Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 28 Fighting

Cui Wei smiled, and Cui Jingping was immediately relieved. The two brothers and sisters went back to the room with a smile. Cui Wei's mood to cook was reduced a little because of today's Yang's affairs, but Cui Jingping seemed to know that she was in a bad mood. As soon as he returned to the room, he threw Cui Youzu to , while coming out to do something with Cui Wei. It's not a matter of Cui Xiaolang crying in the room. What's more, if Cui Youzu cried hard today, Wang will use this as an excuse to stop going out tomorrow. Wang is not a good thing. There is nothing to to toss around at home. Cui Wei thought for a moment, and still went back to the room to change Cui Youzu' He drank some cold boiled water and took a veil to wipe his cat-like face for him. Maybe with such a waiter, the child was much more comfortable. In addition, he cried for a while, and he fell asleep again in a short time.

"It's really like a pig!" Cui Wei reached out and poked his face and felt the unique touch of the tender skin on the child's face. She couldn't help touching it twice. When she turned around, she saw Cui Jingping standing by the door frame and looking at her, she was immediately a little embarrassed: "Third brother~"

Cui Jingping smiled and really felt that his sister looked very cute at the moment. I don't know how many times better than the little Shaxing lying down. He was afraid that he woke up Cui Youzu and said in a low voice, "Sister, I'll take Chai back. What will you eat in the evening?" I don't know if Yang has been well educated since he was a child. Cui Jingping knows nothing about the kitchen. When Cui Wei saw that Xiaolang was asleep anyway, she pulled a soft towel and arched it on his stomach. As she walked out of the door, she said, "I'm looking at the cucumbers in the field. Let's pick two salad The most common in farmers' homes are fresh vegetables. This season is the ripe season for cucumbers and loofahs. As soon as Cui Jingping heard about eating cucumbers, he immediately nodded and turned around to find a dustpan to pick some in the field.

It's still early now, and the sun hasn't set yet. Now it's a busy farm. Cui Shifu and others are afraid that they won't come back until it's dark. The brother and sister have a lot of time. They picked a few cucumbers and some broad beans in the field not far away, which is full of dustpan Some women who were busy in the field went home along the way. Many people greeted Cui Wei. In the chimneys on the roofs of many houses, cooking smoke came out, and there was a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

Although Cui Wei didn't like the environment at this time and the life of the Cui family, she felt that the picture of returning late was very beautiful. In her last life, she lived in a city full of high-rise buildings. She hardly had a chance to see such a picture. At this time, she felt very rare to see it, especially when she calmed After that, it seems that you can find beauty everywhere.

"Sister, the duck is back." Cui Jingping's voice interrupted the few remaining romances in Cui Wei's heart. Suddenly, Cui Wei followed his fingers. Sure enough, she saw that her own ducks came back, and they were still outside. If the ducks were locked in the door and she could run away, Yang could peel her skin when she came back!!!

At the thought of this, Cui Wei didn't care about any romance. She quickly pulled Cui Jingping and ran away, trying to go back and open the door for these ducks to let these ducks in. In Yang's eyes, maybe these ducks are much more expensive than her daughter! After trotting all the way, she opened the door before the duck came back, and quickly mixed rice bran and other things to wait on these little things. Cui Wei was already tired and sweated heavily. The pigs in the pigsty made a lot of noise. Fortunately, she had prepared the vines in the morning, but after cutting the pig's food Without giving birth to the shadow, Cui Jingping volunteered to cut it. How dare Cui Wei let him use the knife? Even if she was cut to death by the knife, she could not cut a little skin of Yang's baby son! Thinking of this, Cui Wei felt a little bored for no reason. She cut the pig food and made a fire again. While quickly, she quickly washed the rice and cooked the rice. As soon as she mixed the cucumber and stir-fried the soy bean, Yang and Wang came back with a load of corn respectively.

Yang is fine. Although her face is tired, Wang has almost lost most of her life. As soon as she comes back, she sits on the stairs in front of the house regardless of decentness and pinched the straw hat fan on her head, but she has been walking for a long time. At this time, her throat seems to be The death of the fan didn't make her much better! Wang was severely treated today. At this time, he was full of anger and didn't know who to send it to. He sat down for a long time and saw that no one came to pay attention to him. Suddenly, a fire rushed straight to the top of his head and screamed:

"Cui Wei! When you see me coming back, you don't know how to bring me a bowl of water. You damn girl doesn't have long hands!" Wang Shi only felt that what happened today was caused by Cui Wei. She immediately hated her in her heart and scolded her wildly. She didn't even care about Yang's eyes when she turned back. If she still asked her to go to the field to help, I don't know what time it will be back. She would rather be beaten by Yang today than go Thinking of this, Wang's back was straightened up, and he scolded uncleanly: "You lazy thing, you only know how to have fun all day long, and you are lazy to be like this. Who dares to want you when you grow up in the future? You can't marry and raise you at home for a lifetime, *%*%."

Cui Wei stood up and leaned against the kitchen and looked at Wang Shi with a sneer: "I'd like to know if my sister-in-law has no long hands. She wants me to be a busy person to help you with water. Which young lady should I be?" This suddenly stabbed the hornet's nest. Wang thought that Cui Dalang changed his face to her because of this dead girl's words. Today, she caused all his own experience! Now that Cui Wei still mentioned this, Wang's new hatred and old hatred suddenly surged up together, and her eyes turned red. She rushed up with a scream and said harshly, "I'm going to kill you, a little prostitute who has no mouth, a cheap and shameless thing. I learned these bad things from others at a young age..."

After Wang finished speaking, he rushed over. She was big and stronger. She slapped Cui Wei in the face with a slap in the face. With a 'pop', Cui Wei was immediately covered. Cui Jingping in the room heard the noise and quickly stood up. Seeing such a scene, Cui Jingping was stunned, and then rushed to Wang Shi: "Don't bully my sister!" The teenager's voice was still a little sharp. He immediately woke up Yang Shi, who was drinking cold water beside him. Seeing that things were going to be big, Wang Shi had already slapped Cui Wei and wanted to do it. He was afraid that Wang Shi would be crazy and his son would be injured. He quickly grabbed Cui Jingping tightly and didn't let him My heart hurts to death!