The world is chess

Chapter 157 Yi Xinrou's Transaction

Dongfang was silent for a long time. Just when Qi Yu thought that a war was about to start, Dongfang said slowly, "Come in with me."

"Me?" Qi Yu pointed to himself.

"It's not you, the girl next to you." Dongfang said, "Come in with me."

A light green door suddenly appeared in the air, as mist. Although Yi Xinrou was a little nervous and didn't know why Dongfang let herself in, she still walked forward and followed Dongfang into the light green door. Qi Yu wanted to stop it, but in the end, his hand without a knife just hovered in the air without doing anything.

"You made a big mistake." Liu Mu looked at the door disappearing in the air and said, "You didn't stop him just now. You will regret it in the future."

"What do you know?" Qi Yu asked.

"I don't know." Liu Mu said, "This is just a premonition. Let me tell you that although Yi Xinrou is not emperor, she can master the face of the whole world. If she drinks Dongfang and joins hands, then you will definitely meet each other in the future. Do you really want to do this?

"Actually..." Qi Yu turned around and said with an extremely firm expression, "I hope that way. Even if she will meet me in the future, I won't regret it, because..."

"For what?"

"Because she is not Shen Yan, she is just an irrelevant person to me." Qi Yu smiled without any burden.

"I see." Liu Mu said, "It seems that you have really grown up."

"Huh? What is this? Does it mean that I used to be a child? You are too underestimated." Qi Yu said, "If we can reach an agreement with Dongfang this time, we will meet the weak uncle next."

"Emperor Qi, well, I don't know what will happen if I suddenly appear in front of him." Liu Mu said with a smile, "However, now he is no longer the weak Xingle king of the past. I don't think he will be scared by me."

"I think he will be shocked when I appear in front of him." Qi Yu said, "Yuan Mo, let me ask you something."


"Has any human and mermaids signed a contract?"

"Yes." Yuanmo said, "As far as I know, it seems that a young man has signed a contract with the royal family in the mermaid clan recently, and it seems that he still has the same surname as you."

"Is it the same surname as me?" Qi Yu asked doubtfully.

"Yes, I heard that he is the prince of the State of Qi. What's his name?" Yuanmo said, "Because although the mermaid clan will sign contracts with human beings, it rarely happens that the royal family in the mermaid clan signs contracts with humans. This matter is still told by a fish clan I know."

"Qi Ming." Qi Yu thought silently: Will it be you? Big brother.

Qi Yu remembered that when he was just born, Qi Ming always liked to tease it, and he also remembered that Qi Ming had a beautiful princess. If it weren't for the bloody plot that appeared later, then he should be the most noble prince of the whole state of Qi, but now, all the brothers and sisters are scattered everywhere, and the whole world has inexplicably become like this.

"I also heard about this." Liumu said, "It is quite painful to sign a contract with the mermaids. Once one of the two parties dies, the other will die soon. Therefore, the probability of signing a contract between mermaids and humans is very small. However, because the mermaids are similar to human beings to some extent, once the contract is signed, human beings can obtain their extremely powerful power, which is a power that other races cannot have. Just as you have signed a contract with Qi Yu, you can't get a little power of the demon, and you can only use him as a servant.

"Servant, you don't have to say it's so unpleasant." Yuanmo said angrily, "No matter what, I'm also a demon clan."

"I remember that the Moon Palace seems to be a little bigger than the demon clan." Liu Mu half squinted and said.

"You are cruel." Yuan Mo turned his head and ignored the flowing wood.

"Do you know where the eldest brother is?" Qi Yu asked, "I guess what he wants to do should be the same as me."

"South Xia Country." Ye Xian said, "According to my information, he should be in Nanxia so far."

"Ye." Qi Yu nodded, "Let's wait until I enter the capital."

"Qi Yu, let me ask you a question." Liu Mu said.

"What's the problem?"

"Do you know who your enemy is?"


"Do you know who your enemy is so far?"

"Your own enemy?"

"Sure enough, you don't know your own enemies so far." Liu Mu said, "So, do you know who are your friends?"

"Friend, I know. Yi Chen, you and Ye Xian are all my friends.

"It's barely right." Liu Mu said, "So who is your enemy?"

"Qi Emperor."

"No." Liumu said, "Emperor Qi is not your ultimate enemy. You need to know who your ultimate enemy is."

"My ultimate enemy? Who is it?"

"Only you can know this." Liumu said, "Everyone's ultimate enemy is different, so no one can help you solve this problem. You have to rely on your own strength to find your ultimate enemy."

"I know." Qi Yu nodded. It is said to start thinking about the fall of your final enemy. In other words, the final boss. Did you write the author of this running account novel? Ha ha, if I think so, I guess the author will have a convulsion again and let himself run for 20 years. Stop, don't think about asking such strange questions and come back to the right place. I can't think of my ultimate enemy. Who is your ultimate enemy?

Just when Qi Yu was puzzled, Yi Xinrou appeared in the east.

"Huh? Are you back so soon?" Qi Yu said, "What bad thing are the two discussing?"

"I agree that you will become the monarch of the State of Qi. I will not interfere in this matter. If you fail, I will not help you. Of course, if you succeed, I will not obstruct you." Dongfang said, "How about it?"

"Well, you always feel that there is a conspiracy in it when you promise so readily." Qi Yu said.

"Then I will tell you clearly that there is indeed a conspiracy in it. What can you do?" Dongfang said with a smile, "Okay, you go back before I change my mind."

"Let's go." Qi Yu didn't say anything, but turned around and returned along the same road. The group thought there would be a bloody battle, but it ended in this way. Of course, Qi Yu is not so nervous. He knows that Dongfang must have made some deal with Yi Xinrou, but he also knows that even if he asks, he can't ask why. In fact, it was a good result for Qi Yu to let Dongfang stand by in this way, at least avoiding a bloody battle. As for what deal Dongfang has reached with Yi Xinrou, it doesn't matter at present. The important thing is that Dongfang will not obstruct it.

Back to the inn, Qi Yu opened the door and saw Yi Chen. Lian Sheng and A Tao were playing cards there happily without worrying about their appearance at all. Then he rushed to the table and shouted, "I was born and died there, but you are playing cards here?"

"Huh? Have you been born and died?" Yichen looked up and down at Qi Yu and said, "It doesn't look like a bloody battle. Haha, Liansheng, A Tao, each of you owes me ten taels of silver. I said that Qi Yu would not have any bloody battle. Well, believe me now.

"Well, I only have four taels of silver, and can I owe six taels first?" Lian Sheng said, "I will definitely return it another day."

"You, you..." Qi Yu was really angry, "You dare to teach Liansheng to gamble. It's too much. It's too much. Yi Chen, I, I... Come on, let's make a bet."

"..." Ye Xian shook his head and tried to ignore Qi Yu.

"When are we going to the palace?" Liu Mu asked.

"Tomorrow." Qi Yu said, "Strike while the iron is hot. When it's dawn, we will go to the capital to find someone."

"King Jinheng?" Liu Mu said, "Just in time, Xiaobei should also be there."

"Is Xiaobei also there? That's great." Qi Yu said, "I always feel that it's back ten years ago, hehe."

"I won't go with you tomorrow. I'm going somewhere else." Yi Xinrou said.

"Okay, be careful." Qi Yu said.


Yi Chen looked at Yi Xinrou and always felt that this sister seemed to be a little different from before. He whispered to Qi Yu, "I don't think Xinrou is right."

"Huh? What's wrong?" Qi Yu asked, "Isn't it still that soft-hearted?"

"Killing." Yi Chen said, "In the past, there was only resentment in his soft eyes, but now he is more murderous."

"People change. Haven't you heard of the saying that girls are outgoing?"


"Well, to be honest, the fundamental reason why we can come back so quickly and unscathed this time is that Dongfang and Xinrou have reached some kind of deal, but we don't know so far. However, from the result, it is quite good to let Dongfang stop interfering in my preparation to become the monarch of the State of Qi without any damage.

"You mean that the heart is soft*?" Yi Chen asked, "When will the guaranty explode?" Is that what you mean?

"Yes, that's right." Qi Yu nodded and said, "Moreover, Liumu just asked me a strange question. Do I know who he finally gave to the enemy? Do you know Yi Chen?

Yichen shook his head and expressed doubt: "You don't know, how can I know? You mean that Liumu implies that Yi Xinrou is our ultimate enemy.

"It shouldn't be. Even if it will be the enemy in the future, it may not be the final enemy. Which girl have you ever seen to become the ultimate boss? Bullshit."

"You can't say that, maybe it's true."

"Impossible." Qi Yu said, "In a word, I have a feeling that the ultimate enemy is not her."

"Your intuition has always been inaccurate."
