Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 10 Doing Things

I have to go out and hang up, so upload it in advance.

Cui Wei smiled coldly. Seeing Wang eating turtles, she felt a little more comfortable. She endured the pain and poured the cold water into the pond in the corner of the yard. Although her hand was injured, it is the busy farming season now. Yang will not really let her care for the injury. If it all depends on Wang, I'm afraid that today's things will not be finished by tomorrow. Yang didn't make a sound, but seeing that his daughter was still helping to do something, he showed some smiles on his face and shouted to Wang Shi, "Yesterday, the pig was not fed much. You can go to the field later to cut some vines, cut some red buds and cook them, feed the pigs before cooking."

As soon as Wang heard this, her eyes turned red. She threw the clothes in her hand back into the bucket with an ugly expression: "Mom, how can I be busy alone?" Moreover, there are many fat green insects in the vine. As soon as she saw this Wang's whole body, she got goose bumps all over her body. In addition, Cui Wei was cut when she cut the pig vegetables yesterday. At that time, she looked at the wound and was afraid that if she didn't do anything for two years, she would have such a As soon as Wang thought of this, he was even more reluctant to do anything. He hurriedly said, "It's almost noon when he comes back after cutting the vine. Dad and husband are coming back for dinner, not to mention that it's not good to be hungry."

When it comes to the youngest son, Yang is a little hesitant. Cui Wei sneered, so she stood up as a difficulty: "In that case, mother, I will help my sister-in-law make a fire to cook. Anyway, although my hand is injured, although I can't do heavy work, some light things are also capable." Yang was satisfied when she heard her daughter's statement. She rarely smiled at her and nodded: "That's it!"

"How did that happen?" Wang is a little dissatisfied. It's not a good job to go out to make pigs and vegetables. Not to mention how uncomfortable it is to bend down and cut vines in the field, not to mention cutting such a big back, it is difficult to carry it. Moreover, the field is still a long way from home. Wang refused to suffer this hardship, so he quickly

Before Yang's footsteps turned back to the room, he heard Wang's words and couldn't help raising his eyebrows. She didn't want to see Cui Wei anymore, but Cui Wei also climbed out of her belly. Although her daughter-in-law contributed to the Cui family and gave birth to a grandson, she was a girl of someone else's family. Usually, Yang's own beating and scolding her daughter. However, at the sight of Wang's play, she was a little Well, if you kill your hand immediately, I won't say a word. I'll go my own way to cut the vine! Eat more and chew more all day long, and push three obstacles when doing things. The food you cook can't even be imported from pigs, and I don't know how the Wang family taught you at the beginning! If you don't want to cut the vine in the field, you can go to the mountain to cut a pig grass by yourself, and today you will wait on this beast. I won't say anything about you!"

On such a hot day, there are many mosquitoes in the countryside, and it hurts to bite people. Wang is now raised white and fat. How can she be willing to eat this sin? Seeing that Yang's expression was not good, she knew that she had made up her mind in her heart and did not dare to argue again. She scolded Cui Wei in After that look, he was extremely unhappy, as if he had owed her how much copper money. Yang was also annoyed when he saw this mourning star-like face. He snorted coldly, stamped his feet and looked at her like a warning, and entered the house with his grandson in his arms.

Cui Wei ignored Wang's cold eyes. Seeing that she was greeting her there to help dry her clothes, she thought she didn't hear it. After going to the kitchen room, she took a bundle of extremely dry corn stalks and put it in the kitchen. Wang was so angry that she cursed in the back. This corn stalk has just been harvested for a few days. Now the weather is so big that it is extremely dry. It lit it with a flash of fire and threw it into the stove hall and suddenly crackled. Cui Wei endured the pain between her fingers, washed the pot and mixed the water rack on the stove. On the same time, she took a few more red buds and washed them and put them aside. This red lotin is also the sweet potato she has eaten in later generations, but this small bay village calls it red lote, because its skin is red, and it is extremely sweet when cooked. This thing is not only loved by pigs, but also people.

The countryside is very poor, and there is no snack to eat on weekdays. Sometimes Cui Sanlang is greedy and directly takes the raw red loto and washes it and eats it. Cui Wei also tried it once. It's really delicious, but although this thing is planted a lot, it is not enough to feed pigs all year round. Although people also eat it, they eat less after all. When Wang came in, she saw that she picked up the red lotus in one hand and peeled the skin in the bucket of pig slops in the other hand. Thinking of the girl's just bold appearance, she suddenly got angry: "You girl, I don't know how to give me a hand..."

Cui Wei stopped immediately and looked at her coldly with a knife in her hand: "I usually do things, and my sister-in-law has never come to help me once." Her eyes were sharp, which shocked Wang Shi. Unexpectedly, she couldn't speak for a while. When she came to her senses, she knew that she was scared by the girl's eyes. Suddenly, she was a little annoyed and angry: "I usually take Xiaolang. You think I have nothing to do all day long!"

Is there anything to do? The Cui family is watching it! Cui Wei was too lazy to argue with her. She only heard that Wang was still scolding there. Cui Wei ignored her. Wang scolded herself until later, she had no energy. She took a few sips of cold water. Seeing that Cui Wei did not offer to help, she thought of Yang's cold face just now, and her heart suddenly sank and went It's too late for her to go out now. If she comes out later, I'm afraid she will have to eat leftovers for lunch when she comes back. Although I ate a lot in the morning, I was hungry when I went out to wash my clothes and came back. If I had to stay for a while, when the Cui family and his son came back and finished dinner, I'm afraid there would be not much left for her. Thinking of this, Wang's footsteps were a little faster.

Seeing that she went out, Cui Wei pulled the corners of her mouth, cut the red lotus root into fine pieces, and added a handful of firewood to the stove. Seeing that the flame was burning so big, the pot had already opened, she quickly washed the rice and poured it down with the red lotus root. She stirred up and sat in front of the stove again. Now it's hot, and sitting by the stove is stamped on her face. In fact, it's extremely uncomfortable, but now she also feels that only this narrow kitchen room is much more comfortable than the main room of the hall. It seems that she is the only one left around. Cui Wei just mechanically pulled the corn stalk into the stove and plucked it After two strokes, the body's instinctive reaction was terriblely familiar. Although it was only a short time in ancient times, she had already been imprinted in her heart to do such a job, and her movements naturally shocked herself.