The only immortal in the world

Chapter 13 Li Xiangquan

Carefully pushed away the relatively sparse bushes in front of her, and Bai Weixuan looked at it. At first sight of the awn grass shaking, a smell came to her nose. Bai Weixuan had time to hold her breath and saw a huge long hairy claw stepping on the clump of awn grass.

"Wow..." The low roar of the beast came from her ears. Bai Weixuan trembled all over and made no further action, but the corners of her eyes caught a glimpse of the familiar figure opposite the huge thing.

Is it him?! Bai Weixuan was shocked that the person opposite the huge beast, no one else, disappeared from the giant spirit stone.

It's just that why is he here? It seems that it is still against this unknown beast. Bai Weixuan was surprised, but she accidentally shook her mind. The branches between her fingers slid away in an instant, causing the bushes to shake and make a loud noise.

Secretly crying, Bai Weixuan quickly gave herself a secretive formula and plunged into the woods in front of her. At this moment, the beast in the tree suddenly roared, and the huge body rushed over and knocked down all the trees. The next moment, he turned his head and rushed into the forest in front of him.

Behind them, Xuanyan walked out of the tree array with a gloomy face, hesitated, and stepped into the forest in front of him.


Bai Weixuan ran wildly. When she heard the loud noise behind her, she painfully found that her invisibility had failed again. Simply withdrawing from her invisibility, Bai Weixuan stuffed the air elixir into her mouth while tightly grasping the Yufeng formula and running wildly.

Nima fled twice, not to mention how aggrieved she is, but the eight tall beasts she can't afford to provoke at first glance. For the sake of her life, it's better to go!

But, Nima, who can tell her what's going on with the cliff in front of her? Do you want a strong man to break his wrist at the end of the road? Jump or not? Will you wake up with dog blood and find the blessed land?

"Wow, but I dare not jump!" Bai Weixuan looked at the cloudy cliff in front of her, which was not deep and shallow, and her eyes turned red without bone.

"Roar!!" The huge thing behind him quickly chased over, breaking countless tender green branches, revealing its ferocious tiger face.

Two scars were crossed from the giant tiger's face, and the gray and black spots were intertwined, becoming more and more ferocious, like a beast in hell. It walked like the wind and gave birth to a pair of copper and iron bones. It was not afraid of thorns and quickly approached Bai Weixuan on the edge of the cliff.

The giant tiger approached, and a fierce and violent atmosphere approached. Bai Weixuan's heart trembled, and her ankles trembled involuntarily.

Although she occupied Qing Xiaobi's unique body and cultivated her excellent cultivation, after all, she had too little practical experience, and she was not fully prepared for psychological preparation. For a moment, she was shocked by the fierce momentum of the giant tiger.

The momentum of monks is also an indispensable factor in fighting. If you are timid before fighting, then even if you have high cultivation, you can't play all of them, and you will even lose your lead.

At this moment, if Qing Hanxuan was here, or the original Qing Xiaobi, I'm afraid it would be the giant tiger that fled. Unfortunately, here is Bai Weixuan, a modern person who has only been in this world for more than two months.

The breath of the giant tiger is getting closer and closer. Bai Weixuan subconsciously moved and moved again under her feet, and her breathing almost stopped under this pressure. At one moment, the retreating left heel was already hanging in the air. Bai Weixuan suddenly woke up and looked up at the fierce eyes of the giant tiger. Her heart trembled, but she gritted her teeth and turned to the foggy cliff behind her.

She bet that she would rather get a trace of life under this cliff than be eaten by a giant tiger.

The moment she fell, she seemed to hear a rapid exclam from behind her. It was Xuanyan! However, it doesn't matter. Even if he comes, he can't be saved.

The wind was roaring, and the rapid wind hurt her face.

Will you die?

It's impossible to survive jumping off a cliff in the original world, right? So, what about here?

Will there be any accidents?

This is a helpless choice, but Bai Weixuan, who was brought to this world by the magical hairpin, somehow has such a strange expectation and fluke psychology for the world.

Genius's cultivation talent, evil brother, and the world of the world, God treats her well. Will she be so easily taken back this time?

"Hey, you don't want to live, hurry up and urge the sword formula!!" The sword-like wind almost drowned all Bai Weixuan's senses. Just as she let her body fall down infinitely, an angry voice exploded in her consciousness. A series of runes forcibly poured into her sea of knowledge, which made the corners of her eyes tremble, and she quickly pinched a strange sword formula in her hand.

The snow-white sword light solidified and flew to the soles of Bai Weixuan's feet. Bai Weixuan then pinched a royal wind formula in her heart, and the wind around her body gradually stopped falling rapidly and stopped steadily on the snow-white sword light.

Thinking that Qing Hanxuan could fly with the sword in nine heavens, Bai Weixuan envied it more than once. Then she went to learn more than once, but failed. As for the reason, there was still too little real qi in her body to provide enough energy for the flying sword. Secondly, maybe she really has no talent in kendo.

Therefore, when learning "72 Wonders of Earth, she automatically ignored the sword formula, but the important formula was remembered in her heart. At this time, it was also stimulated by the runes introduced by the three-eyed fire crystal and immediately used it.

The sword formula in "72 Wonders of Earth" is different from the ordinary sword flight in the cultivation world. The former relies on the combination of magic formula and true qi, which is more sensitive, while the sword flight in the cultivation world needs to be based on true power. Almost all the true power is borrowed to condense and fly, which requires strong control. It's not as changeable as the sword formula.

"If you don't want to die, fly higher." The three-eyed fire crystal roared at Bai Weixuan angrily, why is this girl so stupid? There is a ready-made formula that can't be used to learn to jump off the cliff. Can't she see the dense monster under the fog? Dare to fall down. I really doubt if she is the reincarnation of that person.

The three-eyed fire crystal was so angry that Bai Weixuan was in full control of the control of the flying sword, and then snorted angrily and ignored her.

After discovering a group of giant monsters on the soles of her feet, Bai Weixuan stopped her voice and recalled the fluke and expectation in her heart when she jumped off the cliff, as if she had been directly poured a large basin of cold water from head to toe, cooling her heart.

The world is much more dangerous than she thought.

"Hey, where are you going to fly?" Bai Weixuan looked at the vast white cloud in front of her, like falling clouds, and could not distinguish between southeast and northwest, and couldn't help asking.

The three-eyed fire crystal is in the realm of red dust, hugging, looking up and ignoring.

"Speak!" The tone is softer.

The three-eyed fire crystal continues to ignore.

"Then I'll throw you down with the pincer to feed the beast!"

"Bastard, how dare you!" The three-eyed fire crystal jumped like thunder and roared fiercely.

"Have you finally spoken?"


Bai Weixuan rolled her eyes and despised herself. After the life and death line under the mouth of the giant tiger, she escaped from the cliff and learned the secret of the sword. Now when she sees the ferocious beast on the soles of her feet, her heart is much more relaxed and frank.

I only felt that my mind was floating like a cloud, and I realized the magic of clouds in an instant. Not only was my body floating like a cloud, but also my mind was like a cloud, which was unpredictable, let alone hurt at all.

Pressing down the flying sword and flying over the heads of those beasts, Bai Weixuan only felt full of relief, and the depression in her heart was swept away.

Between the clouds and fog, when a group of antelope-like high-headed beasts ran away in a panic, Bai Weixuan suddenly found that a slender milky white water was winding across the ground on the fine grass. This milky white water is full of aura, the color is like jade, and there is a strange fragrance between the flow, which is shocking.

"It's Lixiangquan, but it's actually Lixiangquan." The three-eyed fire crystal surprised voice came from the seventh spiritual crystal, "Come on, take the jade bottle and collect it!" The three-eyed fire crystal hurriedly urged.

Bai Weixuan was happy to hear the words. She turned over and took out the spare jade bottle in the storage bag and led the milky white ** to fill three bottles. The jade bottle was once distributed by the fairy sword school. The small universe inside seems to be the size of a thumb, but it has a space, which is not much smaller than an ordinary water tank.

These three bottles were barely filled after Bai Weixuan chased the source all the way. She was not greedy and left a little foundation to continue. Such spirits must always leave a glimmer of life to be obtained by predestined people in the future, which is also a merit.

After stuffing the last jade bottle, Bai Weixuan patted the storage bag with satisfaction and concentrated on collecting Lixiangquan all the way. At this time, she came to her senses and found that she had come to a wide peach forest.