The world is chess

Chapter 155 Green Fire

In the thick night, a small bug flapping with golden wings kept flying, which reminded Qi Yu of fireflies. But the strange blood-red body is scary.

It's been about an hour, and it's been three days. It will be dawn in an hour or two. Several people identified the nearby environment through the moonlight, but found that it was a desolate grassland. To be precise, it is a mass grave, scattered with disgusting corpses.

Perhaps because they were too focused on the bug, everyone didn't pay attention to themselves coming to the mass grave. And the little bug that led the way also disappeared before the mass grave.

"Is the shrine in the mass grave? This is too bullshit." Qi Yu looked around and said, "Is it the wrong place?"

"No." Liumu said, "The shrine should be here."

"Why are you so sure?"

"This is a mass grave, but there is no resentment, which is a very unusual thing in itself. If there is no powerful power here, it is impossible to suppress those resentments at all. Liu Mu said, "Ye Xian, where are we going in?"

"It's not easy to find here."

A light green light suddenly floated on the corpses everywhere. If Qi Yu hadn't been nervously, others would have been scared away. The light green light was as faint as a ghost fire, and then slowly became bigger. After a while, the whole mass grave spread a green fire. In the fire, Qi Yu heard countless miserable howls, which was heartbreaking.

"What is this sound?" Tao only felt a cold wind blowing on his back.

"That's the sound of burning souls. These people were burned by this soul refining fire before they could be reincarnated." Ye Xian said, "We'd better be careful, because even if we get infected, we will be distracted."

"Wow, it won't be so powerful." Qi Yu instinctively took a step back and said, "What kind of god is this? It's obviously the king of hell. No, the king of hell is not as popular as you. There won't be any 3,000 weak water later.

"When these fires are over, we can go in." Ye Xian said, "Tut, it's really interesting. Ten years ago, it was in the water, and this time it was changed to a mass grave."


"Nothing, let's wait." Ye Xian said,

Looking at the enchanting green fire, the wind roared past my ears with desperate howls. The chill rose from Qi Yu's heart, and such a desperate howling can only be found in hell. I don't know why Qi Yu suddenly remembered that night.

Shen Yan snuggled in her arms and asked herself: Do you know where the most beautiful place in the world is?

Beauty's chest.

The most wonderful place in the world is not the beauty's chest, but Shen Yan's chest.

I haven't let you live in the villa yet. I haven't taken you to see the prosperity of the world. I haven't...

"What are you thinking about?" The flowing wood narrowed his eyes and looked at the green fire.

"Nothing." Qi Yu said, "Yu Mu, do you have a woman you like?"

"No." Liu Mu said.

"Ha ha, that's useless to tell you."

After not saying anything for a long time, Yi Xinrou, who had been following Qi Yu, also came over: "Shen Yan."

"Huh? How did you know the name? Qi Yu asked, "I don't remember telling you about Shen Yan."

"I used to hear you call his name when you were sleeping in the village." Yi Xinrou said, "You have always had a woman in your heart, your favorite woman."

"It is said that women's intuition is terrible, and it seems to be true." Qi Yu said, "Heart soft, what do you want to do in the future?"

"King of the world." Yi Xinrou said these four words very firmly.

"You are a girl, why do you rule the world? Isn't it better to marry a good man?" Qi Yu said with a smile.

"Marry a good man?" Yi Xinrou said, "I only have such a lifetime. Why should I waste it on taking care of my husband and children?"

"Haha, it's a pity that this is not the Tang Dynasty, otherwise you must be the second Emperor Wu."

"Emperor Wu?"

"A woman who became an emperor." Qi Yu said.

"I heard that the emperor of Nanxia is a woman." Yi Xinrou said.

Qi Yu shook his head and said, "That's different. If a woman can become an emperor, it's really comparable to ascending to heaven."

"How did that woman become emperor?" Yi Xinrou asked.

"This is not very clear, as if it is because his husband is incompetent." Qi Yu said, "Heart soft, if one day you really rule the world, what do you want to do?"

"Let those who have forced me leave blood and tears." Yi Xinrou's eyes were full of hatred when she said this. Qi Yu didn't know that Yi Xinrou saw his past when she was testing in Qilian Mountain. For Qi Yu, she is just the little baby abandoned by her relatives on the roadside. How can she know that she is Liu Miyue, the daughter of Liu Zichen? How can she know what kind of persecution she has suffered?

"Softhearted, I have never understood where your hatred comes from." Qi Yu asked.

"It's been there for a long time." Yi Xinrou said, "You picked me up from the roadside, but before that, I remember the people who forced me and my mother clearly."

"How can it be? At that time, you couldn't remember it at all." Qi Yu said.

At this time, Ye Xian said, "This is not impossible. Some people can even see their previous lives during the test, so it is not impossible to see their past."

"Well, that's how it is." Qi Yu said, "By the way, Ye Xian, how long will this fire burn?"

"I don't know. I guess I'll wait for the first ray of sunshine to appear." Ye Xian said, "Anyway, let's just wait."

"That means we have to wait until dawn." Qi Yu said, "Seriously, I don't want to hear these crying and howling voices. If I listen to it again, I will become a psycho."

"Don't be picky." Ye Xian said, "Actually, after listening to it for a long time, this kind of soul-burning sound is still quite beautiful."


"Ye Xian is right. It's really good after listening to it for a long time." Liu Mu said.

"Liu Mu, you are also a pervert." Qi Yu said.

"Qi Yu, it's really good to listen to it." This time it was Yi Xinrou.

Qi Yu could only hold his forehead with his hand and said with a sad face, "Okay, okay. I have a problem, I have a problem. There are really all kinds of people these days. I have to find a psychologist to show you people some other day.

In this way, the fire continues to burn this. Standing in front of the fire, Qi Yu felt that the whole sky seemed to have turned green. Dongfang chased and killed his god for ten years, and then he had to face him. And this time, I can never escape, just like the uncle who once chased him. You must get back what belongs to yourself, and you must grab what you don't belong to by any means.

If all this hadn't happened, what would you look like now? Where will you die at gunpoint?

Lawyer Zhao, the man who claims to be his brother. Qi Yu didn't know why he suddenly thought of him. He clearly remembered that he had seen the man in prison and killed Shen Yan. So who is your father?

Why hasn't his father appeared all the time? And the mother who appeared in this world, Qi Lan. It should be in Feixue Villa at this time. Qi Yu actually doesn't want to hate his mother, but so many years of being alone has made him forget his mother. Now, he has lived in this world for more than 20 years, and he doesn't need it.

Time passed slowly, and when the first ray of sunlight penetrated through the clouds, the green firelight suddenly disappeared. Qi Yu and others opened a huge green stone door in front of their eyes, and the stone door slowly opened.

You can't see what's going on inside. Ye Xian said, "Let's go. You can enter the shrine from here."

"Wait." Qi Yu suddenly stopped and asked, "Does Dongfang know we're coming?"

"I know." Ye Xian said, "Otherwise this door would not have appeared. Let's go."


After everyone walked through the stone door in turn, the stone door slowly closed again. Then disappear!

There are dark green stone walls around, which reminds Qi Yu of the passage of Feixue Villa. If you remember correctly, Yi Chen appeared there. At the beginning, Qi Yu suspected that there was a channel connecting to the real world, but he couldn't find it. In addition, at the end of the passage, there was a chessboard on the stone gate, and Qi Yu did not pay much attention to it at that time.

Now that I think about it, I always feel that the chessboard seems to have a mystery.

In addition, there is also the computer host that appeared in the white tower of Qilian Mountain, which troubled Qi Yu like a mystery.