Pastoral boudoir

Chapter 80 Moving

Naturally, the Yang family was also jealous, but Cui Wei was shrewd and didn't know where she hid the money. First of the time, she couldn't find it. Second, Cui Wei was afraid that Yang would repent. As soon as the house was built, she immediately put the things away. She even took the deed of the house and hi I didn't go there to see it again.

The new house is divided into five rooms inside and outside. In addition to a main room that Cui Wei usually lives in, there is also a living room and guest room, as well as the place where Cui Wei prepares to read and read by herself, and the other one is still empty in the guest room. Although Cui Wei didn't think that any guests would come here, she still had a need for it. Anyway, now the yard is very large, just like a small football field. Each of the houses built by Cui Wei is unusually spacious. The yard is also paved with stones and pasted with simple cement, leaving a small piece on the edge. The vegetable field and some flower planting places were reserved. The house was built a few days ago. After a few days of sunshine and some moisture, Cui Wei moved in quietly.

Now that the house is empty, Cui Wei asked the carpenter in the next village to help customize cabinets, beds, tables and chairs and other things. In this way, she spent a lot of money. Lin's house sent the satin back and hasn't asked Cui Wei to do it for the second time. The rest of the satin sent by the Lin family is She has made another set of quilts with these leftovers. Although there are no beds in the room now, these things can be delivered sooner or later. She has made preparations for the things to be delivered and laid them directly.

She had a yard, and when drying the fungus, Cui Wei was no longer afraid that someone would pick it up as before. She tied the door of the yard, and the fungus was spread out in the yard for a long time and no one could come in to get it. The wall, which cost a lot of money to make, can only see the effect now. Not to mention that Nie Qiuwen and others can't climb in, I'm afraid it's not easy for an adult to climb with a ladder. When building the wall, Cui Wei picked up a lot of sharp pieces of broken bowls and let Cui Shifu and his son wipe the wall. I'm afraid that whoever wants to climb over the wall will not be injured, and it may not work.

The sun was hot outside, and Cui Wei sat on the ground at the door of the house and leaned against the door to do needlework. The floor of the room she lived in was not ordinary mud, but a rough white jade specially found by Li masons and others, which was polished smooth and inlaid. This thing is the most expensive, and it costs A house is more expensive, with more than three or two pieces of silver. If Cui Wei hadn't only paved her own room, I'm afraid that all the rooms would have been made. She really doesn't have enough money now. It's just that although the price is spent a lot, it's worth the money. The ground is smooth and flat, and it's cold and extremely comfortable to step on. It doesn't make people panic when lying on it. Moreover, these white jade pieces are spread on the ground, which is no worse than the floor tiles in the previous life. Cui Wei thinks it

After sewing the quilt, Cui Wei bit off the needle and thread on her head. Looking at the time, the quilt trembled and folded it aside. She was ready to wash it by the way when she went to the stream to wash the clothes tomorrow. There are no trees, flowers and plants in the room now. It looks a little lonely. The sun hits the roof, making the ground cool. The worms outside the house bite through the thin clothes in summer and make people feel uncomfortable. Although they are a little sleepy, the custom-made furniture and other things have not been delivered yet. Cui Wei thought about the other days ago. Zi promised to make clothes for Cui Shifu and others, and simply took out the needle and thread. While thinking about Cui Jingping's figure, he took the scissors and began to plant the cloth.

More than half of the clothes were made, and soon there was a sound of footsteps outside, followed by a knock on the door and a voice talking to someone: "Is there anyone in the room?" It was a strange man who spoke. Cui Wei's place was remote enough. Although it was only two walls away from Cui's house, because it was behind Cui's house, almost no one would come this way. As soon as she heard the knock on the door, Cui Wei quickly picked up the things and stood up. She was a little girl who lived cautious. Now she When he knocked on the door, he did not immediately open the door, but looked out through the door.

But I saw four or five men with open clothes standing outside, and there were a lot of beds, cabinets and other things outside, and there was already a large group of people watching the scene behind. Seeing that there were many people outside, Cui Wei was relieved and quickly opened the door. Seeing several men standing outside to deliver furniture, she quickly smiled and said, "How many uncles have sent me things?" As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a middle-aged man standing behind those men for about 40 years. It was Cui Wei from the next village who asked him to make furniture. The two families also had a little bit of a connection. As soon as Cui Wei saw this man, she was even more relieved. She quickly said hello to him and opened her sideways to let these people in.

"It's really hard for Uncle Cao to send me something on such a hot day. Why don't you go into the house and have a sip of water?" Cao Carpenter and others also left a little hot. Hearing Cui Wei's greeting, he thought that her little girl had no strength. He hesitated for a moment and simply greeted everyone to help Cui Wei carry these furniture into the room. Cui Wei took a look outside and didn't close the door. Behind her, several busy women came over. While standing at the door, she looked at the head and looked in. The leading one was Nie Qiuwen's mother Sun, who was still doing it with a sole board in her hand. It seemed that it was made by Nie Er, and the color of Cui Wei looked Don't start at a glance. Sun leaned over, looked at the room, and immediately smacked his tongue:

"Dai, your house is really big. Looking at that style, it's no worse than Master Pan in the village." The person surnamed Pan is also a relatively large number of people in Xiaowan Village. Master Pan mentioned by the Sun family is a landlord who lives in the village. He has several mu of fields in his hand. Several people in the village are employed by him. Mr. Pan's family is a richer family in Xiaowan Village. At this time, the Sun family will compare Cui Suddenly, many people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Sister Nie, since this girl is so capable, your second child is good friends with the Cui family boy, and she is similar in age to this girl. Why don't you marry Sister-in-law Yang? Isn't this house yours?" As soon as a woman of the Pan family heard this, she was not very happy. She said a sharp voice, which immediately caused the crowd to laugh.

Sun's family was a little angry. Nie Qiuwen was her eyeballs. Although Cui Wei moved out and lived in this house, the house was the Cui family. The girl quarreled with her family and was not a good match. Even if she married this girl, she couldn't get her house. How could such a child be worthy? Go to your own son! Thinking of this, the Sun family immediately sighed at the daughter-in-law of the Pan family and rolled his eyes: "If you want to marry, why don't your family marry? Don't talk about our Erlang. My eldest son is not an ordinary person in the future. It's difficult for the eldest son to be promising. He can't help his It's up to you!" As they spoke, they were about to quarrel.

Cui Wei looked outside coldly and immediately wanted to close the door. Unexpectedly, Cui Jingping slipped over like a loach in the crowd. While waving to Cui Wei, she ran this way. Originally, someone was squeezed by him and opened his mouth to scold him, but it was clear that it was Cui Jingping. Suddenly, many people stopped and spontaneously made way. Cui Jingping followed Yang and Wang's husband and wife. At this time, the sun was shining, and the Cui family rarely rested at home and did not go to the field. At this time, they all came together.

"Sister, I heard that someone brought furniture." Cui Jingping couldn't stand such a hustle and bustle. As soon as he heard about this, he didn't care that the Yang family restrained him to sleep for a while, so that he would not get out and get up quickly. Cui Shifu was also afraid that his daughter would be cheated, so he hurriedly followed him. Yang was unwilling and wanted to see the hustle and bustle. Since Cui Wei herself paid the stone money and refused to help Cui Jingzhong get a Master Lin's handbook, she completely offended Yang. After the house was built, she never came to have a look. Now she naturally followed, not to mention Wang's watching the bustle.

"Third brother, come in quickly." Cui Wei first waved to Cui Jingping, and then said hello to Cui Shifu. Yang stood aside with a cold face, and others were looking at the jokes here. Cui Wei was not going to quarrel with Yang at this time. Seeing her coming, she just nodded at her and called softly, "Mom."

Everyone came into the room, and the Sun family had been talking to the daughter-in-law of the Pan family, the more and more angry it was. At this time, she pinched her waist and was about to quarrel. Cui Wei simply closed the door. Wang looked at the clean and tidy dam and immediately sneed: "Good boy, Come here?" As she spoke, there was envy and greed on her face. Yang Shi's calm face ignored her. In fact, it was also not a feeling in her heart. Cui Shifu didn't have that kind of thought. He looked around and nodded: "It's really wide. Wei Er alone can do it."

Wang didn't hug Cui Youzu this time. It was probably because it was hot and the child was sleeping. She was afraid that she would get the heat. Cui Wei went into the room and ordered someone to settle the furniture. Cui Jingping also followed. Wang came close to Yang's side and whispered, "Mom, in such a big room, the Where can I live? I see that there are many rooms in her. Our family is living in a tight house now. Xiaolang will grow up every day. In the future, when he grows up, will he have to squeeze in the same room with our husband and wife? Why don't we move to the fourth girl's place too!" As soon as she said it, before Yang said anything, Cui Shifu suddenly stared and shouted, "No!"

As soon as his words fell, Yang's face was stiff, and Cui Jinghuai's face was also pale, staring at Wang's speechless. RS