The world is chess

Chapter 126 I want to be a god

"I want to be a god." Dou Miao said seriously, "If I can't be a god, I'd rather be an ordinary mortal, that's all."

"Uh..." Lanzi was a little speechless, and then changed the topic and said, "Ha ha, let's continue to work hard tonight."

"Good." Dou Miao nodded and said, "Is there no one here to guard during the day? Isn't he afraid that we will escape?"

"Why is no one guarding it? Do you see the black iron gate? There are guards outside." Lanzi said, "And according to my sense, there should also have been spells, but Fortunately, they have taken this cage lightly without any spells, otherwise there is nothing I can do."

"You are a wizard, how can you be caught here?"

"Oh, it's a woman who caught me. Her Taoism is higher than mine." Lanzi said, "I knew that that woman was not a provocable character, so I completely hid Wu Li. She also thought I was an ordinary child, so she grabbed me close."

"It's a man who caught us." Dou Miao said, "Dressing as a coachman, I touched his hand when I got out of the car. It was cold and didn't look like a human."

"Because they are not human at all." Lan Zi said, "All the guards here are demons. No, it's not so much a demon as something that is not even a demon."

"What is that?" Dou Miao asked.

"After death, people come back to life."


"There is a corpse god in the human body, a corpse god, and a corpse god. If a person dies with resentment, then the corpse god will be resurrected. Generally, there is no big problem with the corpse god, but if it is the corpse god, it will be more troublesome. The corpse god is the most difficult. If the corpses resurrected by the corpse god meet demons, that is, if they are injected into demons, they will become immortal. Monsters, unless they are wizards with the next six magic power, of course, mages can also do it, but ordinary people will definitely die when they meet them.

Dou Miao nodded as if he didn't understand: "It's really a little scary, but it's very exciting."

"Excitement is excitement, but if you are not careful, you will be finished." Lan Zi smiled and said, "Actually, I was just an abandoned baby, but later I was saved by my master before I followed him to learn wizarding. Alas, it's a pity that my master died a few years ago, leaving me alone. I really regret that I didn't study hard with my master, otherwise I wouldn't fall into this field now.

"It's better to live a good life than to regret the beginning." Dou Miao said, "Well, when we all go out, the good world outside will let us be free. In fact, I also feel sorry for my sister. If I hadn't been capricious at that time, I wouldn't have been arrested. I really feel a little guilty that she was naturally timid to let her go through this kind of thing."

"Your sister..." Lanzi wanted to speak but stopped.

"What's wrong with my sister?"

"Nothing." Lan Zi said with a smile, "I just think you two sisters are more like your sister, and she looks like a sister."

"My sister should have taken care of my sister." Dou Miao smiled and said, "Who made my sister naturally timid?"

In the room not far from the cage, Liu Mei leaned against the rattan chair with his eyes half closed, and the broken army stood quietly. Soon, Liu Mei slowly opened her eyes and asked, "How many are there in it now?"

"Thirty-seven." The broken army replied, "Do you want me to catch some more?"

"No need for the time being." Liu Mei said, "I always feel that he is nearby. It's better not to be too presumptuous."

"I'm curious about who he is?"

"A man who haunts women but doesn't understand amorous feelings." Liu Mei smiled, and a boy with slightly curly hair appeared in his mind. The boy said to himself, "You have to grow up quickly and you can play with me, haha. If you are beautiful, I will marry you.

"Are you afraid of him?" The broken army asked.

"I'm afraid, but I love it very much." Liu Mei said, "I have never changed. Even if I escape here, I still love him. Broken army, do you know the existence of the second world?

"I don't know."

"There are three worlds in total. The second world is the world of gods and demons. Maybe I can be with him there. But you see, although I am a demon, I am still hot and old. I don't want him to see me getting old, so I need a lot of girls' blood until the emergence of the Second World. At that time, my strength will become so strong, strong that I am no longer afraid of him.

"I'm on your side." The broken army said.

"Thank you." Liu Mei smiled and said, "Don't you hate me for killing you?"

"I don't hate it." Po Jun said, "You brought me back to life again, didn't you?"

Lu Guo, the heavy snow in the past few days has covered the whole capital with thick snow. Because of the war with the State of Qi, every court minister and royal family dare not take it lightly, but because almost all the troops of the State of Lu are in the hands of Emperor Lu, there is little opportunity for other people to participate in the discussion. This is also a dictatorship rarely seen by Emperor Lu. In the past, Emperor Lu always discussed with court ministers for a long time. Only then did he make a decision, but this time it is obvious that even Liu Jie, who stood on Emperor Lu's side and advocated the war, was not very clear about Emperor Lu's real plan.

Liu Jie opened the curtain and looked at his eyes full of silver. He couldn't figure out what Emperor Lu was thinking. When he heard that Emperor Lu ordered Zhou Feihong to lead 100,000 troops to stay outside the peacekeeping city, he strongly opposed it, but in the end, he was ordered by Emperor Lu not to participate in politics for a month, which made Liu Jie feel that the words of accompanying you like a tiger. It's not true at all.

I don't know why he suddenly remembered the son who was far away in the State of Qi, Liu Zichen and the moon that he had not seen for many years. Maybe people will want to have a child around when they get old. This idea has become stronger and stronger recently.

Liu Jie saw a figure walking carefully in the snow from afar. When he got close, he found that it was Qin Muye; "Lord Qin, good morning."

Qin Muye bowed slightly and expressed his etiquette to his superior officials: "How are you today, my lord?"

"Well, although you are from Wei Fang, as an elder, I still want to remind you that the emperor doesn't seem to be right today."

"Your excellency, why do you say this to me?"

"Nothing, I just want to remind you." After saying that, Liu Jie let the sedan chair speed up his pace.

Qin Muye felt that Liu Jie seemed to be very different from before. Could it be that this month's grounding order gave him any new insights into life? In fact, even Qin Muye himself felt a little changed. He began to doubt why he was loyal to this country and his monarch.

For a long time, he has been taught by his father to be loyal and patriotic. In fact, he has done it, but sometimes he feels that what his mother said is right. He is born equal. Everyone is his master, and only he can dominate himself.

Looking up at the nearly transparent sky, Qin Muye took a deep breath of the cold air and was not free after all. This was his only thought.

Lu Di sat majestically on the dragon chair and said coldly for a long time, "You, Aiqing, have nothing to do and retreat from the court."

"Father, I hope to go on an expedition." King Rong stepped forward and said, "Please allow your father."

"It's not needed for the time being." Emperor Lu waved his hand.

"But..." King Rong wanted to continue to say something, but he finally swallowed back the words that reached his throat.

"Your Majesty, General Zhou has been outside the peacekeeping city for more than a few months..."

Liu Jie was interrupted by Emperor Lu as soon as he spoke: "Liu Cheng, don't you even want the position of Prime Minister this time?"

Liu Jie couldn't say anything when he saw Emperor Lu's gloomy face. Not only that, but even other court ministers no longer dared to say anything. It ended in this silence.

After retreating from the court, Liu Jie quickly caught up with the right Prime Minister Wei Fang. For the first time, the two prime ministers realized that the country was at a very critical moment. If personal grudges were put first at this time, it could only be said to be sad.

"Lord Wei, what's wrong with the emperor recently?" Liu Jie sighed and hoped that Wei Fang could know something. After all, he had not participated in the government for a month.

"Well, I don't know what's wrong with the emperor." Wei Fang said, "You know, the emperor doesn't like to advocate peace in the first place, and what weight can I say, but I can give you an idea."

"What's the idea?"

"Your Excellency, you may go to see Concubine Ning."

"Concubine Ning?"

"Yes." Wei Fang nodded and said, "After all, she is Princess Shuning of the State of Qi. I always feel that she seems to know something. I visited her a few days ago, but I got nothing, so if you really want to know something, maybe you can try it."

"Concubine Ning?" Liu Jie remembered the beautiful and steady Princess Shuning, who came to marry with 30 million taels of gold and thousands of jade. She has been the only exotic princess who has married to the royal family of the mainland for thousands of years. After that, Princess Rong miscarried and died inexplicably. Now the two countries of land and Qi have declared war for several months, but the situation is too strange.

All the problems seem to come one after Princess Shuning married into the State of Lu. Is there any conspiracy among them?

Thinking about it, Liu Jie's son, Liu Zichen, who is far away in the State of Qi, came to his mind. According to their identity, the two generals are both father and son and enemies, but fortunately, they no longer have to meet on the battlefield.

"What are you thinking, my lord?" Seeing that Liu Jie did not respond for a long time, Wei Fang asked, "Do you not know why you should go to King Rong's Mansion?"

"Yes, yes."

"Your Excellency, it will be King Rong's birthday in a few days. At that time, there will definitely be court ministers to visit. Why don't we take our wives with us at that time? I don't know what you think?"

"Okay." Liu Jie took a deep breath of the cold air and said, "Well, I didn't expect that the two of us could stand here and talk."

"Yes, in fact, it's boring to think about it after fighting for so many years. They are all people who work for the emperor."