, I will never mess around. I just want to cut the glass window with your silver knife."

Glass window? What a strange feeling. When Qi Yu heard the three words 'glass window' said by Yu, a strange feeling surged in his heart. Tingyu looked at Qi Yu's stupid appearance, patted his face with his hand, and said, "Hey, are you stupid?"

"What did you just say?" Qi Yu asked.

"Just now? Are you stupid?"

"It's not this sentence, it's the previous sentence."

"Previous sentence? The previous sentence is that I just want to cut the glass window with your silver knife.

"Why cut down the glass window?"

"Otherwise? Will I cut you down?"

"I mean, why is it called a glass window?" Qi Yu said, "Is there such a thing as glass in this world?"

Hearing this, the rain's face changed instantly and said, "You're right. There is no glass in the world, except for the glass on the white tower I saw at this moment. But why did I say this name?

Yan Nu said, "Qilian Mountain also has the same white tower, and there are also glass windows on it. But when I think about it, it seems that I instinctively said glass when I saw this transparent thing for the first time. It's a little strange to think about it.

"So you know Simonian?" Qi Yu asked.

"I know." Yan Nu said, "She is Wenqu's wife."

"Huh?" Qi Yu remembered the intimate movements of Qi Yu and Ximenlian in Qilian Pavilion before, and nodded with a sudden realization.

"When did my brother marry that fox?" Hearing the rain suddenly roared, "Try up and make it clear to me, or I will kill you."

Qi Yu and Yan Nu were scared by the roar of listening to the rain. Both of them looked at the rain inexplicably. Qi Yu asked, "You don't have to be so surprised that your brother has a wife. Do you secretly love your brother? Tut, you are really a little abnormal!"

"Well, my brother can marry all the women in the world, but he can't take that fox spirit."

"Where did that foxen offend you?" Qi Yu knew that he must not show any appearance towards Ximenlian at this time, otherwise he would definitely die miserably, and he would still be the kind with no bones.

"Anyway, she is a fox spirit. I just don't like her, I just don't like it, I don't like it, I don't like it..." Listening to Yu said, "Can she be so arrogant just because she knows witchcraft and magic at the same time? Damn, damn..."

"What witchcraft, spell?" Qi Yu was confused and asked, "You mean that Simonlian is not only a wizard, but also a mage?"

Yan Nu explained: "There are extremely few mages and wizards in this world. Cang has five mages and five wizards under the nine tripods. In addition, there are hundreds of mages and wizards, but they are not very powerful, while the other three countries can be said to have almost no wizards and wizards, and can master spells and witchcraft at the same time. That's a great and unique genius in the world.

"What kind of genius is a goblin at all, that's right, it's a goblin." Listening to Yu said, "That's why he is with his brother completely trying to steal his brother's Xiaobai."

"Xiaobai, in this way, the white tiger seems to be in Qilian Mountain, but from the last situation, your brother seems to have voluntarily left the white tiger there." Qi Yu said, "Alas, I don't understand the things between you women. It's really troublesome."

Yan Nu knew that if he didn't stop at this time, he would definitely continue to make trouble when he heard the rain. Then he said, "Let's go into the house. Although there is no night here, it's not a matter to always stand here."

Qi Yu cast an admiration look at Yan Nu: "Yes, let's go into the room. Don't forget that our mission this time is to catch the murderer."

Ting Yu suddenly lowered his head and unexpectedly listened to Yu lean his head on Qi Yu's shoulder and whispered, "Let me lean for a while."


There were not too many problems. Qi Yu just stood and let Tingyu's head rest on his shoulder, and he could hear a slight sob. She is crying. Why are she crying?

Yan Nu stood aside quietly and said nothing.

I probably cried enough. Ting Yu raised his face and took out a silk handkerchief from his sleeve to wipe his tears and said with a smile, "It's okay. I'm hungry. Do you have anything to eat?"

"There are some fruits in the room. Let's go in." Yan Nu said.


Qi Guo.

Five-year-old eldest son Qi Chufeng sat at the desk and blinked his big eyes and looked at Mo Taifu holding an ancient book and reading things he didn't understand. Compared with Liu Taifu's courses, he prefers to lie in the arms of Queen Renchen and listen to stories. This may be the nature of all children, but Qi Chufeng knows that he is not an ordinary child. He is the direct prince of the State of Qi, like a dazzling and bright candle that does not know when it will be blown out by the strong wind.

He likes Empress Renchen, and is afraid of Renchen, because although Empress Renchen is good to herself, she does not feel love in the eyes of Empress Renchen. Perhaps in the eyes of others, Empress Renchen does regard Qi Chufeng as her own flesh and blood, but only he knows that the Queen does not love him.

"Prince, what are you thinking about?" I don't know when Liu Taifu has come to the side of the prince. He touched Qi Chufeng's head with his old hand and asked, "Is there anything you don't understand?"

"Taifu, I have a question to ask you."

"What kind of question is it?"

"Taifu, do you think I am qualified to inherit the unification of this country?"

"Of course, you are the eldest son, and of course you are qualified to inherit the throne of this country."

"Is it only because I am the eldest prince that I am qualified to inherit the unification of the country? What if I am not the queen's child? If I were just a child of an ordinary family, what kind of situation would I face? Qi Chufeng paused and then said, "I think the people of this country are really stupid. Why do they believe in the monarch? Their monarch should be elected by themselves, not inherited by the Qi family. What do you think?

At this time, there were only the legitimate son and Mo Taifu in the whole classroom, because Empress Renchen told him that she must teach the legitimate son alone, and there was Mother Shang standing outside the classroom. After each course, Mother Shang would be responsible for taking Qi Chufeng back to the Queen's Hall. It can be said that although Qi Chufeng studied in Chengde Academy, he hardly met him. Its prince has been in contact with it.

"Prince, why do you have such an idea?"

"I don't know, I just think so." Qi Chufeng said, "I don't know why, I don't think my mother-in-law doesn't love me, and most of the time I wonder why I am a prince and why? Why on earth?"

"Is there anything unhappy about you?" Liu Taifu asked, "You can tell me. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Qi Chufeng shook his head and said, "I don't want to involve Liu Taifu. This is the palace, and you must be cautious in your words and deeds."

"Well, in that case, let's continue the class." Liu Taifu sighed slightly. He had never felt so heartbroken.

Yes, why is there a monarch?

What would the whole country look like without a monarch? If all people in the world, rich or poor, were equal, how good would such a world be!

If Qi Yu knew Liu Taifu's idea, he would definitely jump out and refute: even in a legal society, there is no so-called fairness, no, nowhere.

Qi Chufeng held his little head in his hand and looked at the bright sunshine outside the window. A yellow butterfly was flying, which was very beautiful. He looked at the butterfly in a tly, thinking that it might be good to become a butterfly.

The Shenyue Palace in the south of the capital of Qi.

The third prince Qi Qing, who has been ignored for a long time, is now a 17- or 18-year-old teenager. No one knows that this lonely prince has a strange ability to talk to any animal. Of course, no one knows this secret except himself.

And Qi Ming, who is nearly 30 years old, disappeared, and no one knows his whereabouts.

King Jinheng just stayed in the house every day and stared at the portrait of Princess Fengran. Since he learned that Emperor Nanxia was critically ill, King Jinheng became more simple. In addition, He Tianfang was sent to the peacekeeping city and Emperor Qi deprived him of his real power little by little. In the end, Prince Jinheng really became a two-sleeved king of breeze. Master.

But he didn't forget, Qi Yu.

He said that Princess Fengran's son must ascend to the throne. No, it may not be as simple as the throne. King Jinheng has vaguely felt that the world is undergoing wonderful changes, and the world has collapsed since Qi Yu appeared.