The only immortal in the world

Chapter 88 Breaking Rules

Bai Weixuan's consciousness drifted for a long time. Sometimes she thought she was dead, but at a certain moment, the huge pain reminded her that she was still alive.

In the hazy world of consciousness, Bai Weixuan returned to her childhood in a trance. She saw herself, or Qing Xiaobi. The young face, green and innocent eyes, but the eyes are full of tears.

"Woo..." Xiaoqing Xiaobi cried. She stood still and dared not move. Her young face was full of panic and panic, as well as indescribable despair.

Suddenly, a figure came over with a smile on his young face. He touched Xiaoqing Xiaobi's head and smiled, "Xiao Bi, don't cry. No matter what happens, there is Dad!" There was a trace of kindness on the young man's face, like a gentle father. He comforted Bai Weixuan, but the expression on his face made Bai Weixuan not look real.

But at this time, a black smoke suddenly fell from the sky. As soon as Xiaoqing Xiaobi looked up with tears, she saw a black smoke wrapping the young man and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Dad! Dad..." Xiaoqing Xiaobi shouted in horror, and her voice was particularly desolate and panicked. She kept shouting around, wondering if it was a little joke he made to herself. He just said that no matter what happens, he is there.

Is he lying to himself? Why did it disappear all of a sudden?

"Wow, Dad, Xiaobi is obedient. Xiaobi is no longer naughty. Where are you? Come back to Xiaobi..." Xiaoqing Xiaobi sat down and shouted, shouting, hoping to shout away her full of fear.

"Why are you crying?" At this time, a pleasant voice crisply came into Xiaoqing Xiaobi's ears. She couldn't help crying, looked up and saw a young but already gorgeous boy. The boy was tilting his head to look at her. The expression on his face was a little old, but it was very young. The two came together, which was a little contradictory, but it made people feel that this was worthy of his glory.

"Why are you crying?" The boy came over and repeated what he had just said, holding a long black sword of his size in his small hand.

"Dad is gone. He doesn't want me anymore." Xiaoqing Xiaobi came to her senses at this time, and the tears in her eyes flowed out like a broken line, and her heart was even more miserable.

"What's your name?" The boy continued, and the tears of the little girl in front of him made him frown slightly.

"Name?" Xiaoqing and Xiaobi, who was crying, were stunned. She seemed to have forgotten her name, so she said, "I don't have a name."

"..." The boy was stunned and seemed to be a little stunned. Then he smiled and said, "In that case, you can stay with me in the future. My name is Qing Hanxuan. Your hair is turquoise. I'll call you Qing Xiaobi!"

"Qing Hanxuan...Qing Xiaobi?" Xiaoqing Xiaobi muttered and temporarily forgot her sadness. She said, "Will I call her Xiaobi in the future?"

"Hmm?" The boy nodded, "You will be my sister in the future, and we will be together forever."

"Hmm!" Xiaoqing and Xiaobi nodded quickly, and the sadness on her face was much less.


"Brother is going to the Fairy Sword School to learn immortality today. Two years later, you will also come here." Qing Hanxuan, already 12 years old, turned around and looked at Qing Xiaobi, who was facing his golden beans, touched her head and comforted her, "Only by learning the fairy method can my brother better protect Xiaobi."

"But, brother, Xiaobi can't bear to part with you." Qing Xiaobi flattened her mouth and reluctantly pulled the sleeve of the former.

"Xiao Bi is obedient. In two years, you can come to the Fairy Sword School to find your brother." Qing Hanxuan still smiled, just like the original appearance. He carried a dark sword, and his whole body was even more jade.

"Okay... Brother must abide by the agreement and don't abandon Xiaobi." Qing Xiaobi said quickly.

"Definite!" Qing Hanxuan nodded seriously.


Two years later, Qing Xiaobi of the Fairy Sword School and Qing Hanxuan became the first person among the fellow monks of the Fairy Sword School.

See you again.

"Brother, brother, I'm coming!" Running into Qing Hanxuan's bamboo house, Qing Xiaobi was uncontrollably excited and happy.

"Ha ha, Xiaobi, how have you been these two years?" Qing Hanxuan smiled and his eyes were full of tenderness.

"Well, it's all right. I just want to think about my brother. Has he learned a lot of fairy magic here?" Qing Xiaobi's face was full of curiosity. She had heard of the deeds of Qing Hanxuan and admired this person who was always gentle to herself more and more.

"Brother also misses you. Well, I have more Xianjue, which can better protect Xiaobi." Qing Hanxuan smiled with relief when he saw Qing Xiaobi's excited expression.

"Hee hee, brother is so good!" Qing Xiaobi laughed and cling to Qing Hanxuan.


Bai Weixuan's consciousness was hazy. She watched all this float across her sea of knowledge like a floating light and shadow. Her eyelashes trembled slightly, and a different sadness and sadness appeared in her heart.

It turned out that they were not real brothers and sisters, but by chance, a heavenly arrangement, they became the closest relatives. He loved her, protected her and felt sorry for her. From beginning to end, he watched silently, did not expose or ask for it. He just wanted to see her happy.

With such doting eyes, Bai Weixuan's memory is still fresh, and her missing for that person in her heart reached its peak in an instant.

Yes, she has a brother and the most precious person in the world. How can she give up? How could she disappear like this before she found him?

At this moment, Bai Weixuan became extremely firm in her heart. She believed in Qing Hanxuan and believed that this almost evil genius brother would not lie to herself, leave her, let alone die. He must still be somewhere and worked hard to find herself. Therefore, she can't give up.

"I want to stick to it, I must stick to it!" Bai Weixuan secretly gritted her teeth in her heart. No matter what kind of pain came from her consciousness, she persisted and tried her best.

Suddenly, a trace of cool water flowed into her consciousness from nowhere. The sudden cool feeling almost instantly made Bai Weixuan come to heaven from hell. That kind of beauty made her soul warm everywhere.

With the entry of the water, the two flames that had fought extremely fiercely in her consciousness stopped in an instant, and then the two penetrated and merged with each other and finally became one.

When the two flames finally merged into a ball in Bai Weixuan's consciousness, Bai Weixuan's soul and consciousness had been completely repaired by the cool water flow, and at this time, the water flow retreated from her body little by little.

Bai Weixuan couldn't help taking a deep breath. The feeling of escaping from death made her slightly lose her mind for a moment. Feeling the power of the flame and the sharp destructive power of thunder in her body, she couldn't help grin.

The emperor lived up to her expectations. She finally survived the disaster.

When she finally had the opportunity to observe her body again, she was stunned to find that unconsciously, when her consciousness was blurred, a fist-sized golden elixir condensed in her Dantian.

"No, no?" Bai Weixuan's open-mouthed boss couldn't believe her eyes, "Does this, have I broken through to the Jindan period?" Bai Weixuan said to herself in astonishment and felt the unique breath of the golden elixir, and her whole body couldn't help trembling.

Nima, it is really rewarding to make efforts. Has the sudden thunder and lightning porch actually broken through to the Jindan period? When did the porch become so worthless?

Bai Weixuan thought to herself and was a little proud, but at this time, her head was unexpectedly beaten by someone, and then she opened her eyes in a daze.

"Have you slept enough?" The indignant voice said a little unevenly.

"Well? What's wrong?" As soon as Bai Weixuan opened her eyes, she saw Guang Shihan's slightly pale face. However, this originally beautiful face was with some resentment at this moment, and that resentment was obviously coming at her.

"Are you very happy?" Guangshi said shabbyly that he also saw the memories Bai Weixuan saw, and naturally felt a little unhappy. And this woman, after escaping from death, looked at her Jindan and giggled. She didn't understand who helped her through the difficulties and didn't even say a word of thanks.

"Cough, how's it going!" Bai Weixuan couldn't help touching her nose.

"Is it okay?" Guang Shihan almost spit it out with a breath of blood, and his face became paler and paler.

"What's wrong with you?" At this time, Bai Weixuan found the strangeness of this person and quickly asked.

"It's not that he was struck by lightning because he saved someone..." Guang Shihan curled his lips and muttered, but the 72 thunders in the seven-killing hall were extremely strong, and even with his evil immortal cultivation, it was difficult to resist it undamaged. The muscles and internal organs around the body were damaged by the thunder.

"You..." Bai Weixuan's face was stunned. Suddenly, she thought of the cool water that poured into her Dantian and immediately understood the reason. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you would be like this..." Bai Weixuan said apologetically.

"Nothing, I volunteered." Guang Shihan shook his head and said weakly that his previous move also consumed most of his energy. Now I'm afraid he can't even beat a child.

"Thank you anyway, but why did you appear here if you didn't go with Yu? Also, how can you be struck by lightning?" Bai Weixuan was puzzled. In addition to doubts, she was more grateful for this person's rescue.

"If he breaks the rules of the Seven Killing Hall and helps you, he will naturally be punished by the Seven Killing Hall." At this time, the silver-haired man suddenly came over and said.

"The rules of the Seven Killing Hall?" Bai Weixuan was confused.

"Everything in the seven kills hall depends on yourself. This is a trial and God's arrangement for you. Life or death are all your fate." He said lightly.

"So, even if I die, you won't take action?" Bai Weixuan frowned and her face was a little gloomy. If it hadn't been for Guang Shihan's hard to save herself by the Seven Killing Hall, I'm afraid that she would still be accepting the boundless suffering and might have lost her soul at some moment.

"Naturally, I won't break the rules. If you die, you don't have enough skills." He shook his head, but said with incomparable certainty.

"Hmm! OK! You can even save death. You are worthy of being a god! I, Bai Weixuan, disdain to conspire with such people. It's okay not to carry out this trial!" Bai Weixuan sneered sarcastically.

"At the beginning of the trial, you can't come out alive or die in the Seven Kills Hall, even if I can't change this rule." Yu said carelessly.

"Then just watch! One day I will break this rule without mercy. Bai Weixuan gritted her teeth. The more she looked at this * man, the more unhappy she became. She had a stubborn face, which made her eager to go up and kick her feet.

"I can't control what you want to do, but, evil immortals, if you continue to be so addicted, you will lose your life one day." He reminded me lightly.

"I understand what I'm doing, and I won't regret it." Guang Shihan smiled, and a trace of persistence appeared on his pale face.

"That's all. You can go out with me. Maybe I don't need your help for the next trial." Yu sighed secretly, and then disappeared into the void with Guang Shihan.