The only immortal in the world

Chapter 35 The Tough Little Yi

Feel Xiaoyi's eyes, the gray ball's body trembled slightly, and a breath of oppression that it had never felt passed from the former.

"Wow..." The gray ball grinned and stepped back a few steps, and his fearful look was self-evident.

"Oh, ah!" Xiao Yi's ignorant eyes swept over the gray ball and saw Bai Weixuan, who was dizzy. She quickly flew over and rubbed her face with a faucet.

"Ji chatter..." At this moment, the gray ball with a fierce face suddenly jumped up and screamed loudly. Xiao Yi's holy dragon's power made him very uneasy.

The cry of the gray ball is very penetrating, and the breadth of the sound waves is heinous. With its harsh sharp sound, countless gray balls similar to its size rushed from everywhere.

The same brutal voices came one after another, gathering more and more, and the ground seemed to suddenly turn gray. Bai Weixuan, who had just recovered, noticed this and suddenly felt that her scalp was numb and almost fell to the ground.

"Three eyes, can Xiao Yi enter the space of the pincer?" Bai Weixuan asked the three-eyed fire crystal with her mind.

"Yes!" The three-eyed fire crystal appeared on Bai Weixuan's shoulder and answered with great affirmation.

"Wow...that's good!" With the affirmation of the three-eyed fire crystal, Bai Weixuan finally breathed a sigh of relief. In the face of so many gray balls, she absolutely has no chance of winning. Fortunately, she can still avoid if she can't beat it.

"Little..." Bai Weixuan was about to summon Xiao Yi into the handcuff space, but she was suddenly shocked by the situation in front of her and couldn't speak.

The golden dragon seemed to be very dissatisfied with the noise of those gray balls, and a huge flame was thrown away casually, so...

When Bai Weixuan communicated with the three-eyed fire crystal, there was a sea of fire in front of her eyes. And the perpetrator did not seem to realize that there was no annoying noise around him, and he was finally in a good mood.

"This..." Bai Weixuan's body stiffened. It was hard to imagine how Xiao Yi's petite body could spit out such a big flame. Moreover, those gray balls that were almost immune to their spitting flames screamed and disappeared one by one in the flames made by Xiao Yi.

"The power of the holy dragon is really extraordinary!" The admiration of the three-eyed fire crystal came from her ear, and Bai Weixuan instantly felt that she had become a fool 13.

"Original, come, you, early, know, Tao,?" Bai Weixuan said word by word, with a biting teeth.

"Hey!" The three-eyed fire crystal replied with a dry smile, and then said, "These gray balls are monsters created by monster feces stained with the aura of desire. They are cruel by nature. A single strength is equivalent to integrating the late monks. Such a group of gray balls can kill the Jindan period monks in an instant. You can pick one by one, which is a good performance!"

"So you all know it." Bai Weixuan was stunned for a moment and suddenly realized something. Suddenly, she saw a green lake from the other end of the firelight. Suddenly, she realized that there was a dark sneer at the corners of her mouth, "Your purpose of doing this is to lead me to the sea of desire, right?"

"..." The three-eyed fire crystal was silent. Seeing Bai Weixuan's strange expression, she was a little uncomfortable, but she still gritted her teeth and said, "If you want to unlock the secret of the pin, maybe only the sea of desire can do it."

"Why don't you just tell me?" Bai Weixuan's voice is a little cold. She hates being used by others most in her life, especially her intimate partner.

"On the other side is the Dragon Canyon. Xuanyan may be there. If your brother is not dead, he may also be there." Three-eyed fire crystal sighed, "And we don't have much time to delay."

"Is that your reason?" Bai Weixuan snorted coldly, but her unhappiness subsided a little. If she had known earlier that the other side was the Dragon Canyon, she would not have run all the way here.

However, all this does not constitute a reason for her to go to the sea of desire. Bai Weixuan is afraid of this soul-catching lake.

"I..." The three-eyed fire crystal stopped talking, and finally summoned up courage and said sadly, "I want to see someone, the last time..."

"Would you like to meet someone?" Bai Weixuan raised her eyebrows and looked at the three fire crystals strangely.

"You before the seventh generation!" The three-eyed fire crystal came over at a glance, obviously a little annoyed.

"Well..." Bai Weixuan was a little stunned and silent, and countless thoughts flashed in her heart. What is the relationship between herself before the seventh generation and the three-eyed fire crystal? One asks about the other's safety when they meet, and the other wants to see the other for the last time. Shouldn't they have adultery?

Is it possible for a beautiful man to become a cute thing? Bai Weixuan thought evilly, and then there was a chill. Anyway, she would not like such a small thing! What kind of secret is hidden in this?

"If you don't go, you won't have time!" The three-eyed fire crystal sat down in her arms and reminded Bai Weixuan coldly in her ear.

"Can't I still live before the seventh generation?" Bai Weixuan asked in a somewhat insane way.

"You'll know if you see it yourself." The three-eyed fire crystal rolled his eyes and was too lazy to pay attention to it. He closed his eyes and began to recuperate.

Bai Weixuan smiled, and her swollen curiosity swept away her previous unhappiness. She looked at the beautiful lake not far away and struggled a little.

That's the sea of desire to kill countless people. If there is any carelessness, it will be completely finished. But before the seventh generation, it is reasonable that you won't harm yourself, right? This sea of desire doesn't mean that you can't break through at all, right?

But, in case...

"We will be forced out of here in half a quarter of an hour." The sound of the three-eyed fire crystal came slowly.

"Xiao Yi, put out the fire quickly. I'm going to the sea of desire!" Without saying a word, Bai Weixuan greeted Xiaoyi to put out the fire and rushed to the sea. How could she be a little entangled...


The green sea of desire is now hidden in a slightly thick cloud. At a glance, you can't see the end.

In fact, strictly speaking, it is just a large lake with a flat shore and some lake beaches exposed to the surface of the water. The pink sand is like silver, which looks more and more charming in the light.

Bai Weixuan walked to the shore and stopped outside the lake beach. Shenglong Xiaoyi hovered around her, quietly without saying a sound, and seemed to feel the unusual surroundings.

The water of the sea is ice blue, with some depth of sea water. Bai Weixuan couldn't help taking a step forward, and her body and mind suddenly became ethereal and comfortable. The dullness and helplessness accumulated in the heart in the cliff seemed to have been washed away in an instant.

Bai Weixuan raised her head and greedily sucked the fresh and sweet air around her, as if she were in a dream. She also took another step forward uncontrollably.

At this moment, a colorful light flew out from the center of the sea of desire and fell in front of Bai Weixuan. A man in a white robe appeared from the colorful light and grabbed Bai Weixuan's arms as she continued to move forward.

"You can't go to that place." The heavenly sound seemed to come from the distant fairyland, pulling back the intoxicated Bai Weixuan.

Bai Weixuan suddenly came to her senses and broke out in a cold sweat. Unconsciously, she was so easily confused by the sea of desire. As soon as she looked up at the person who pulled her consciousness back, Bai Weixuan took two steps back and suddenly widened her eyes.

"You, you are..." Bai Weixuan felt that her tongue was about to be knotted. The face of the person in front of her was eight points similar to her, but her temperament was 180 miles apart. Most importantly, the person in front of her was clearly a man!!!

What's going on? Didn't the three-eyed fire crystal say that she wanted to see herself for the last time before the seventh generation? Wasn't you a woman before the seventh generation? Last time, I saw it in the space, which was several times more beautiful than this person...

Isn't the one last time yourself? Seventh generation, seventh generation is enough to change gender, right?

"I'm you, not you." The man's voice was very beautiful, but he was masculine. Bai Weixuan trembled all over and almost didn't get over. But what did this handsome man say? What do you mean by "I'm you, not you"? You don't have to fool people like this, right?

"Is it possible that you are half me?" Bai Weixuan's black line appeared at present and said half jockily, "Haha, how can it be?"

"That's fine!" Hearing Bai Weixuan's words, the man in white paused, and then agreed with Bai Weixuan's statement with a surprised face.

No, isn't it?

Bai Weixuan opened her mouth, but did not make a sound.